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Everything posted by zoobie

  1. Dealing with overflowing raw sewage on a regular basis is not normal IME. I have lived in a variety of housing, and I've never needed to plunge more than rarely.
  2. InstantPot drama? :rofl: like crock pots and cupcakes here? Links to other groups please! :)
  3. The season (5) that just aired on PBS is. I sobbed during the last episode! The show is supposed to return for Season 6 in 2017.
  4. A diverse neighborhood is not the same thing as a school that was originally designed as a haven for people who weren't allowed to attend other colleges. Does the school have a specialty she really wants? Or is she going solely because they give the most scholarship money? And is it a scholarship specifically for attracting diversity?
  5. It's not racist to ask what her experience would be like at the school. Racist would be not wanting her to be there be because there are too many black people. I was the only white student in an 800-900 student elementary school. It was very isolating. Obviously college is very different, but I don't think you are wrong to be concerned about her acceptance and social experience.
  6. Schools have student judiciaries or some kind of disciplinary tribunals with established rules to deal with students accused of crimes. It's not automatic. In this case, I believe the rapist withdrew voluntarily rather than waiting to be expelled. Stanford blocked him from re-enrolling and barred him from campus once he was formally charged with multiple felonies. Barring students who have been formally charged or indicted with dangerous felonies is pretty standard operating procedure.
  7. I used the cute little monkey backpack with my 1st, who loved the independent feeling it gave her. She hated being in a stroller or grocery cart, and once I had her little brother, I needed some way to keep her secure when I carried him. She wasn't a runner and probably would've been fine walking right beside me, so I guess it was more for me (reassuring me of her presence and relative safety while in sleep-deprived, PPD newborn haze) than her. I tried again with my nutty little third child who never ever stands in one place longer than 1/2 a second, but she screamed as though she were being electrocuted by the damn rabbit backpack. She also hated strollers and carts, and thus we seriously stopped going places for a while or had to really really really think hard as to whether it was worth it dealing with chasing her around in public. Haven't tried yet with my youngest.
  8. I hate damp sponges too! We use a fresh napkin/cloth (the 79c dishtowels from IKEA) and a crunchy wood cleaner. ;)
  9. I would pay grandparents for regular, ongoing childcare. I don't pay or offer to pay (nor would they have accepted--it would have been taken as an insult) when they have watched the kids while I was in the hospital after having a baby or my DH had surgery. We left the house fully stocked with food and entertainment, and they used our vehicle for any driving with the kids. I believe we left cash clipped to the pizza menu on the fridge, but that wasn't used. If they invite the kids over to spend time with them, they pay for any outings and meals. I really don't want to perform regular childcare for future, hypothetical grandchildren. I will happily provide free, enthusiastic respite care (dates, getaways, emergencies) if I am able.
  10. I think people are talking about automatically kicking rapes to the non-campus police department and prosecutors instead of handling things "in house" with student judiciaries. The student judiciary should ALSO act, but it should not be an investigation in lieu of an actual criminal investigation. The big report that came out a couple/few years ago talked about how this was one way colleges swept sexual assaults under the rug so to speak.
  11. People are telling the woman (23 years old isn't a girl IMO) she shouldn't get drunk. ------> If she weren't drunk, she wouldn't have been raped. The woman was NOT "having sex." She was unconscious and being raped. What about the women who have *one* drink that gets roofied? Women shouldn't drink at all? Even non-alcoholic drinks? Then it's oh they shouldn't have been at the bar or with that type of person.
  12. We have paper towels put away with cleaning supplies, so the hand towels are the only appearing option. I don't think I would say anything about the detergent, but I would offer to throw in anything of hers in our washing. With 4 kids, I'm pretty much always doing laundry. I can't fathom a guest not asking before doing laundry! If you live somewhere with strict water rationing, then yes, I would definitely say because of XYZ, let's work out laundry together. Seriously shuddering at the thought of a house guest for 2 weeks!!!
  13. Bananas and most yogurts are high in carbs. :) Have you tried magnesium? And are you drinking enough water?
  14. Yes, narcissists can be violent and physically abusive. They can be sadistic and cross into being psychopathic. If she really thinks the person kills animals, I would stay far, FAR away.
  15. Lands End last season were much lower in quality than years past. DH's, DS's, and one DD's from last year are trashed. In contrast, DH has one from 6-7 years ago that still looks still great, and in the past, I always handed down outgrown kids' suits. I skipped them this year and need to find some more too.
  16. Core-tec vinyl planks that look like wood would be great in a busy living space.
  17. It's a scene from Philadelphia Story between Katherine Hepburn and Jimmy Stewart. ETA: and old news. Phone didn't update entire page. Sorry!
  18. No, and although I'm sure there are people who do that "innocently," you know it's manipulative on the part of this person. My mother does this. "I don't know; why?" Is my standard answer. The script above is excellent. Be politely blunt. It's okay to say no. I wouldn't apologize either. You've done nothing wrong for which you need to apologize when you say that won't work for you. You can do this! :)
  19. Never mind. Waste of typing.
  20. Yes, it's the lead story on most US news sites. The political figure's commentary and vitriol has increased the past few days. It's...unusual.
  21. I would make healthy "milkshakes" in lieu of Pediasure. You can throw in an avocado and/or coconut oil. A frozen banana, peanut/almond butter, and cocoa powder make soft serve ice cream in a blender. You could easily throw in a quarter of an avocado with no taste change, and the cocoa powder hides the color. Freeze the avocados in quarters when they're ripe. If the ped asks whether you're giving Pediasure, you can say she prefers avocado smoothies. Don't say "no"; answer with an intelligent, informed "other" if that makes sense. :) I agree re: keeping a log. ETA: the benefit of a Pediasure is that it's quantifiable fat and calories. If you calculate your versions to be equal or superior, you're doing great. Myfitnesspal is a free app that will do that calculation for you.
  22. Fingers crossed everything goes smoothly!
  23. I've seen it in meal plans on LCF. I've also seen people mix in some heavy cream. It will depend on how sensitive you are to lactose sugars.
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