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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. I have a 14.5DD and two 11 year olds that are just as hormonal as any teen. I actually LIKE them all. They are great kids, and a joy to have around. My oldest dd and I actually talk...about all kinds of stuff. She's fun to be around, and has redeemed my opinion of teens. FWIW, there is a group of about 15 teens that hang out together at my house or others in the group quite regularly. They are all good kids, and I like them too. There IS hope.
  2. Kind of makes me ashamed that I drive one. That ad is horrid.
  3. I have a missing permanent tooth on the top, right beside the canine...it just was never there. The gap closed up, and most people never notice it. Teeth are weird things. My dh had a new tooth come up UNDER his tongue when he was around 30. We thought it was an abcess. Turned out to be a malformed tooth that suddenly decided to come out!
  4. DD14 wants to be a writer, and she's on her way to that I think. Her back up plan right now is to be a librarian. DD11 #1 wants to be a teacher at an orphanage. Or run an orphanage. DD11 #2 wants to be a baker.
  5. My girls have all been in the 10-11 year old range. Usually about the same time as shaving under the arms...but we have some furry legged girls around here. :D
  6. I got married at 16. The parents (who in this case are obviously not in their right mind) can sign for her to marry. I don't know if it's still the case, but 20 years ago some states allowed marriage at 16 in certain circumstances without a signature from a parent.
  7. Our neighbors have two sweet little boys. They are 7 and 4. My youngest girls are a mature 11. (physically and mentally) When we first moved in here a few months ago, the girls enjoyed played with them a bit...we'd never had kid neighbors before. However, the new has worn off, and they just really don't have much in common with little boys. They no longer want to go over and play (at least not very often) but the little guys are still coming over to ask them to play. I have already made them go over a time or two when they really didn't want to, but I don't want to force them...I mean they ARE a lot older. We like them, we like their parents, so we don't want hurt feelings. But we need a way to let them know that the girls aren't as interested in playing hide and seek or swinging with them as they are. :tongue_smilie: And these are the type of kids that ask WHY, or if they can't play now, when CAN they?
  8. I'm exceedingly jealous. That said, slicing and freezing is your best bet. You can squirt a little lemon juice over them to help with the browning. You can also make freezer jam : http://www.southernplate.com/2009/08/freshest-tasting-jam-with-no-canning-peach-freezer-jam.html
  9. If her periods are anything like mine, I can completely see why she doesn't want to deal with it while tramping around in a third world country. For a couple of days there is no quickly changing. It's a heavy horrible mess that means you need to be able to access a private place with water every hour or so. I cannot imagine being able to do anything productive during that day or so in a place like that. Sure women there deal with it...by missing school, staying wherever home is, and sitting on a mat or rags. I would definitely call the doc sooner rather than later so that you can get something sorted out. BC pills make me bleed worse, so I'd want to know if that was the case before I left.
  10. Ha...are you from my hometown? Because that's true there (Portland, TN) Sad really.
  11. Press and seal here too. Costco does carry it, and it's in 2 packages so you don't have one giant roll.
  12. I have looked past a lot of cosmetic things in house buying, but many, many people won't. A freshly painted house in neutral colors gives the impression of newness and cleanliness. It also means it's pretty much move in ready (providing there aren't other things to be done). Well worth the investment, IMO. Every house we have sold showed much better after a fresh paintjob.
  13. Lol! I have almost zero memory from the time of birth until about the age of 3....I feel your pain! Before and after....not too bad.
  14. I had so many LVL II ultrasounds with my twins it was ridiculous. BUT I had a history of miscarriage, they were identical, and sharing a placenta and outer membrane. Lots of risk factors there. I would probably go ahead and have a LVL II even with no other risk factors other than a twin pregnancy. There are just more things that can go wrong that are easily detected with that. Also, feel free to add me to your PM list :)
  15. Simply knock a full bottle of vegetable oil into the floor, where the lid shatters upon impact and makes a lovely lake of oil. It was slick, but had a beautiful sheen :D Three bath towels and several swiffer pads later, it's walkable again.
  16. I think it would. Right now I have 13 dividers plus about 5-6 sheets of paper per divider AND the planner. There's still plenty of room.
  17. I'm on my second year using it, and it works well for me. I only plan a week or so at a time, and it's easy for me to jot down our plans for the week. It does come hole punched now :D. I also bought the binder they came out with this year. Now I have all my "junk" in one binder.
  18. We will have been married for 19 years this October. Most of the time I really like him, and enjoy his company. Sometimes he annoys me more than anyone else I know can :D. I think most importantly, I make an effort to love him very day. It definitely isn't a passive thing. We went through a very hard time in our marriage, and very nearly ended it. We had to make the choice to work hard at keeping it together. I also had to realize that my attitude towards him steered the direction of our relationship. Since we've been through the fire, so to speak, our relationship is better than ever. It seems to have reached a very comfortable contentment with one another, rather than that flaming romance we had in the beginning. I prefer what we have now, by far.
  19. Are the braces colored or it is just the bands? My girls change their bands out frequently and get all kinds of crazy colors.
  20. Mine do the same thing. My theory is: They have no real motivation to finish. They don't CARE if the toothpaste lid is on, if there's a sock left in the basket, or the cat litter is on the floor. They aren't ultimately reponsible for the state of the house, the cost of the toothpaste, etc. It has little real bearing on their quality of life (other than keeping mom happy :lol:) Having small consequences for not doing those things still doesn't change the fact that they'll get done by SOMEONE eventually. I figure I'll have to keep reminding them until they move out. Then it will be THEIR house to keep clean and running, and THEN they'll have the real motivation. (i.e. no mommy to remind them to pick the towels up out of the floor before the mildew takes over the house)
  21. Aspie traits run strong in my dh's family. One relative has a medical diagnosis of Aspergers. My dd exhibits many, many of the traits that her diagnosed cousin does. She does not exhibit some of the physical traits that he does. (hand flapping, smaller stature, etc.) I think that one can have some tendancies towards the spectrum without actually being ON the spectrum. My dh has the same tendancies, as does my MIL.
  22. DD14 Kelsie: quirky, kind, creative DD11 Sarah: girly, determined, outgoing DD11 Miranda: reserved, thoughtful, witty That was hard in just 3 words!!
  23. I'm guilty of that too...:blushing: It's hard to shake a bad mood when I dream stuff like that. I've also had some horrible dreams about my kids getting hurt that linger for DAYS.
  24. My only advice is to wait until you are older before you make any permanent decisions to STOP having children. I had my tubal at 25, and I was TOO young. My life and circumstances are so different now, and I would have loved to have more children.
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