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Julie of KY

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Everything posted by Julie of KY

  1. My current 9th grader probably 2 Brave Writer courses - Kidswriter Int. (this fall); likely the first essay class in the spring; possibly another fun BW class at least one high school literature book per month - many of these with structured literary discussions or writing from resources from previous kids or free online resources - many of these will be audio books reading physical books - either whatever is assigned for school or free reading as long as she's progressing in her reading skills grammar and spelling taught through her writing free creative writing - she takes notebooks everywhere she goes to do writing - I will pull much of the grammar she needs to learn from mistakes she is making in these Level 9 of Barton (since she's dyslexic and still needs this) Possibly start One Year Adventure Novel in the spring
  2. I'd only get the text for the courses that actually assign homework out of the text - geometry and precalculus.
  3. Does the car have an audio jack or a tape player. With either of these, you can get a cd player to hook up to your car.
  4. I've never done tests with SM - four kids.
  5. PA Homeschoolers offers both AP Macroeconomics and Microeconomics. Macroeconomics is Sept-Jan. There is not a live webinar, but there are live chats if you are having difficulties. This was a top-notch class. Everything is laid out well and there are clear deadlines - you can always work ahead. There is so much class interaction that my son easily felt a part of a group and felt he knew others in the class.
  6. I've done it about 10th/11th. Granted my oldest is quite dysgraphic so that skewed my timeline for my oldest and influenced what I will do with the next ones. I'm sure my third and fourth kids will also wait until in high school.
  7. I included everything - just as our local public school do. The vast majority of the classes were academic anyway. If a school wants to recalculate the GPA they certainly can do so - and some do from what I hear.
  8. I think BW changed the date somewhere along the way because my calendar also says August 7th. I was notified by email so I'm good - only one child taking one class this fall.
  9. My kids like to make grilled cheese sandwiches ahead of time and then eat them later. I like to make sub sandwiches, heat it in the microwave to melt the cheese and eat it later.
  10. I think it is fine to listen to books. I consider it the same if it is unabridged like what I read. My kids listen very well so it's not like they are zoned out and it's just background noise.
  11. Does it have to be a WUE school? Sometimes out of state public or private schools are comparable or even cheaper than local state schools. I'm not sure this is the case for you, but I'd at least take a look and run some net price calculators.
  12. If you are looking for merit scholarships, most are applied for in the fall of SR year for admission the next fall. Not sure how it would fall out if you start in the spring. As Regentrude says, some majors have a specific schedule of courses that might only be offered in the fall or spring - so your student might be off or need an additional semester to finish a four year sequence if the student starts in the spring.
  13. Some kids read earlier, but I wouldn't call your son behind at all. Just keep moving along.
  14. I think your student should write whatever he wants for his essay. He especially should not be expected to write about family matters if he doesn't want to - and it doesn't sound like mom is pushing this at all. As others have said, I wouldn't make it a big focus of a counselor letter, but if you can interweave it in, it gives an extra layer to understanding who he is.
  15. I hope they fix this if it really is poor planning by UC-Irvine. I'd hate to be in that position.
  16. I'm another Mathcounts is fun person. You can probably see info posted my me in past posts. My son started as an individual in Mathcounts in 6th grade, the next year we had 3, then four. This past year was my 7th year and I had a new problem of having more kids than I could take - Mathcounts allows 10 from each "school" so I had to pick 10 from the 16 homeschooled kids that were invading my home weekly to do math. It has spread by word of mouth and has been a lot of fun. If you have at least four individuals, then you can sign up as a Mathcounts club and they send some really cool (free) materials to do.
  17. Started Barton at age 8 with daughter; 6 with son. 14yo dd - on level 9 (after taking a break and just enjoying a lot of reading); 10yo - reviewing previous lesson now and soon to start level 7 I do plan on completing the levels. While my daughter took off in reading after level 7, it was obvious as we worked on level 8 she needed the teaching - though it was so much easier. I plan on finishing the levels with her as she still needs that incremental teaching for new words. My son is harder to teach than her so I imagine we'll do all the levels as well. My daughter took off with reading after level 7 and quickly got to grade level. She is "slower" than her peers, but enjoys it and probably reads a whole lot more for fun than her peers now. Due to the speed and difficulty, she still does much of her school reading as listening to audio books. My 10 yo is not an independent reader YET, but loves to co-read with me and practice. I tried various things with my daughter, but none directly targeted at dyslexia before starting Barton.
  18. I go from book lists that are created for curriculum or others. I look for books by the same author if I like them. I look at recommended books at the back of books I like. I haven't really done much of placing holds on picture books so I'm not sure. I'm not afraid to put many books on hold and then simply return several if they don't meet what I'm looking for. We will intermittently browse while picking up books, but not always.
  19. I'm not sure a school counselor would mention it if it did not effect grades and schooling. I'd be sensitive to his feelings, but also listen to your instincts on what to do. My bet is that there are lots of kids that have dealt with a variety of big things that never get mentioned.
  20. I have gone from Singapore math to AoPS with all my kids. Went directly to algebra with my oldest and then SM to AoPS prealgebra with my next two.
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