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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. Another option (what we are doing) is that you can get the Famous Men of series free online and there is also free audio if you like to listen to the stories.
  2. I've got it all picked out but I haven't purchased yet.
  3. Once a week for about two hours. We are using FMOG and FMOR right now.
  4. I live in Taylor. I am involved in a few Downriver homeschool groups.
  5. YUP. I can't figure out how to change my login name! :D
  6. Well, I am going to do a quick run through of HA 1 and 2 for review then probably move on to EG I....I think. :D
  7. Our 5th grade line-up: Math- MUS, CWP, LOF Latin- Henle Greek- Alphabeterion/Hupogrammon Writing- IEW Ancients History- FMOG, FMOR Science- Exploration Education Geography- A Child's Geography vol. 2 Bible- Greenleaf Guide to the OT and AWANA Reading- list of books from WTM
  8. I am taking graduate classes right now, homeschooling and both me and dh are working full time...it can be done but it takes a lot of time management skill!
  9. Obviously...both Narnias. My ds also loved the newest "Pilgrim's Progress".
  10. Call me shallow but with all the negative, depressing stuff that is going on in the world right now...a happily ever after ending was right up my alley. The odds that they would have a happy ending were stacked against them and if they didn't end up together in the end I would have burned the books! Oh, and I wouldn't let a young teenage girl read them either.
  11. The Sound of Music West Side Story The King and I Phantom of the Opera
  12. Here are two websites that may help: http://wvde.state.wv.us/certification/ http://wvde.state.wv.us/certification/educator/ If it is any consolation, I have homeschooled for 6 years and worked in public school for 14 years. It is BECAUSE I work in public schools that I homeschool. :D
  13. For sure the camera would have caught my 4yo picking his nose. :tongue_smilie:
  14. What are your plans? Don't worry...posts are anonymous. :)
  15. History: SOTW cd's, Famous Men of Series with audio from librovox Math: lots of choices but we use MUS Writing: IEW DVDs Latin: Latina Christina with DVDs Science: Education Exploration
  16. I have not heard back from the pastor yet but I do plan to speak with him asap regarding this issue. If this is true then my dh will baptize his friend himself. This is very troubling to me.
  17. But in the NT, people were often baptized immediately. How (and why) did things change? And which model do we follow? The one set by the apostles or the one set by later church fathers?
  18. Here's the situation: There is a man that works with my dh. He has never been to church and in fact has been semi-involved in paganism for a few years. Well, for the last couple of months my dh has been witnessing to him about Christ, praying for him and gave him a bible. Last week, this man gave his life to Christ!! He threw out all his books on paganism, has been reading the bible voraciously and is a totally different person! And he wants to be baptized right away. He has read most of the new testament in the last week or so and read the examples of people repenting, believing and being baptized and wants to follow that. He feels very strongly about having it done right away. Since he has no church he asked if he could come with us this weekend. We said of course. Then he asked if our pastor would baptize him this weekend. Well, we have only been to this church for a few weeks and I didn't know the answer to the question but I couldn't imagine why a pastor would say no to this. So I called the church and the secretary told me they only baptize people who are planning on becoming members of that church. Where is the biblical model for THAT? Is that common practice? I found it to be very disturbing. Can someone help me out on this?
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