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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. They just got out of surgery and the doc said everything went well. Thanks for all the prayers!
  2. My dd uses it, and I don't think it's heavily Christian. I haven't gone through very DVD or every page of the books, but what I've seen hasn't had anything that stood out.
  3. Lol....my kids have name and lesson number issues. You would think that after seven years of public school, my oldest would have it down by now:glare:
  4. My oldest dd hates them too. She hates all those games where you have to sit on a balloon to pop it, or throw darts at them...any of them.
  5. Another southern family...Nekkid implies naughtiness, naked is just the state of being without clothes. Nekkid is best said while having a leering look on your face :)
  6. We don't have a set schedule really. We school 4 days a week, taking off whenever we need or want to. So school is the default, breaks are added in. I do usually take off the month of December. It just gets too busy that time of year.
  7. They eat cockroaches?! Where I can I get some? :lol: (This is from the girl who only has one bug that horrifies her, and had to move to a state that is literally crawling with them!)
  8. I've been overweight (by the books anyway) my entire adult life. There are certain points on the overweight side that I have been perfectly happy with how I looked and felt. Right now isn't really one of them. I'm ok with the looks part, but it IS beggining to affect how I feel. (tired, unable to do what I would like physically) So, I'm going to try to get HEALTHIER, not thinner :) What I did hate...when the doc had my record pulled up on the computer and flashing RED letters were screaming OBESE. :glare: Yeah. That's helpful.
  9. For me its a combination of quality and price. Regularly we get: Cheese butter milk sour cream most of our meat/poultry/fish quinoa maple syrup (a steal compared to the grocery store) almond butter (also a steal) peanut butter bread (the brand we buy is much cheaper there) oats cream cheese lunch meat hummus frozen fruit canned fruit and veggies some cleaning supplies and whatever samples I fell in love with that trip...lol.
  10. This was my life saver. I had three children under the age of 4 at one point. We always had strict bed and nap times, sleepy or not. My oldest quit needing a nap at the age of 2, but she still had to have "quiet time" in her room with the door shut every day. She was allowed to play quietly or read, but I got an hour or so of uninterrupted time. Also, have a heart to heart with your dh. He may not realize how draining it is to have someone touching/needing/talking/whining/crying at you ALL day can be. Even if it is for just a little while each night, you need some down time. Just be sure to re-engage with dh after your time is up :001_smile: (that is where I had trouble sometimes.)
  11. I have three girls, and have had various doctors over the years. No doctor has ever checked genitals past diaper age unless there was an issue. I know they would be horrified at their current age if they had to do that.
  12. I'm doing good, instead of I'm doing well. Ain't. (it IS a word! ;)) Ah...there are too many to list. I hack the English language to pieces when I speak. :001_huh:
  13. She may know. I know my grammar stinks when speaking. When I have time to think about/plan what I am going to say I can correct it. However, if I am enaged in casual conversation, or am excited about something, my education goes out the window and I revert right back to my country upbringing. (or upbranging...lol) I would be highly irritated and embarrassed if someone corrected me. In fact, my children try to and it pushes my buttons.
  14. We finally have a surgery date! It's this Friday. Please keep him in your prayers. 1. That the surgery is uneventful and successful. 2. That the insurance company doesn't cause any more issues. Thank you!
  15. Meh...I have the opposite. Mr. Stoic who won't go to the doc if he is missing a limb and bleeding out. :glare: (Eh, just tie it off, it'll heal) He just gets grumpy and wants to be left alone. I should be thankful I guess..lol.
  16. I see your point, but it was actually BEFORE flu season hit, and there have been many, many times that I have sat at the docs office during flu season with sick people all around and have not gotten the flu. Also, out of the 35 years of my life, being exposed to the flu virus just as much as the next person, the one time I get the virus is the one time I receive an injection that is related to the virus? Pretty strong correlation in my eyes. Reading through 10 pages of people that have said the same thing only confirms it for me :001_smile: Of course after saying all that, we will all get the flu this year. :glare:
  17. I know you aren't supposed to be able to get it from the vaccine, but the one time in my life I've had the flu: Yep, it was the one time I got the vaccine. Sorry, but it only vaccinates against a tiny portion of the flu strains out there, so I really don't see the point. I'll focus more on keeping our immune system healthy instead.
  18. Yep. I'm the only oddball in the family with green eyes...lol. I do know what you mean though. I think. Are you talking about parents spending too much time on the computer or texting and not enough eye to eye/one on one time with their kids?
  19. Our kids will pay their own way. We've told them that from the beginning. What schooling dh and I got, we paid for. Dh's parents did help take out a student loan when he was in school, but as soon as he had employment AFTER school, he assumed the loan and paid it off. (he knew they couldn't really afford it) He owns his education and worked hard for it. We feel that is a good thing. Our kids will be welcome to live at home while in school, in fact it's encouraged. We will do what we can to help, but the bulk of the expense will be on their shoulders. They will also be encouraged to take out as little debt as humanly possible.
  20. I voted "What's that?" lol. My hair gets cut when I get a whim. It has been cut once in the past 2.5 years. That time was during a move and all that hair was making me crazy...so I took a pair of scissors to it while I was at the old house grabbing stuff to take to the new house. :lol: If I have a curl bugging me or if part of it looks split, I'll trim it up a bit.
  21. I have very spotty memories of my childhood. Probably half of those are things I heard second-hand. I even have spotty memories of parts of my adulthood. (The two years after my twins were born being the worst!) My dh, on the other hand, has excellent childhood memories, and they go back to before he could talk. Crazy. He definitely had a pretty good/normal childhood. I did not. I wonder if that has anything to do with it?
  22. I did a run of them (probably 2-3 months) and it really did help. It was what the doc put me on because I refused Accutane. I had horrible acne on my face, to the point that my cheeks were just a mass of red scars and ance. I'm not cured by any means, but I no longer have the embarrassing amounts of it. This was about 15 years ago, btw. I'm not sure that I would do it again though. I'm a little more wary of antibiotic use, and I think I would try improving my diet first.
  23. WAY different than my parents. Can't say my parents did a lot of parenting..IYKWIM Only a little different than my dh's parents. Obviously we think they got a few things right. :D
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