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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. The sound of creasing paper (it sounds like paper cuts!!!!) People putting their hands on my neck. I can only barely tolerate dh doing it.
  2. I was 16 and dh was 18. And no, I wasn't pregnant..;) We will celebrate 20 years in October.
  3. Since I think of real love as a choice, not something you fall into, then yes I think I could.
  4. Imagery. I think extremely visually, and if I cannot picture something in my mind I it takes much longer to process it. I DO have a hard time with math for this very reason. I absolutely cannot do math in my head. I just don't have the imagery for it, unfortunately. Anyway, reading is more of an experience than just comprehending the words. I absorb it. My oldest dd is the same way. I wonder if that is why we both read so fast? I think it would slow me down to have to actually process the words as words.
  5. This! My girls were in the 6th and 3rd grades when we pulled them out. It was October, so about 6 weeks into the year? I was tired of the drama, daily stomach aches, tears, and witnessing things they shouldn't have to see. Their grades were great. (although I discovered that they didn't mean much considering my honor roll student couldn't do grade level math!)
  6. I've had both. While living in Fort Worth, I got a membership to both the first year. The second year I kept the Costco and dropped Sam's. Now back in TN, they will opening a Costco this fall, but for right now there is only Sam's. I won't get a membership to Sam's. For us it is as much about quaility as savings. Costco foods are SO much better. They also have more organic/natural products. The quality of meat is better too.
  7. Cold cheese of almost any kind. The taste/texture combo makes me sick. I love melted cheese though. :confused: (I will eat REAL mozzarella cold, and a very small amount of grated parmesean or feta on a salad, but those don't have the same taste/texture issues)
  8. I have the Teacher's Manual. I sometimes wish there were examples of HOW the answers were figured. (there aren't any in the TM) I haven't seen the Solutions Manual in person, I have just gone by what was on the web. If the Solutions Manual has more than just the answers (for example: the problems shown worked out), I would go with that.
  9. You only need one. The teacher's manual isn't essential IMO, but it does have a few little extras in it. It does contain all the answers not found in the textbook though, so definitely don't get both.
  10. :grouphug: First, I'm sorry about the miscarriage. I would tell her. She would be needlessly worring about something even worse going on. If she's old enough to figure out something is wrong...
  11. And 12 year olds. And 15 year olds. Can we just certify all females between the ages of 11 and 18?
  12. :iagree: A funny side note. I had been wearing mostly capris lately, so I had been shaving only to my knee. The other day I bought a new pair of shorts, and threw them on when I got home. My dh suddenly decided to take us out for ice cream. As we are sitting on the benches at the ice cream place, I look down and see man thighs. :001_huh: Apparently quite a forest had appeared since the last time I shaved above the knee :lol:
  13. My dd12 made a Perry cake today. (After Lolly from here and her girls came and made a really cute cake today too!) Anyway, I thought it turned out very cute!
  14. I have three daughters, and have been to many, many doctors. Never, not once, has a doctor even requested a look at their private parts once they were past the age of 3! I cannot imagine subjecting my 11 year old girls to that. They would be beyond mortified. They don't even let ME in the room when they are changing.
  15. My first question is how does she react when the puppy does this? Does she turn in to a fun squeaky toy (squealing, jumping, etc..) or does she firmly tell the puppy no?
  16. I don't even own any make-up. I threw it all out before our last move because I hadn't worn it in a couple of years. My move towards make-up free came from photos. I looked better in no make-up photos than I did in ones with make-up!
  17. My identical twins are 12 :) They have been schooled on the same level since we began, which makes things a little easier. We are in the hormonal teen phase right now....which is even more interesting when you throw in the twin dynamic.
  18. :glare: Yep, I've gotten that one before. It was when I had to have my dds music teacher sign off on her withdrawl. He was irate because I was pulling his best student out of school, and I was doing a disservice to the rest of the children who looked up to her :glare::glare:. Yes, he actually wanted me to sacrifice my child for the greater good.
  19. We planted nearly 60 plants ourselves :lol: Anyway, We ended up driving large wooden stakes into the ends of each row (these are 6ft long stakes, about 2 feet into the ground) and tying baling twine between the stakes in two rows. Then we drove bamboo stakes (much cheaper than cages) by each plant and tied the stakes to the twine. We will shore things up as needed.
  20. :grouphug: That is so hard....Prayers for your family!
  21. The celebration of our friend John's life was last night. He wanted a worship service and presentation of the gospel instead of a traditional funeral. The choir of our church sang beautifully. His family was fortunate enough to be able to video some of John's favorite memories and stories before he passed away, and shared it at the service. It was beautiful and uplifting...but heartbreaking at the end when his wife spoke. That has been the hardest for me, personally. We know that John was ready to go. But knowing his wife has a John shaped hole in her heart now is just...hard. I've lost parents, and this is the second young friend we have buried. But it is the first time I've experienced a friend our age losing a spouse. After nearly losing Tom this past year..it is just hitting harder than I expected. I can just imagine all too well what she is feeling right now. Prayers for her and their children would be greatly appreciated.
  22. We love it, but I grew up with Dr. Who, and we totally get British humor here. Plus, we are kind of geeky.
  23. A double thanks! After seeing this thread a couple of weeks ago, my twin dds have been taking zinc. This morning, one of them (the one with the worst trouble) came to show me her beautiful skin :D It is working SO well, and we've tried all sorts of things.
  24. Our group in TX was awesome, and I miss everyone so much. It was a very diverse group of people, who had the good sense not to get offended by every little thing. We could talk about religion AND politics without issue. The kids ranged in age from 4 to 18, and they all treated each other well. Other than a few minor tiffs amongst the kids (and I mean VERY minor) there weren't any arguments. We didn't have a set of rules to follow. We planned stuff to do, but it was very relaxed. If you wanted to do something you planned it, and it wasn't a big deal if everyone showed up or not. (and for things that needed a commitment, people didn't flake on you) Everyone was pretty open about sharing their home with the group as well. The kids hung out together at each other's homes a lot. I'm so sad, because I know I'll never find another group like it where I am now. There we fit in because we were a little different. Here we never will, for the same reason.
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