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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. Not a chance. My girls are tall...that thing would cover about as much as a band-aid on them.
  2. This thread has been interesting to read. In response to why "mainstream" Christians do not consider LDS a form of Christianity...I think the core difference lies in this: Aside from the original sin doctrine already mentioned, "mainstream" Christians believe that Jesus is part of the Trinity. He is God, the Son part of the Trinity. He is also the only Begotten Son, not the Eldest. This would be where SOFs clash with the LDS religion so strongly.
  3. Oh I'm jealous! It came a very brief shower while we were at a car lot last week, and I was the idiot standing out in it...loving every drop that fell!
  4. Love all the positive comments! My dh has been dealing with chronic back and neck pain for 4 years that has gotten markedly worse in the past few months. He has gone through medical treatment that is akin to torture, and should be deemed cruel and unusual. In spite of dealing with what would make me an unbearable grouch and unfit to be around, he hasn't taken one bit of it out on us. He is still working every day, going to school, and still being a dad. He also won't let me mow the yard for him because he "can't stand to watch my wife do my work for me" The icing on the cake lately: I was digging a new garden bed in the back yard..he saw how it was going slow, and I was struggling with digging through the grass..so he came out and did it for me...despite my requests for him not to. Oh, and he sat all day at a car dealership last week on a bad pain day to get me a new van. Anyway, he has dealt with all of this with more grace than I ever could!
  5. No, I hate them. I don't even like to weed/garden in gloves and only don them when I have to yank something with thorns..lol.
  6. I think it really depends on where in middle TN you are. There are some serious "black holes" in TN that don't get good coverage with any provider. Prepare for the possibility of having to buy a booster if you happen to live in a hole..lol. FWIW, Verizon has done as well as anything else for us when we were there.
  7. carrots with hummus or peanut butter fresh fruit grilled chicken (grilled before hand, sliced or cubed and kept in the fridge for quick grabs) corn chips and salsa rice and beans (make them ahead and just store in the fridge to warm up) left overs
  8. I too refuse to color. I'm not engaging in that never ending battle to keep the skunk stripe from forming along my root line. My hair is going grey oh so quickly...and I'm only 35. But I just don't care. I call them my natural highlights. :D And I think of my next door neighbor who is a gorgeous white-hair. Or my friend who just finished chemo and has a beautiful head of silver hair growing back in.
  9. I have identical twins that are the same way. It baffles me.
  10. I had not noticed it much until we moved here to TX. Now I catch myself doing it a lot. My dd is guilty of using "I know, right?" too much.
  11. We live that reality :) My dh works from home, and has since my youngest were in kindergarten. He has always worked at home since we started homeschooling. The key is to have an office WITH A DOOR, and for him to use it. When dh is in his office, he's "at work", and we don't bother him unless we need to. We do have the occasional Dad interruption when he wanders through the house, gets the kids/dog/food going, but it isn't bad. The plus side is that my kids know their dad as well as they know me. We are all much closer as a family, I think. I love having him work at home. (although it was a bit of an adjustment at first)
  12. I have a good friend who fought psoriasis for years. She was diagnosed as celiac, and has seen improvement since going gluten free.
  13. I think there is a difference between believing in God/a god and choosing to have faith in God. I don't remember ever NOT believing that there was a god or higher power. My entire life I have known that to be true. There DID come a point in my life, however, that I had to make a choice to have faith in what I believe to be the one, True God. I definitely had the choice at that moment to accept or reject Him.
  14. You really should go. If it makes you more likely to go, think about your children and how much they need you to be healthy. Heart issues are nothing to mess with, and are often treatable.
  15. Full first name. I tried unsuccessfully to get everyone to call me Dawn (my middle name) when I was about 12. It didn't take. And the only nickname you can get out of Apryl is Ape, which thankfullly few people ever tried to call me that. (My dad called me Grape Ape..lol)
  16. We used to have a great family doc that we all saw for most everything. I went to an OB/Gyn that I had known for years for my girl stuff though. (Our family doc just seemed too much like a friend, a guy friend my age no less, for me to feel comfortable with him in my nether regions :lol:) He was a unique find, and we were very sorry to lose him when we moved. Now we have moved to another state, the girls are older, and we all have different needs from our doctors. The girls now go to a female pediatrician, which I feel is the best fit for them as they go through adolescence. My oldest needs an allergist to deal with her "allergic to air itself" issues. I'm searching for a female DO that will try to treat the CAUSE of my issues instead of whipping out a prescription pad before they even step into the exam room. My dh felt like he needed a male doc that could help him with his pain issues. So now we are the family with 5 different doctors.
  17. This probably sounds old fashioned, but Vitamin C and soup made from real chicken stock seems to help us more than anything when we are fighting colds. (And I'm not talking about a can of condensed soup, but homemade stock that was made from a whole, bone in chicken)
  18. I hate all the questions the girls get about enjoying their summer break, or what their plans for the summer are. We school year-round, and probably do more school during the scorching hot summer than during the rest of the year. The girls start feeling a little bummed about not having a 2 month stretch of nothing to do, or some fab vacation...forgetting that we have the ability to take off school whenever the mood strikes without the fear of 'getting behind'. (We usually don't do school from Thanksgiving until after New Years.) Then there is the 'poor kids' look the adult gives them when the hear about no summer breaks :glare:
  19. I've worn glasses since I was in the 4th grade, and I have NEVER had an eye doc want to dialate my eyes. How did that happen?! I did, however, get billed for dialation for my 11 year old that never happened. The office tried to argue with me about it, because "it was on the CHART" :001_huh: Sorry, but I think I would remember if you had dialated my 11 year olds eyes.
  20. I've had both, and I prefer gas. If you've always had gas, you may not like the electric as well. Gas is warmer IMHO. You probably won't like the electric bill either...lol. Just make sure, as you would in any house, that it is insulated well. That said, if everything else about the house was good, I wouldn't let it stop me from making an offer ;)
  21. I have a school/office room...but it is soley for storing our stuff and our computers. It's the dining room, right off the kitchen. I'm in there a lot, but the kids do their school work all over the house. I teach math in the sunroom because it's cheery and has a table. I feel like I NEED a landing space for the bulk of our school stuff. It would drive me crazy to have it scattered through the house.
  22. We live that close, and it doesn't bother us at all. In fact they are getting ready to build a passenger train station just a few blocks from our house and I'm positively giddy about that..lol. We also live just a few blocks from the interstate highway...that makes more noise than the train track.
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