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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. ugh..right now, nothing! But we just finished dinner. We had roasted chicken, with roasted veggies (brussel sprouts, carrots, mushrooms, onions and lots of garlic) and green beans cooked with a little ham. Then we had homemade chocolate angel food cake with strawberries and cream. :D
  2. Well, our estimate was over 21,000lbs. I don't know what the actual was, but we went over the estimate. My dh has a pastor's library, in addition to our homeschool library and my dd15's book collection. Plus a garage REALLY full of tools.
  3. I tend to pick through the Sonlight lists for the cores that match the era in history we are currently studying. We've ran across some great reads that way.
  4. I would think you could start her in 1st, with no problems. But you can email them. They are very helpful. We've moved around a bunch, and have a period with no records at all (HS in TX where no reporting is required) and they haven't given me a bit of trouble about it.
  5. Sorry...still getting my coffee in...I didn't see that last part. I would say there are a lot of hoops to jump through to get a legal umbrella set up, and probably a fair amount of cost. We choose to umbrella through HomeLife, and get the social aspect through local co-ops and groups that aren't affiliated with it.
  6. Have you looked into HomeLife? It sounds like what you are wanting to do. You do not have to be local.
  7. I actually have the 10 week sample of WWS. I had dismissed it because at my first glance I landed on lessons about figurative language and metaphors. I've looked more closely at the table of contents, and it looks like it could work. Even better hearing that other kids with her issues do well with it. Thank you!
  8. I feel younger mentally. It doesn't seem possible that I'm the mother of these young women. I mean...it wasn't that long ago that I was a teenager, right? Physically, I feel older some days. My bones ache in the mornings in ways that never did 15 years ago. And when my dds point out all my gray hair, I feel like I look older!
  9. Scone: A sweet biscuit, usually with dried fruit in it. Fried dough: Usually a fritter. Or a doughnut.
  10. Apparently fried chicken and banana pudding. Of course it may just be regional, but nearly every Baptist preacher I know loves them both, and I've heard both talked about from the pulpit!
  11. A ganglion cyst removal on my wrist (that is pressing on the nerve that controls my thumb) and having something done about what I think is a hiatal hernia. My dh has had to have 3 major surgeries this past year, and we are still getting bills in from various doctors and such. Add to that having two kids in braces...The non emergency stuff is getting put off. I have to say that I'm grateful for the insurance we do have. If it weren't for that, we would have gone under this year.
  12. I have a dd that, if I ever had her tested, would be in the Asperger's spectrum. (Her father too, for that matter) It isn't severe, but it does rear its ugly head often, especially during school work. Anyway, we just nailed down why the melt downs occur over writing assignments. The process of choosing WHAT to write about is just too much for her. She has pretty much zero imagination when it comes to writing. Creative writing is not her forte. She does ok when given specifics. Like, write a report about the sleeping habits of a cat. She will do it willingly and well. But if I said, pick an animal to write about, the choices are overwhelming. She also hates writing about her favorite (fill in the blank here). There are many things she doesn't HAVE a favorite of. In her mind you either like something or you don't..:tongue_smilie: Her latest meltdown was over this assignment from our history: Create an object lesson to explain something from the Bible. She knows the Bible inside and out...but picking something that has nothing, in her mind, to do with the story or wasn't IN the story made absolutely no sense to her. So....after all of that, what I am looking for is a writing program that lays it out for her. We could care less if it has creative writing in it. Essays and reports are fine. Being specific about what to write ABOUT is the priority. Does one exist at a middle school level? Or am I just going to have adapt something? We aren't interested in IEW. It is too expensive, and she doesn't do well with DVD courses. Something simple would be great.
  13. Around $125 I think, including alterations. I bought it used from a rental place. It needed to be taken in A LOT. Our entire wedding came in under $1000, and my parents paid for most of it.
  14. :iagree: I thought I was the only one that got hormone amnesia. It never occurs to me that I hate my life around the same day/days each month :lol: (And I actually have a pretty decent life all things considered!)
  15. The older I get, the weepier I become. I think it is mostly hormonal..lol. I cry over everything any more.
  16. I voted frequently, but it is really just more than rarely. During the first fifteen years we were together I only saw him cry twice. He was a very stoic person and didn't show much emotion either way. However, the past five years have been very rough and there have been many changes and challenges for us. He isn't the same man. I have seen him cry a lot in these past years, but I've seen him laugh a lot more too ;). I think coming to terms with his emotions has been healing for him.
  17. Well, with my oldest it was at the ripe old age of 7. But it wasn't intentional. School let out early that day and I didn't realize it. The bus dropped her off, and she sat in our covered porch for an hour and a half alone. She was around 10 when she began being left alone or with her two younger sisters for 15-20 minutes at a time. My younger two are about to turn 12, and have just started staying home alone. When we lived in Fort Worth, it wasn't going to happen until they were older, but now we live in a much safer area. All three of them stayed over night by themselves this past year (14, 11 and 11) It was an emergency situation that couldn't be helped, but they did great.
  18. http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/7576911-apryl This is mine :001_smile:
  19. I found long shorts for all my tall girls at Old Navy this year.
  20. What great photos! There are some gorgeous kids (and moms) on this board! Here are my kiddos. And one of dh and I.
  21. Wheat bread will always be more dense than white or a mix. Also, the butter may have added more moisture. You can follow the exact same recipe on different days and get different results due to humidity, freshness of yeast, and temperature.
  22. Visitors are always welcome here. In fact we often let people know they are welcome to stop in any time. We will probably try to feed you too. My house is usually a bit of a mess, but we live here ;)
  23. I know! They are great. I have to be careful though....things show up. Often...lol.
  24. I have sweet in-laws. (Yes, I know how lucky I am) I mentioned off-handedly a few months ago that I would eventually like to get a kiln. This morning they show up, and my FIL said "I have something in the van you might like". He opens it up, and there sits a kiln. They LOVE to go to yard sales, and are awesome at running across deals. They found a kiln for $20!!! It's over $500 new..lol. Now he is looking for a pottery wheel. :D So.....now I have to actually learn how to use this thing. :lol: They brought me a huge set of cast iron cookware last week...also a yard sale score.
  25. I am a high school graduate with a smattering of college courses. I dropped out of college when my mother passed away and I found out I was pregnant with my first child all within a couple of weeks. I worked at a credit union for years, starting out as a co-op student in high school and working my way up to payroll specialist. I have worked as: A file clerk Bank Teller Payroll Specialist Secretary Title clerk Data processor Web Designer Online Store manager Portrait Artist Art Teacher and I owned my own photography business. Now I am working on starting up a farm, with an eye towards teaching art classes again in my future.
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