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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. Hahaha.... After watching my friend spend a good 10 minutes or more trying to get her 18m and 3 year old buckled into their car seats today, after regaling me with stories of sweeping wet aquarium rocks out of the carpet, finding dried little turds in their bedroom, and an explosion of sticky kettle corn...I'm definitely NOT missing it. ;) I'll keep my teen girl drama today.
  2. I'd say move to where you want to LIVE if you can. My dh has a job that he can work at from anywhere in the world. I love the freedom of that. (we've moved several times for various reasons, but he's held on to the same job) If he is secure in his job (as much as you can be these days), then I wouldn't plan my housing choices around the what ifs.
  3. . We moved here just a couple of months ago, so things are a little unorganized.
  4. Meh. It's okay. We moved from 2900 sq ft into 1300 sq ft, so it is a tad cramped. My office doubles (well triples) as an entryway and laundry room. Our dining room also does double duty as a homeschool library. Oldest dd sleeps in the attic :lol: (actually it IS finished, just not well air-conditioned and the stairway up to it is kinda creepy) But, we are probably only here for a year.
  5. Welcome to the boards :) First, I wouldn't worry. Some of the most precocious toddlers end up being perfectly average kids/adults. (I have one ;)) Your child may be gifted, but it is far too early to tell. If she shows interest in learning about something, go for it...but in more of a play form. Pushing a curriculum early is just setting yourself and your child up for burn out. My dd talked early, walked early and read the entire Harry Potter series at 7. She's now 15, and while she is intelligent, I wouldn't put her in the gifted category. Second, most homeschooling moms probably feel inadequate to the task of educatiing their kids. But most do a pretty good job anyway. Research it, read about it, talk to other parents about it. You have a good 5 years before you have to decide.
  6. Mine went to bed around 10PM. She's ALWAYS "tired" and wants more sleep in the mornings, no matter what the bed time. She's been that way since puberty hit. I think it's the nature of the beast :lol: This year, as she is inching closer to 16, I don't monitor her bedtime as much. She often talks to a friend that lives on the other side of the country, and with the time difference it is usually later when they talk. She knows that she has to drag out of bed by 9AM at the latest. All the kids have to go to their rooms by 9:30-10PM though. They usually read or something for a while. It's our way of maintaining routines like teeth brushing and face washing before bed. Oh, and as long as they are quiet, I'm not at all bothered by them being up later than dh and I.
  7. We don't. Well, we have a will that we haven't had notorized yet. Our life is pretty straight forward though, and there is only one place our kids would go after we die anyway (dh's parents). We could care less what they do with our bodies/funerals.
  8. Definitely bra. If it were socially acceptable I'd ditch it altogether. My In-Laws laugh...they are prone to stopping in fairly early on Thursdays and Fridays, and I can't tell you how many times I've heard "Where's Apryl?" And my dh answering "She went to put on a bra." :glare::lol:
  9. I would just watch for infection. However, do keep an eye on it as it grows back out. Take a nail file and run it along the edge of the nail regularly so that it doesn't become ingrown. One of my dds ripped her nail exactly like that, and it became ingrown and abcessed. She had to have surgery to have the whole side of the toe nail removed. The doctor had us do the thing with the nail file as it regrew (again).
  10. Well, don't sit next to us. My grandmother kept Chicklets in her purse to keep me quiet at church. I keep gum and Altoids in my purse mostly for church. Why? Just always have. We don't chew like cows. :glare: I can't fathom why anyone would even care :confused:
  11. :grouphug: You aren't alone. The house we are renting (from a family friend) has an unused land line still connected. It is the same phone number his GRANDFATHER had. It is the only phone number this house has ever had. No one is using it, yet it was still being paid for (by the family, not us) the last time we talked to the owner about it. We don't have a land line phone because of all the cell phones we have.
  12. I'm not against them. I have seen some beautiful artwork in tattoo form. In fact, at one time I seriously considered getting one. My dh has one. That said, now that I'm a little older I just don't want something that permanent on my body. I have changed so much in 10 years. So if I were to advise someone on whether or not to get one, I would probably try to talk them out of it. Not because I think they are trashy or ugly, but because of the permanence of it. My dh regrets the one he has.
  13. That is horrifying on so many levels! And spiders don't scare me!
  14. So sorry :grouphug: My girls were one level away from MOMO. The had just the inner membrane separating them, but shared the outer sack and placenta. They were watched SO closely throughout my pregnancy. My oldest dd was a twin also, but I lost the twin very early...we would have never even known if I hadn't had an early ultrasound. She knows about it and has said she wished her twin had lived :(
  15. Obviously I don't get this one, but I get asked if my girls are triplets all. the. time. There is a 3.5 year age difference! I can see it more so these days since the younger two are almost as tall as the oldest...but when they were two and 6...uh not so much! :lol: What is the funniest is when I take my girls and my nieces out together. One of my nieces really DOES look like she could be a triplet to my twins. Add in my older dd who looks a lot like them too...we get stares.
  16. In the movie he says that he was tested for aspergers but it was inconclusive.
  17. The twins have always shared a room. Probably always will unless we happen to move into a much larger house. For a year (at ages 10 and 13) all three of the girls shared one room. Worked out fine. My dh and his brother shared a room growing up.
  18. When it needs it...lol. Sometimes not until it REALLY needs it. When the kids were little and on the floor a lot, I did it pretty much daily. But they are older, less messy, and less prone to playing on the floor so it really just gets done when it is needed.
  19. I think I might know. Is it a sci-fi reference? I'm 36, born and raised in the southern US. ETA: after going back and reading the responses, I was right! lol. I was thinking Body Snatchers.
  20. There is a whole lot of nothing between Little Rock and Memphis. Little Rock has a zoo.
  21. Welcome to the madness ;) I have a few blog posts about starting out as well: http://wearefollowinghimhome.blogspot.com/search/label/Homeschooling%20Advice Good luck, and have fun :D
  22. I iron about once a week. Dh wears suits to church, and our church clothes often need an iron as well.
  23. Our dinner last night was one of those...I had a package of chicken thighs. Four tiny thighs for 5 people. :confused: Throw it in a pot with some water, a bit of diced onions and peppers (the cheap, diced frozen kind) and a couple of diced carrots. I simmered it all until the chicken would come off the bone, and threw in a half box of broken up fettucine noodles. Then I split some left over sub rolls and toasted them. It was delish. I've found that I can stretch about any leftover into a meal by turning it into soup. Leftover mexican? Add chicken broth, a can of tomatoes and some extra seasonings and serve with tortilla chips. (And if you have stale chips, drop them into the soup and it becomes tortilla soup!)
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