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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. I don't know the stats, but I've had it done. I wish I hadn't because I was too young and it was TOO permanent, but that's another issue :glare: For me, yes it's effective and permanent. Contrary to what my doc thought, it DID have an effect on my cycle. My periods were heavier and more painful afterwards. I was also in a lot of pain immediately after the surgery. Other than that, I've had no issues. It was a quick surgery and I healed rather quickly (other than a small infection at my navel where one of the little incisions were)
  2. Ours will be on a slower track for dd14. She has struggled with math, and we are just hoping to get her through the math needed for the SAT and ACT. The twins will be another story. They'll be ready for Algebra I in another couple of years, and will likely go through Calc. before graduation.
  3. Several curriculums have tests specific to their products available for placement (i.e. Saxon math) I also know that you can get older versions of various achievement tests from several states online that might give you a broader view.
  4. Through the nose..lol. My twins are getting braces next week. There went getting our car replaced. :glare:
  5. Also, if you have mulch or thick groundcover close to the house, they really like that. I HATE those things! Never had any until we moved to TX.
  6. I've never bought unsalted..lol. I would imagine that eating unsalted on toast would be like eating lard on toast :001_huh:
  7. It really depends on what you are looking for. We rented an ok 3 bedroom for $950/month last year. It wasn't spectacular, and it was in an older neighborhood, but it wasn't a dump either. This was in South Fort Worth. We never looked at apartments or anything, and we went through a realtor (which I HIGHLY recommend, especially if you don't know the area. She kept us out of the really bad neighborhoods.) We actually ended up buying in the same neighborhood.
  8. Homeschooling is a breeze here and there are SO MANY opportunities. We have been overwhelmed at everything to choose from. Housing prices are probably some of the best in the country. We just bought a 4 bedroom/3 bath house for $138K. I think cost of living in general is pretty good. Property taxes in the city seem high to us, but we came from living in the country in TN. We moved here from TN 1.5 years ago and really, really like it here.
  9. Probably more rigorous than most. A good portion of our friends are unschoolers or close to it. Many are VERY relaxed. We are semi-relaxed...lol.
  10. The sagging pants are epidemic here in Fort Worth. You can't go anywhere without seeing some kid waddling down the street with a death grip on their fly so they can walk without tripping. I seriously do. not. get. it. There's even a huge billboard on the freeway that says "Big Mama says: PULL YO PANTS UP!!" My daughter wants to start a donation program. She thinks we should keep a pile of belts in the car and hand them out to all the poor boys that can't keep their pants up :lol:
  11. We don't have an age here. My dd14 has no desire to wear any (won't even wear lip gloss) My other two occasionally wear lip gloss but that's it. I don't really wear any myself, and I guess it's rubbed off. I have told them that makeup should be used to ACCENT your face, not make a new one, and that their faces don't need any help looking pretty. If they decided to wear it, it would have to be subtle.
  12. 1. To be able to spend more time teaching our children about Christ. 2. Academics. 3. Flexibility 4. Because I love spending time with my kids.
  13. Perhaps I didn't write that well. That's why I wrote it as drink OR be drunk. She's very aware of the difference, and still can't fathom either. (she's smelled alchoholic drinks and thinks it's vile)
  14. Surprised, but not shocked. For now, my oldest thinks it is the dumbest thing ever, and cannot fathom why anyone would WANT to drink or feel drunk.
  15. My oldest is named Kelsie, and one of my twins Sarah. It has never bothered us, even when there were a ton of girls named the same thing in their grade at school. The only thing I kind of wish I'd done differently was spelled Kelsie with a y like everyone else, because EVERYONE spells it wrong all the time. They just assume.
  16. Before I met dh, I didn't want any. Now I have three :D
  17. Our allergist said to keep them closed AND keep a high quality filter on the air unit. All I have to do is look at my car and roof to see that he's right. I'm pretty sure my car color isn't green :lol:
  18. Iris by Live. It came out right around the time my mother died. My mom had looked forward to being a grandmother SO much, and was just as heartbroken as I throughout my miscarriages and infertility. Three weeks after she died, I found out I was pregnant with my oldest dd. This song makes me cry every time if I let myself listen to it.
  19. My dd tests postive for all those things (except the animals) with the RAST. We took all the foods out of her diet and we did notice some changes with her "foggyness" but that was about it for her. She's had 2 skin tests and the first one was positive for some of the food allergies, and the second was only positive for peanuts. The last was after a "clean" diet for 6 months. What does it all mean? We aren't sure, but since she's 14 I gave her the choice as to what she wants to do food wise...except on peanuts. Now the grasses, pollens and molds...those she is blazing allergic to on ALL the tests. :001_huh:
  20. Less than 1/4 acre, and 3/4 of the back is concrete..lol. But we live in the city.
  21. Has the tooth fully emerged or is it impacted in some way? Mine weren't impacted, they just didn't really want to come all the way up. I had mine pulled in the dentist's office with just novocaine. It was a breeze, and I had no trouble at all. (but the sounds are pretty gross...lol)
  22. Yeah, I was thinking...not bad...until it came to the 2nd meat. *shudders at the thought of ground meat clinging to a chicken breast*
  23. We almost always eat togethet at the table, but a lot of our friends families hardly ever do.
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