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Susan in IL

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Everything posted by Susan in IL

  1. Our local high school will not let anyone other than 11th graders take the test. Even their own students.
  2. Definitely not advanced IMHO. Around here, Physical Science is not even offered at the high school, it is an 8th grade class. About half of the 8th graders take alg. 1. Both of mine did alg. 1 and phyiscal science in 8th. For 9th it was (is)geometry and Honors Biology. The oldest then took Honors Chem, Physics, AP Chem and AP Bio at the local high school. He also did Alg. II at home, then Pre-Calc and AP Calc at the high school. He is now in college at a more selective school in a medical field. You might suggest to her that she should check out some of those prestigeous school web sites and look at the rigor and requirements. Some even say 4 credits of math including alg. 1, geo., alg. II and one other higher math. At the rate she is going, she wouldn't graduate early. She might also look to see how they view rigor, meaning AP or CC classes. Then she should work backwards to see where her dd really is, and it might show she is not as advanced as she thinks she is. Good luck!!
  3. of driving. While we went the driving school route and until the week before class, he had never been behind the wheel. A friend told me to have him practice in the cemetery. No traffic, winding roads to learn the feel of steering, not many if any obstructions, etc. We did that a few times before he started class. While he was still terrified, he at least had some knowledge of how to drive. He said it did help him. Another thing we did was take him to a parking lot that had not been plowed and had him slam on the brakes to show him what the anti-lock brakes felt like. We also tried see if he could get into a skid and know how that felt and what to do. Good luck!!
  4. I started experiencing those things when I was 47. Pretty normal stuff from what my older friends told me. It lasted about 4 years then stopped. I haven't had a period in 2 years and I am 53. Post menopausal. Done. Glad. Still have power surges though.
  5. We did HO in 9th and 10th along with lit. selections that I thought he would like from TWTM. My ds hated Gilgamesh. He had to read it again in college and still hated it. In fact, his 2 semester class is almost exactly what he did in 9th and 10th. Just a different text and but is only reading excerpts vs. the whole books I had him do. He has thanked me no end and said that many of the others have never even heard of some of the books. Along with HO, we added the Greenleaf Famous Men series, and some other stuff to go into depth. I used Kingfisher a little but he didn't really care for it that much. He had had no world history in ps which is why I split it into two years. It also gave him more time to read more lit. I also used a couple of Smarr guides. I used some of the HO chapter review questions for writing and more research. Hope this helps a bit.
  6. I homeschooled one through high school but the other has always been in ps. Different needs decided the route we took. A friend who hsed through 8th then put her child in for 9th is now considering pulling him out. This is a very social child who really wanted to go to ps. He is somewhat unhappy by all the sitting and rigamarole that goes along with it. Part of him wants to stay, part wants to come home. She is very undecided. I told her that if she pulls him out, she should plan on committing to finish, that it would not be a good idea to bounce in and out, even if the school will allow it. One thing that I have always kept in mind, I can always pull them out. You could take that attitude, put her in and try it for a year. If it doesn't work, or things are not as they seem for her, you can pull her out. I do agree with JFS, honors/pre-AP/AP classes really help too. Most of the riff-raff aren't taking those so usually the teachers and the other students are more academically inclined. Mine is in honors classes because I want him there and had to get approval since some of his grades were not quite as high as they wanted them to be. He is really glad since the classes that do not have honors levels has "troublemakers" and they really disrupt the class. It is a tough decision, go for what you gut tells you after having frank discussions with your dd and visiting the school, talking to the counselor, principal, etc.
  7. I am waiting for a call back from FA. They told us when we met with them the first time, we didn't have to supply our tax returns anymore.
  8. We have a not frost free in the garage that we only defrost every couple years. The reason I would get a no frost is that you get freezer burn faster with the frost free. The heat/cool cycles are what do it. If I know that something won't be used within a couple weeks, it goes to the one in the garage. JMHO.
  9. If a student wants a student loan, must the parents do the FAFSA? Our EFC too high to get anything based on need so I really don't want to do it again if I don't have to. But, we are having ds take out student loans so he has a vested interest in doing well. We had to do FAFSA the last 2 years because he had a scholarship. That only was for the first 2 years. Thanks!!!
  10. Sounds like a good cross section of profs. Hope he gets lots of $$$$.
  11. I have a brother and see his family a couple times a year since they are only 3 hours away. I have Christmas eve at my house and some cousins come that live close. I would say we are close to my family. We go to a lot of events for cousins. Dh's family, now that is another story. His sister lives about 3 miles away, we see her about 4 times a year (Christmas Eve is one), talk to her every couple months. We really don't have much in common with them. We do go to their son's events and important events. Dh also has 2 brothers, one is a 12 hour drive, has 4 kids, one of which we have never seen, dh talks to him once or twice per year. The other brother is a 16 hour drive and has a 7 yo dd that we have never seen either. Neither of them invite family to events. We invited them to ds's graduation but heard nothing. Those 2 brothers don't get along well with each other. Dh is more like a father figure to them too. So, I guess you can say that we are not very close to dh's family. I think when my mil passes on will be the next time we see them, and probably not all of the family members. Dh is kind of the one to "represent" his side. The last time was a funeral of a cousin (age 45). It pleased his aunt and uncle no end that he flew there for that.
  12. Not that I can remember. I have been having them for about 6-7 years now and still have them even though I am post menopausal.
  13. It will vary depending on which state you live in. Even if the state has a law, sometimes it is up to the local district. The state sports organization also has a say. You need to check out - in order -- 1. The laws (if any) in your state. 2. The state high school association by-laws. 3. The local school district policy on part-time attendance. 4. The local school district policy on sports eligibilty. All that information can usually be found online. Once you know those and there are no roadblocks, then I would approach the school starting with the principal. I would request nicely in writing what your proposal is. Hope this helps.
  14. One of the comments that my ds used was that none of the ivy's offer his major when people were "bragging" about getting into one of them. Those schools can have all the "connections" in the world but it still wasn't going to give my ds what he wanted. Bravo to your son to know what he wants. Your son is the one going to college, not your parents. And who is to say that he won't have even better opportunities. My ds (sophomore) is now working on a project for a faculty member that will most likely be published with only his name on it.
  15. I sort of used it. I just took bits and pieces of it to add to whatever we were doing. Mostly the coloring of maps to locate countries/capitals/water and then one or two of the trailblazing activities. I didn't do the flashcards. My younger one was always into geography and in school. In his school Geo. Bee, in 6th he was 7th, 7th was 2nd, and 3rd in 8th. He used the website to practice. Someone else posted somewhere more about how they used it too. Hope this helps a little.
  16. Trail Guide to World Geography by Geography Matters You also might want to check out the National Geographic Geography Bee site.
  17. Throught 8th grade, he would not study for anything. Whatever he learned in class or through doing the homework was all the effort he would put into school. He would accept a B or a C if it was a class he didn't like. Part of it is that he knew that grades don't count till high school. Now he is in high school. I have forced him to study and it has been an adjustment. He has lost his computer except on breaks. Not even available to him on the weekend. Sometimes, no TV either. He accepts it and his grades are much better but not what he is capable of. He is taking one honors class and next year will take two honors classes, both in subjects he does not like. He wants the challenge. He is slowly "getting it" on how to study. Up until high school, they were spoon fed and hand held. In our district, about 25% of kids fail at least one class freshman year because the teachers expect them to study and they don't have a clue. Our district has online gradebook access for parents so I can see exactly what homework, quizzes, tests, are low, missing, etc. to be able to address poor performance quickly. I use it as a tool and so do many other parents. Not sure if this helps.
  18. I like their hand cream. Ds loves it too. Pricey but a little goes a long way. I buy the pack of small tubes and keep one in my purse, one in my travel bag, and one in my car.
  19. I learned a bunch about Financial Aid things a few years ago. The Parents area was informative and like someone else said, about opportunites or ideas about passions. Some of the college visit reviews are interesting.
  20. Ds did both in 1 year. The Biology was mostly a review, not totally new material like the Adv Bio. We treated as an AP class but he did not take the AP exam since his major at the school he was going to attend would not take any science credits from AP or CC. He was asked by someone local how those 2 compared with his college Bio class and he said that they were good but there was more chemistry in college. He thought AP after those 2 would be iffy. Maybe a prep book could help out and fill the gaps.
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