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Susan in IL

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Everything posted by Susan in IL

  1. I would have at least 2 nunchuks. Then as you can afford it, add more wiimotes. Then you can have 4 playing things like bowling without having to pass the wiimotes around. Rent games at Blockbuster to find ones that you like. At $50 a pop to buy vs. $8 for a rental, it is worth it. I do my daily workout with DDR and WiiSports boxing. Ds loves Guitar Hero III. Have FUN!!!
  2. We have one and this is the time of year when it is needed. Cold and dry.
  3. I get my aerobic workout doing DDR and some days, my legs are a wii wobbly. I did get a wii sore side from playing tennis. If I play super swing golf too much, the stretching kind of gives me wiiback aches. :D
  4. Our local cc doesn't require the ACT or SAT. They do have their own placement tests but if the score is high enough on some sections of the ACT, you can skip that placement test in that subject and go right into whatever class that score indicates. You might ask the cc about it.
  5. Now that I think of it, I was a little girl in the 50's because I am over 50!!! See what age and menopause does to the brain? We got a Pong game when they first came out and I was married at the time.
  6. You might want to consider some kind of planner (Day Timer, Franklin Covey, etc.) for your dd. Show her how to use it to list and prioritize daily tasks and then check them off when completed. Also for her to mark off time each day for each class. A couple books you might check out of the library -- 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens What Smart Students Know. (this one ties in a bit to the planner). Hope this helps a little.
  7. I was a little girl in the 60's so only the above apply. Some of those other things were after my time (boy, that is weird to say). Actually, some of the above were when I was an adult. Am I old or what?
  8. I go to the cp and I see nothing, no reputation, no points. For fun, I clicked on the scale on a post I made and it said I have 10 points. I can't find that anywhere else. My green box says I am on a distinguished road. What in the heck does that mean?
  9. What board did you usually visit before? Don't worry about rating someone or changing your title. Just visit the board that you used to go to before. I usually was only on the high school board but now with this format, it is easier to visit others. I have been bouncing around but will eventually settle down on the high school and afterschooling boards since that is where I am at in life.
  10. I second this if you can afford it. My nephew has made great strides with this treatment. Even though he is now in the school system (age 3), db and sil are paying for it out of pocket, it is that good. The advice they got was instead of saving money for his college education, spend that money now since it will make a bigger difference in the long run. Hope this helps.
  11. I did 3 roll your own AP classes at home. The biggest problem most homeschoolers face with AP classes is finding a school that will let you take them, they have to be taken at a high school. Go to the college board web site, APCentral and register as a teacher. You can find out tons of information there.
  12. Do you know anyone in a toastmasters group? They have programs for their members to teach students. You might be able to find out more info by googling toastmasters.
  13. Ds had 4 APs. None of the schools that my ds looked at required SAT II tests from homeschoolers or anyone else so he didn't bother with them. These were all more selective schools (avg. ACT 28). It really depends on the school.
  14. I homeschooled my oldest from 7th-12th. The younger one has never wanted to be homeschooled and didn't care if I spent all day with the older one. He happily waved goodbye when he got on the school bus. There was one year where he did consider it and came very close to saying he wanted to stay home. The teacher was the problem, one of those who dislikes boys and find finds fault in everything they do (even if they get 100%). He does know it is an option if school ever becomes a problem. He is very social and I think it would be a disservice to him to force him to stay home. But, the homeschooler in me afterschools.
  15. I still nap in the pm. My oldest (almost 20 years old) often falls asleep if reading or studying in the afternoon. The youngest, never does.
  16. Do you have a humidifier on your furnace or just in one room? We have one on the furnace and I can always tell when it is time to turn it on, I start itching. I am not sure that smaller ones can handle the whole house.
  17. I am still Susan in IL and have been around for years. I graduated ds in 2006 and am now a retired homeschooler. I do afterschool the younger one.
  18. Ds (14, 9th grade) is doing Spielvogel's Human Odyssey (used for ds1 when homeshooling) for history along with Atlas of the World. He has been reading the Famous Men series from Greenleaf too. I have to make up a list of fiction for him to read while in the car or before bed. I might start with Plutarch (sp?). This summer, I am going to start him on Alg. II/Trig. so he can review Alg. since he is taking Geometry in school.
  19. My ds (14) listens when he is working out, when he is playing games on his computer, and sometimes in the car (longer trips). Other than those times, he doesn't use it.
  20. At the top, under quick links, mark forums read. That will mark ALL forums read. If you are on the main page of a particular forum, under forum tools (or something like that), it will say mark forum read. That will only mark that particular forum read.
  21. I have been trying to post since last night and every time, the server is busy. Anyway, I homeschooled one who is now in college. The younger I have been afterschooling (now in 9th) for years. I usually am only on the high school board.
  22. If you read it and used the back button on your browser, it will stay bold. If you click on the link at the top to go back to the forum, it will be lighter, meaning you read it. If you mark all posts read (one of the forum tools), then they all are light until someone posts on a post, which will then let you know that you haven't read the most recent post. Clear as mud??????
  23. I only homeschooled 1 but he is in college now. But am afterschooling another, so I answered 1.
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