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Everything posted by zoobie

  1. Maybe a line of housewares. Kitchen towels, napkins, butter dishes...
  2. Caesar: http://www.food.com/recipe/no-egg-caesar-dressing-rachael-rays-105760 Basic vinaigrette: Equal parts vinegar and oil Salt and pepper Add a touch of Dijon to help emulsify the oil and vinegar. I eyeball everything in a little jar and shake to combine. You can switch up the vinegar and use red wine, white wine, balsamic, or champagne vinegar. Use lemon juice instead or lemon with a touch of vinegar (red wine is my favorite there). Switch up oil from different olive oils, grape seed, avocado, walnut. Throw in fresh garlic. Use lime juice and a neutral tasting oil and add a bit of taco seasoning for a Tex-Mex vinaigrette.
  3. Pink flamingoes have become an inside family joke and tradition. They make the recipient laugh. It doesn't poke fun AT her. She's involved in the fun. Some people really don't get humor or jokes. I worked with a woman who lacked a funny bone, and it was so painful. There's no point trying to explain your joke to the other family. Don't worry about your tradition though. :)
  4. Silvadene cream will help. Anti-inflammatory to relieve pain (Aleve or Advil). Witch hazel works as an anti-inflammatory and can be sprayed on so you don't have to touch the area. Baking soda poultice.
  5. Is the litter box near her? She sounds very stressed. I'd consider containing her in a small room (bathroom) with a litter box, water, and food. I hope she is back to normal soon once the wiener dog goes home!
  6. Sleeved bib: Bumkins Waterproof Sleeved Bib, Gray Chevron, 6-24 Months https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NEHWTM8/ I've given up and just take off their shirt (maybe pants too) if it's something messy. We do non-puréed food, so usually that's for things like cantaloupe or chocolate or stain-y things.
  7. With rape and the likelihood of there being victims of sexual violence reading the thread, I don't think so. I doubt anyone relives the experience and wonders what she did wrong or could've done differently more than the victim. Rape isn't like a stolen purse or skinned knee. I don't think we should dissect someone's rape. Full stop. It makes every victim feel like her (or his) life is under the microscope and being analyzed. That only hurts victims, both ones who have come forward and others who don't because they don't want the same treatment.
  8. Criminals using disguises in furtherance of their crimes is nothing new. If a male rapist is going to hide in a women's bathroom to rape someone, whether or not he'd be subject to an additional criminal charge will hardly be a deterrent. He's hardly going to think, hmmm, I should put this wig on and go to Target instead of Walmart because I will only be committing a violent sexual felony instead of a violent sexual felony and misdemeanor trespass.
  9. Sometimes crimes are crimes of opportunity and locking your doors can prevent them. Sometimes locking the doors means you get broken windows to go with your stolen belongings. Either way, the person has been violated. There isn't any way for you (generic you, not YOU) to know what might have happened. If you're examining someone else's misfortune for places where they went wrong, don't. Someone's actual life should not be used as a postmortem. Taking steps to keep yourself safe or telling your kids how they can protect themselves is different than armchair quarterbacking a victim's actions. If someone really wants your purse, they're going to steal it whether the door's locked or they have to shoot you for it. Sometimes it makes me feel better to think I have a small bit of control anyway.
  10. I would assume drivable/not drivable meant whether the travel time in the car would be tolerable. California would be not drivable for us if we were going specifically to vacation in Caifornia. That would be an epic road trip! Florida beach vacation on the other hand is drivable.
  11. Because my granny did. Something about making it less bitter. I should try two batches and see if it makes an actual taste difference to anyone else, but it is cheap and makes me think of her. :)
  12. Do you think he was doing it intentionally to disrupt the service? I would have gone up and removed him if so. If it's beyond his control for whatever reason, what good is punishing him going to do? Auditory processing, sensory processing, ADHD are all things that can be overwhelming to a child. In calm situations, he can control his behavior, but when multiple layers of stimulation are added, it overwhelms his ability to compensate. Figuring out what causes him to be overwhelmed will help him. Punishing will not. Discipline him instead--teach him coping skills and help him behave appropriately. If you know he's overwhelmed in such situations, get him from class and have him sit by you during that portion. Why set him up for failure?
  13. The parents should be able to access resources through Babies Can't Wait/Early Intervention that would provide someone to teach sign language and assist communication. They might already be involved due to the brain injury? His therapists would be advocating for this too. Seconding the Signing Time recommendation. I believe there are sections on YouTube and possibly netflix or amazon streaming.
  14. Can you stay overnight at a hotel near the hospital just in case? Being two plus hours away from the ER if you need a blood patch on top of worrying about lying down in a car would be miserable. Good luck with everything!
  15. I assumed she was differentiating between the euphemistic type of teA. ;)
  16. I like Luzianne family size bags. I order from Amazon usually because we make it by the gallon. I microwave about 3 cups of cold water in a glass measuring cup for 3.5 mins then add 6 bags and a little bit of baking soda (maybe 1/4 tsp or less). The box calls for 1 bag per quart, but I like it strong. Let it steep while I'm making dinner, then pour it over ice cubes and fill pitcher to 1 gallon line. If you want sweet tea, start with 1/4 cup of sugar to 1/2 gallon of tea unless you want the tooth achingly sweet kind. Then it's 1/2 cup per 1/2 gallon. Mix it in the hot water to dissolve.
  17. $15/hr and let the adults split it however they want
  18. There are articles today on how he lied to her and the judge about his prior experience with drugs, alcohol, and partying. The investigators and prosecutors had the information to disprove his assertions, but it wasn't considered?
  19. Yes, with both a Radian XT and Chicco NextFit in the middle seat. If you can, take the seat with you. That forum I linked often has videos of seats fitting in cars.
  20. Call your OB's office and ask. I'm sure they get that type of question all the time. :)
  21. We have two large, rear-facing car seats in the outboard and middle seats on our Oddy (2012 I think?). The outboard seats shift a few inches to the outside. I can't remember the technical term for it, but I'm sure it's in the manual. Check the forums here for which seats should work in the car you want: http://www.car-seat.org/
  22. You can now do so much online and via text. DH bought the last firm car that way. He emailed what he wanted to a few dealers and finished negotiations via text. It was much less painful than normal!
  23. I wasn't born then, so I agree! I had a Strawberry Shortcake one too. That one had a matching Thermos.
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