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Everything posted by SeaConquest

  1. I would have the doctor check for PCOS. Typically, they do a GTT and check insulin as well as glucose, testosterone, LH/FSH, DHEAS. If you are insulin resistant, you may want to look into Victoza.
  2. Bumping... Thinking about this for the fall and wondering if anyone has taken the course? At what age?
  3. Watched The Imitation Game last night. What a remarkable story!

    1. HeWillSoar


      I loooooved that movie!


    2. Kathy in Richmond

      Kathy in Richmond

      Best film I've seen in ages!

    3. quark


      We loved it too. Moved us to tears!

  4. I would say that our "ripple effect" is that we chose to school my oldest son (currently in Kindy, but working several grade levels ahead) through a homeschooling charter school, here in CA. It has been the perfect hybrid solution for my accelerated, but very extroverted, learner. He takes fun, enrichment classes on site at the school 3 days per week -- stuff like Spanish, Lego, gardening, robotics, music, art, strategy games, programming, etc., and receives a classically-inspired homeschool day with me 3 times per week. In terms of materials and methods, I have complete freedom (as long as it is secular), so I essentially use TWTM and other recommendations from this board to plan our studies -- all paid for by the school. It has been a total win-win for us, and I could see us staying with the charter for K-8. ETA: As was mentioned by another poster above, we are also reluctant homeschoolers. My son attended preschool from age 2-5, but was often sent to the director's office because he was bored. When it became apparent that my son was craving more, I began afterschooling him when he was in PK4. There is no G&T program in San Diego Unified until 3rd grade, and by the end of that PK4 year, I knew that I could not send my son to public school to bide his time in the regular K-2 classes. He is now so accelerated that there is really no going back for us. But again, the charter school hybrid has given us the best of both worlds.
  5. What a fun read! Adding to my wish list for later. :)
  6. That sounds awful. Kudos to you both for keeping your cool!
  7. I've never heard of this Wednesday night church thing. Granted, I'm a left coast, urban Jew, but still. Is this just in the Bible Belt? I guess it goes without saying that, out here, teams/clubs/etc. don't take anyone's religious commitments into consideration when scheduling. You choose your priorities.
  8. I love Lady Gaga! She's a very talented performance artist.
  9. My husband asked my oldest this question before and he replied that I was a good storyteller. Thank you, read alouds!
  10. I post to FB because I'm too lazy to keep a babybook.
  11. People that have been especially helpful for me: Ruth 8 Kathy Quark Crimson Wife Lori D. I know there are others I'm forgetting. <Apologies>
  12. I'd put him in pre-A and see how he does. You can always supplement with 5B if a need arises. I do get what you're saying though about not teaching them anything. My Ker is finishing up 2B and we only use the IP and CWP. I don't think I've really taught him anything to date -- I have the TB and the HIGs, but tthey've never been necessary. I know that will likely change at some point, but I think that's just how it goes for the ones who intuit math easily. Eta: I missed the part about the post-test. I agree with Gadget that I wouldn't skip AOPS PA.
  13. Am I terrible homeschooler for not having done a single activity from SOTW?
  14. Word. I'm so over it. Real FB message convo from today: Friend: I have to do 30 facials in the next month for MK. When can I schedule you? Me (awkwardly): I'm sorry, but my whole family has the flu (also mentioned on my FB wall). Friend: Why don't I put you down for 2 weeks from today. How is one supposed to respond to this? What part of 'I have the Black Death' was unclear????
  15. Tibbie, Thank you for this review! Did you use R&S for spelling as well? Can anyone compare MCT to R&S? I try use secular materials, but prefer rigor above all.
  16. I get that, but Surf does have some advantages over other clubs in SD. For example, they are the only club accepted into the USSF Development Academy and the Elite Clubs National League. They also play on the nicest fields in SD and have very good placement for college scholarships. None of that may matter to you, or the OP, but they matter to some people. I doubt my son will ever be a nationally competitive athlete, so I care more that he plays on a team with his childhood friends and which doesn't involve a commute up/down the 5 Freeway into heinous north county traffic several times per week. So, the fact that Surf may be a stronger club historically is irrelevant to me at this point. But, the OP's son is older and may care more about the doors that may be opened to him by playing with (arguably) the most elite club in the city. Again, YMMV.
  17. My son is still young, so we do not yet have any experience with Surf, but my understanding is that they have traditionally been the strongest club in SD.
  18. I've gone/go for bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, and ppd. My husband has also been a part of many of these sessions, which have sometimes addressed marital issues when they arise. I would likely not be alive today without my doctors and medication.
  19. Danielle, We are also in San Diego. My oldest plays for Albion, currently at the juniors level, and my husband has been a volunteer coach for juniors for a couple of seasons. We have been happy with the program, and intend to move to the academy team next year. If you have any questions about Albion, feel free to PM me.
  20. Warning: bilingual swearing ahead. Avert your eyes if you are sensitive. After eating a huge dinner: DH (native French speaker): I could go for a donut. Me (teasing): After all that food, Piggypoo? DH (teasing back): Don't call me names. Me: Anything with poo is a term of endearment. Sacha (DS6): Yeah, like puta.
  21. We are finishing up WWE1 and will move to WWE2 in the fall with my (newly) 6-year old Ker. We plan to add MCT Island in the fall (1st), but will likely save CAP W&R and TC until 2nd (so, age 7-8). I'm not sure if our plan is helpful, but I though I would share because my son's reading level, stamina, and age are about the same as yours.
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