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Elisabeth in IL

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Everything posted by Elisabeth in IL

  1. Oops, It was my first time trying to create a poll and I received a call so it is my bad. :S The choices are the ones in the message as I copied it directly from him. Can I edit a poll?
  2. This question was posted by one my "Friends" on Facebook.... So is it "Who else's would it be?"or "Whose else would it be?" My wife doesn't believe me, even though I'm the certified LA teacher. While I think that there is a better way to ask the question, which of these choices would be correct? I made my pick but I'm not confident in my choice.
  3. My middle son has been involved with CYT (Christian Youth Theater) for a year and a half now. He LOVES it! He will be an Oompa Loompa in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory in February. We are in the Chicagoland area but they have CYT chapters throughout the US. I don't know where you are but check out.... http://www.cyt.org/
  4. I also pack things away for a few weeks before getting rid of it. Usually, they don't notice or care but if they do, I'll still have it to return.
  5. Hopefully the boys will be reassured when the nice policeman tells them that he searched the new neighbor's house and there is no mountain lion!
  6. If one of the articles that I posted is correct, it was the impartial third party that may have made the situation worse or be the one that brought religion into the discussion.
  7. I was up way too early this morning and did some "research" on this story. Here are some links..... http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=108084 Posted: August 28, 2009 http://www.concordmonitor.com/article/232795/high-court-hears-home-school-case January 7, 2011 http://www.nhpr.org/node/26912 This one was written Sept. 9, 2009 To me, it seems as if the mother has made some attempts to deal with her ex's concerns that their daughter is too isolated as she had her daughter enrolled in some classes at the local school already. It does seem as if he is being a bit demanding. Also, according to one of the articles they had been divorced since the girl was a few months old.
  8. I use black beans as a replacement bean for Kidney beans which I don't care for. Thus black beans are in our chilli, taco meat, and Triple Bean Threat.
  9. I LOVE Chai tea! I order 6 - 32oz containers from Sam's Club at a time. Mystic Chai (spiced) is my favorite. I could really use a decaf version for nighttime drinking!!! I'm going to drink some right now! yum yum
  10. I made an account for my son who is 11 to keep in touch with friends who live 1/2 to 1 hour away. I gave an incorrect year for his birthday. It was the only way for him to have one that I could see.
  11. He's a handsome fellow, your son!!!! I'm glad that he is feeling a little better. And now that your ill too, take care of yourself and sleep lots. I'll be praying for your family's full recovery!!!
  12. This was me as a child. Straight teeth, no problems but there was an unseen problem and at 45 I'm having jaw issues (and back teeth breaking). Make sure it isn't just cosmetic........... Her jaw will thank you later in life.
  13. I waited until the boys were 6 months old. I voted -- 5-6 months .
  14. Between $20 and $25 for a 30 minute lesson, plus the cost of books.
  15. Was he up here by me at Great Lakes? Enjoy your time with your son!! He sounds amazing!
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