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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. My girls are tall, 5'3" at age 10. They ride adult sized bikes and it's a perfect fit. I can't remember the exact size though.
  2. I highly recommend the Better Homes and Gardens cookbook with the red plaid cover. It has a big section explaining all the different tools and ingredients. Then it's full of basic recipes. (things like white sauce, pancakes, etc.) I have one for each of my girls to take with them when they get married.
  3. Sorry to hijack, but we are dealing with a similar issue...our dog has a foot she won't quit licking and we are on our second round of steroids, and now she's on anti-anxiety meds for a month or so to see if we can get her to quit.... My question is: will it hurt the dog if they lick the tea tree oil? I'm wondering if that might help the spot heal and get her to stop licking it?
  4. Haven't had book club experience, but our piano teacher has students she teaches on Skype. It's not perfect, but it works. She also has a Masters Class for her students a couple of times a month (where all the students play pieces for one another), and the long distance students attend via Skype. If everyone has a decent webcam it works much better.
  5. My husband just did a paper on postmodernity....and he's still a little fuzzy. In fact, his prof congratulated him on doing such a good job on such a hard thing to nail down. After reading his work, and listening to all the points of view on it that he had to wade through, I'm convinced that no one really can nail it down!
  6. Yes, the grout lines are close to 1/2 in., and the stone is 'tumbled'. I think it was once an outdoor patio. I just sweep and mop. (I don't vacuum it because I'm too lazy to drag the vacuum downstairs :lol:) The photos you posted look gorgeous!
  7. I do NOT want to do school this week..lol. I got lazy and didn't plan for the week Sunday like I usually do. We ran around all day yesterday and didn't get a single thing done, schoolwise. My printer ran out of ink, so I can't print off their schedules or Latin worksheets until I go get more. I have a flower bed screaming at me to be planted :D Tell me to get back to school!!
  8. I would think it would be similar to caring for tile. We have a very rustic tile floor in our sunroom/craft room, and it cleans up pretty easily.
  9. I belong to a very inclusive group. We are a group of moms and kids that have taken the time to get to know one another, including different faiths. It's not taboo to talk about, and it's understood that you don't bash anyone. The friendships I've made, I wouldn't trade. We are a rather conservative Christian family, but we purposely joined a group that wasn't exclusively Christian. And I've also been upfront that I will pray for others, but I will not force my faith down their throats. It works for us...but I think it's because we operate under the assumption that we are adults capable of behaving as such.
  10. I've had a rather annoying floater in my eye for a couple of weeks now. It's bigger than any I've ever had before, and I've never had the same one bug me for more than a day or so. No eye pain, or other trouble...just that annoying floater!
  11. rules :confused: Nah, I wear weather appropriate, fairly modest clothing. That's the extent of my rules..lol. In fact, I probably have offended someone with my wearing of white capris several times the past couple of weeks. But when it hits 80 in February...you do what you gotta do.
  12. I voted other. It will happen when one of two things occur: 1. I see a real NEED for them to have one. (hasn't happened yet) or 2. They have a job and can pay for it themselves.
  13. Yes, yes and yes! My dh is one. Our marriage is still a marriage because of a second chance and total forgiveness. And he is NOT the man he was 5 years ago.
  14. Perhaps it's God's way of providing you with interesting writing material. I mean...there's a sci-fi story swimming around in there right?
  15. On the hood of his car....:auto: Actually it was more like this: we were talking about him moving 4 hours away because of a job. We didn't want to be apart. So he said...we could get married? I said ok, but I have to ask my mom :lol: (I was 16, and yes we asked, and we got married 3 months later)
  16. This could be dangerous. 2 printers a small plastic drawer thing with paper in it a box of thumbtacks 2 Time magazines several CD-Roms 3 audio books from the library graded schoolwork in a pile a stuffed monkey a stapler photos my camera and a 50 mm lens an address book a jar of colored pencils cough drops hand lotion a dry erase eraser 2 packs of gum a battery charger oh...another camera a desk organizer thingy overstuffed with pens, paper clips, clothes pins, memory cards, thumbtacks, erasers and a calligraphy nub bills to be mailed a library book about cakes a bracelet 3 rulers a glue stick scissors a wedding invitation a small corkboard with love notes from my girls on it. a Coca-cola bin that is piled up with school stuff. eye glass cleaner a scary looking pile of papers that I can't readily identify without sorting through it...I see Latin in there though... my journal the computer a checkbook my planner coupons I think it may be time to clean off my desk.
  17. :iagree: We talk A LOT, my daughter and I, about this sort of thing. I've told her that I'm not naive, and I know she'll have feelings for boys. But we've also discussed how important it is to save yourself emotionally AND physically for your future spouse. She currently has a young man that she is VERY good friends with, and if allowed would have developed into a pretty strong crush/dating relationship. But they've worked hard to keep it a friendship, and are enjoying that immensely without all the extra baggage of dating.
  18. With respect. Disagreement is allowed. Attitude and complaining are not.
  19. My stepdad's policy was like this. We just requested a lump sum withdrawl and called it done. No, you aren't taxed if it's below a certain amount.
  20. I was born and raised in small, small town TN. Lived in MN for a short time, and now live in TX. I've lived in big cities and the boondocks. It really depends on where in the South you go. Smaller towns can seem more unfriendly to "outsiders", especially if you are a bit different. In the larger cities, it's such a mix that newcomers aren't that unusual. I think overall I think the South is very nice, but not always inclusive, if you know what I mean. I've had friends that have moved south from 'up north' with mixed results. The ones that WANT to be here usually like it. The ones that HAD to move here usually hate it. Just keep in mind, just because we talk slow, doesn't mean we are slow :) (I had a friend that had trouble with that...after months of hearing about stupid rednecks that can't talk right, I was kind of glad she moved back to NY)
  21. Don't let her fool ya...she's even prettier than her avatar. Anyway, I can totally sympathize. I once went for a loose spirally perm and color to 'bring out' the red in my hair. I came home looking like a cross between Raggedy Ann and a poodle. Took a while, but it grew out. How about some really cute hats? :tongue_smilie:
  22. Praying for you and your son Dawn :grouphug:
  23. I don't know what the deal was with our rats, but it went beyond critter cage smell (we've also had guinea pigs and hamsters that never had an odor even remotely like this)
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