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Susan in IL

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Everything posted by Susan in IL

  1. I do this too and found it the best way for me. I will be having a huge garage sale this spring to get rid of a lot of stuff.
  2. Pulled ds out of ps at the end of 6th and he is now a sophomore in college. 1. His ACT scores blew away all his elem. school friends who were thought to be "smarter" than him (and the parents finally figured out that I did the right thing for him). 2. Taking a kid who still counted on his fingers in 6th (and getting A's) and didn't know his math facts to the point where he got a 4 on the AP Calculus test. 3. His continured comments (again yesterday) thanking me for going the TWTM route. He is the only one in his required two semester Cultural History classes that know or have read the whole books (his class only reads excerpts. Yesterday it was a comment on Machiavelli. 4. A great kid who is well grounded, knows himself well, everyone likes, and has a great relationship with all our family. Hope this helps.
  3. From what I understand on the FAFSA it is only 1 parent, not both. Ds's girlfriend used her dad's financial info because he was not remarried (but has a live in) and his income was way lower than her mom and stepdad.
  4. What about pulling her out now and then putting her back in 9th. The high school should offer more opportunities for advancing. At my ds's school, they have a few GT freshmen taking honor Alg. 2 (normally only 10, 11, 12). Just a different thought to throw out.
  5. For shells, Sanibel and Captiva. We were there a couple weeks ago taking a break from the cold.
  6. I don't know if it really does it or not. I used it in 7th-8th after pulling ds out of ps. He had not done any grammar so it was his first introduction. I was in a hurry to find something and didn't research any further. I did supplement with diagramming books since I thought it was important. He thought so to since the diagramming helped him understand better. Does she like it because it is fill in the blank? That wasn't very helpful, huh?
  7. We did a family vacation there in 2002. Many places that have already been mentioned. Custer State Park, Mammoth Site, Wind Cave, Deadwood, Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Badlands, Wall Drug. The kids were 14 and 9 at the time. They loved it and still talk about it. Have fun.
  8. Mine is currently in 9th grade. I guide his pleasure reading, mostly in the history and literature areas. When his is looking for something to read in the evenings when he has no or completed homework, or on trips or on the weekends, I give him a couple choices. He is interested in these areas and loves to learn more about them so he willingly does it. I don't assign a specific amount to be read. I have been doing this for years. The teach them when they aren't looking method. Not sure if this answers your question. :)
  9. Your dd needs to work this out herself with the roommate and the RA. If the RA is not helpful, have her go to the residential life office (or whatever it is called) for help. Someone else said that maybe there is another pair that are not matched well that she could switch with.
  10. My SIL has a steam cleaner come once a year and steam her white grout that is in her living room.
  11. We started Megawords (and hsing) in 7th grade and went through all 8 books by the end of 8th. I did not do some of the exercises, I can't remember which since it was 7-8 years ago. My ds was a good reader but he is definitely not auditory. It really helped him learn phonics, syllables, prefixes, and suffixes. I looked thorough the lesson and broke it down to no more than 4 days, depending on how many sections there were. For example, he knew what compound words were so I think I only spent a day on that one. Hope this helps.
  12. Does your son know anyone else who is going to that school? If he does and he gets along with him, they could probably request being roommates. The college that my ds attends had a form online with some basic questions. Then they listed all the incoming freshmen (250) and it could match up people. He could then contact them and they could decide if they were a match. He ended up with someone he met at orientation at the beginning of summer. They are still roommates this year and will be next year too. Is there an orientation before they pick roommates? In his dorm, the only way to use the elevator or the stairwell is to have an ID. They are locked otherwise - all the time. The front desk is also very vigilant about visitors. You have to leave a picture ID, even the parents have to leave one. There was a boy who went to ds's school last year. He was asked to not come back for academic reasons. This past summer, he was charged with murder because he gave a girl prescription drugs and she ODed. I would check the crime rate for the school. It should be readily available. At ds's school, there has not been one incident in 5 years of anything. That incident was credit card theft. That said, random acts will still be random, you can't prevent what you can't control.
  13. They have several sewing levels and the books are good. I used them to teach my boys. Best of all, they are free!!
  14. When I was in the ER the NP told me that he knew lots of docs that use super glue at home to seal cuts. That has acetone in it and is very close the the liquid bandage. It probably is just super glue repackaged and costs a lot more. LOL!!
  15. Get some liquid bandgage stuff at the drug store. Be careful on which one you buy, don't get the one with actetone in it. Read the labels, I think the band-aid brand is ok. The stuff really works!!!! When I cut myself and went to the ER, that is what they used instead of stitches.
  16. I think that if you ask this question over on the high school board, you might get some answers. I know that the topic has come up on the old boards. Can you still search them?
  17. Breakfast wraps. Fry up some sausage or bacon add some scrambled eggs, onion, peppers, cheese, etc. Roll them up an stick them in the oven for a few minutes to warm them and melt the cheese.
  18. I used Megawords (all books) for my then 12 yo ds. It teaches phonics and syllabication (and I probably didn't spell that right - LOL!!). Worked wonders for him.
  19. Ds used American Pageant 4 years ago for APUSH. It was also my high school history text in 1971 (mine was the 3rd edition, his was the 12th).
  20. Same here. Ds didn't want to deal with the mass-emailings.
  21. My ds attends a school that only allows a TI-30II for all math and science, including pre-calc, Calc., Chem I & II, Organic Chem I&II, and Calc. based Physics. He hasn't had BioChem, or Stats yet so he doesn't know about those. He left his TI-83 at home.
  22. I didn't let my ds use a calculator until 1/2 through Alg. II (Foerster). He had to learn it the long way to know WHY he was pushing the buttons. I did show him how to use log and trig tables. He took pre-calc and AP calc at the local high school and when it came to tests where they were not allowed to use the calculators (prep for AP test), he never had any problems and could whiz through them while the other kids suffered. Ds 2 was given a TI-83 in 8th for alg. 1 in ps. I wouldn't let him use it since he got more wrong than right using the thing. He didn't know WHY he as pushing buttons or even how to check to see if the answer was right. They didn't have calculators when I was in school. And even when they came out, all they did was add, subtract, multiply and divide. We had slide rules and tables in the back of the books (we used Dolciani). Foerster's Alg & Trig book has log and trig tables in the back. One more thing -- The college that my ds attends only allows a TI-30 II scientific calculator for Pre-Calc, Calc, Gen. Chem I&I, Biology, Organic Chem I&II, and Calc based Physics. He hasn't taken BioChem or Biostats yet so he doesn't know what those will use. He left his TI-83 at home 2 years ago and hasn't picked it up since. Sorry, early calculator use is a pet peeve of mine.
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