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Everything posted by zoobie

  1. Anger is normal. It's part of anxiety and dementia. DH is going to have to get used to it. You can't always be the bad guy, and you're not the bad guy. You're going to be doing the majority of his care. I'd have the nurse check for a UTI. They're less common in men, but they can do a number on elderly people. Major personality changes. If he's been holding it instead of going, plus less than hygienic circumstances...
  2. If she has suicidal thoughts, it's not a far leap with a mom with severe PPD/psychosis to harm the kids too. I wouldn't be as worried about her taking off as in moving to a new state and setting up shop. That's fairly easy to track these days.
  3. He needs a good family law attorney. Yesterday.
  4. Most businesses contract it out. The cleaners are independent contractors with the cleaning agency and get paid usually half or less than half the hourly rate paid to the agency. Creates a disposable work force for the dirty jobs.
  5. Keen are as supportive as sneakers IME.
  6. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/lick-your-cat-licki_us_574d21abe4b055bb1172936f
  7. You'd have to grow your own food and cotton and weave and sew your own clothes on machines you made yourself to avoid exploitative labor practices.
  8. Which is to keep people here from being basically domestic slaves. It still happens though.
  9. Don't fall prey to the stereotyping mindset that all men should know how to fix things. Should all women magically know how to sew and cook simply by virtue of having two X chromosomes? It's ridiculous. Not everyone is good at it, and not everyone enjoys it. We hire out what we can't do ourselves or is too much to ask my dad for help with. (My dad actually enjoys having little fix-it projects. He fixed the kids' bikes this weekend.) DH makes more as an attorney in the time he would waste trying to fix something here. Except involved plumbing it seems, but we are not ever going to try to tackle welding and replacing a sewer line or something like that! Some things are better, more easily, and more quickly done by the people who do them day in and day out. More than likely he has a job that would take someone more than a youtube video and a weekend afternoon to master, right?
  10. Does your insurance have a nurse call line?
  11. Yes! If there are red streaks, go to ER.
  12. If he hasn't left his house in 30 years, he has crippling agoraphobia. It's not a semi-rational hesitancy and worry about the unknown. You need to consult with doctors (physical and psychiatric), but you can't leave him there.
  13. Leaving him there with the house in that condition and no way to toilet is elder abuse. He can either come home with you or go into a care facility there that is clean and safe. It's tough, but that's what you have to do.
  14. Don't take communion at a Catholic church. Just stay in your pew.
  15. We like the Hawaiian style. I've made one similar to this: http://www.ibelieveicanfry.com/2012/07/hawaiian-macaroni-salad.html?m=1 (links to a Cook's Country recipe if you have a subscription, but I'm guessing the blog one is close!)
  16. I would be concerned about sudden soreness. Your kids didn't suddenly get heavy or need more lifting. You've been doing that all along. Have you had a thorough checkup lately? :grouphug:
  17. I did albeit an elimination diet for the baby. I would keep in sweet potatoes and not go ultra low. It didn't hurt my supply at all.
  18. I use this one, more or less. I mix it with an immersion blender in a wide mouth mason jar in which it will be stored. I usually use a bit of Dijon instead of the mustard powder. http://whole30.com/2014/05/mayo/ Ranch--there's a mix recipe on Gimme Some Oven's blog that we like.
  19. Did she switch shampoos or conditioners? I get that with Pantene. It clears up quickly when I switch away from it. There's a Neutrogena body wash for acne, but regular face stuff will work too.
  20. That's really crappy. :grouphug:
  21. She has completed rehab and been clean over a year. She's been looking for a job that would enable her to provide secure home for herself and 1 child (currently in grandmother's custody). She would like to obtain education or training for above minimum-wage employment as well, but she can't afford to on $8/hr current job. Any ideas for scholarships, foundations, services that would help? She's Catholic but hesitates to contact her parish because she worries about doesn't gossip, etc. embarrassing her mom/family. She relies on public transportation and only has internet access through phone or library. Any ideas, oh wise Hive? She's a good person who's made bad choices but loves her little boy. Thank you!
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