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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. Oops...should have hit 5th, not 6th. Which seems weird to me because my twins (born in May 2000) are essentially 7th graders both maturity-wise and academically. They are even in with the 7th graders at church. I cannot imagine them in the 5th grade with just a few months difference in their birthdate.
  2. Thank you for the prayers. We are still in the limbo of waiting....:glare:
  3. I think my responses are similar. However, my speech IRL isn't as well put together as my writing. I have a strong tendency to revert back to hillbilly when I'm talking, especially if I'm nervous or excited. (It's embarrassing really) I always try to be considerate of others in both cases.
  4. Our girls are welcome to stay here as long as they need to, but there are obligations with that. They will be working (or actively searching for a job), and going to school (if they choose to go to college) They will be contributing to the household, and saving for the future. Once they are adults, they will be expected to act like it. :001_smile: My dh and I realize that starting out for the first time will look very different for this generation than it did for ours, and it won't be an easy thing to do.
  5. Happens here too. We joke that one of my dds has a black hole under her bed. When that happens here once too often, we have a clean the house from top to bottom day. Shoe found? Great....keep cleaning. :lol: In fact, this evening that is likely to happen here due to a lost Wii nunchuck.
  6. We have a HS group that meets nearly every Friday for something fun. Usually a park day if the weather permits, but also at each other's houses, etc. Most of the girls friends are in that group. We've been lucky...
  7. We've never been able to watch on more than one device at once here....it eats up too much bandwidth and crashes. :glare: (even though we have the highest available) There are times we can't even get online while watching Netflix. So, this won't really change anything for us.
  8. My dh did that AND found time to date me ;) He lived, AND did well at school. (He was a very tired fella for awhile though)
  9. Eh, could be I guess, but my life has never been LESS stressful than it is right now, I've had a pretty stressful life..lol I guess what bothers me is the pattern I see, and the progression of it. I'm young...I'm afraid I'll be a basketcase before menopause sets in. Perhaps I should get a test done.
  10. No cookouts. We went to see Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Not as good as we'd hoped, but not horrible either.
  11. For example....yesterday ended with a hum-dinger of a migraine that, after medication, calmed down to mere vertigo. Then I get up today with a low grade throb, but very fuzzy head. Make it through most of the day (by holing up at my desk) but then we go see a movie. On the way to the movie, my teeth start throbbing, and I'm getting a little grumpy. My dh, who had to take a pain pill during the movie asked me to drive home. My teeth throbbing self gets a little miffed...for no reason. Then, while making my way through a round about (which stress me out on a good day) I nearly take out a car in my blind spot and miss my exit. I got MAD because dh told me there was a car there. :001_huh: I get home and stare in the freezer for 10 minutes trying to calm down, and decide what to make for dinner. Completely frozen by the choices I have to make, I grab some leftover chicken with no clue what to fix with it. Dh comes in and asks me if I need any help and I snap at him that NO, I just need a brain! then I promptly break into tears. He (thankfully) helped me pull together dinner (while force feeding me chocolate chips and excedrin :chillpill:) Poor man. So now I sit, everyone is avoiding me, and I'm trying to not fall out of my chair from the dizzy.
  12. Or... How can I get this hormonal mess under control? I've had bloodwork done, and have been assured it's normal :glare: However, for 2-3 days each month I turn into a crazy person, and it's getting worse with age. I get migraines that make me feel like a drugged up stroke victim. Symptoms include speech trouble, dizzyness, nausea, and extremely fuzzy thinking. Then there are the mood swings, the complete inability to make a decision without breaking into tears, and a general woe is me attitude that I seem to have no control over :( What can I do, naturally if possible, to get this mess under control? Or should I just find a deep, dark cave with a supply of chocolate every month?
  13. I love that sink! I do love my stainless steel though. So easy to scrub. What I hate (and my current sink has it now) are the sinks with the band around the top that food gets stuck in. yuk. I think they've quit making those, thank goodness. I've eyeballed that same faucet a few times. But the one thing that holds me back is all that coil. I don't know about your kids, but mine tend to get food and other grossness on the faucet all the time. I can't imagine trying to keep that coil clean.
  14. Make soup or chili...crumble it in. yum! (of course, we've never had stale cornbread here...never lasts long enough..lol)
  15. Yes, to my girls' dismay. ("But Moo-om, it's LABOR day!" )
  16. This is one of the few things that those blue jean looking leggings looks decent with....if you go the boot route.
  17. My girls wear leggings with boots with their skirts and dresses. It's much warmer than pantyhose or tights. They also wear sweaters or shrugs on their arms. Those two things allow them to wear short sleeve or sleeveless dresses year round.
  18. :grouphug: My oldest has a similar wish...only she wishes for a twin like her sisters have. (Nevermind that one of the twins would gladly trade places with her :lol:) I think part of it is seeing that special relationship. The other is knowing that she DID have a twin in utero that didn't make it past the first trimester. Anyway, there is NOTHING to be done about it other than sympathize. I'm 35 and STILL wish I had a sister. But I made it ;)
  19. I delivered my twins vaginally at 34 weeks with no major complications. Thankfully my OB was unable to come in (a leetle too much wine at the time I went into labor :lol:) and the hospital was VERY premie/twin shy so they sent me to another hospital. The attending Dr. there was awesome, knew what she was doing, and wasn't the least bit afraid of twins. I did deliver in the OR just in case, but all was fine. They were both head down at the time, which was a plus, but they said as long as A was head down, they would do vaginal delivery. Especially since they were not my first babies. Their birth was MUCH easier to recover from than my first (induced, forceps delivery) So, my advice is to try your best to find a doc that is comfortable with twin delivery, and a hospital that is too.
  20. One of my favorite pastimes....bookcase browsing. NOT bOOkcase browsing though :001_huh: Here are some of my faves: http://www.curbly.com/diy-maven/posts/10999-yea-or-nay-spool-bookcase-coffee-table http://pinterest.com/pin/49664787/ http://pinterest.com/pin/110617776/ http://pinterest.com/pin/27127896/
  21. I think she would be utterly dismayed..lol. I'm not an archaeologist OR an architect. I NEVER shared a house with my two BFF's, in fact I don't even talk to one of them. I never lived in a big city apartment. Never even got a degree. Instead I *gasp* got MARRIED, had kids, became a SAHM that homeschools (the homeschooling part wouldn't have freaked me out so much). And what's worse, I'm married to a man that wants to be a pastor!!! :001_huh: :lol: Yeah, I'd be horrified. I'm glad that 14 year old really had no say over the way my life went. :tongue_smilie: My dd is 14 right now. It makes me wonder how much her life will differ than the one she envisions.
  22. I think it completely depends on the child. Many kids just aren't ready for Algebra until their brains begin to emerge from the hormone soup of puberty. I know my oldest dd wasn't, and we've had to take 2 years to do Algebra I. She's doing MUCH better after a year of maturity. I'm going to take a bit slower track with my twins than they probably COULD do (they could be ready at age 12), just because I want their brains to be ready for Algebra, even IF they can do the arithmetic behind it just fine.
  23. My kids go every 6 months. If we didn't have dental, it would be once a year. For myself...it's once in a blue moon :lol: But I have pretty good teeth and take good care of them.
  24. This is the book "got" me. I was struggling mightly, and just happened to pick it up. God used it to break through a lot of issues I had with Christianity. I highly recommend it.
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