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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. The first man I loved was bi-polar. After nearly three years of dealing with it and his refusal to get treatment of any kind, I left him. After that he stalked me for two months and then shot himself in the head because I wouldn't go back to him. So for the last 14 years I have lived with the fact that I caused someone else's death and it is only the grace of God and my husband's love that have kept me from drowning in the guilt of it all. Sometimes you can't save them and you just have to save yourself.
  2. LICE are my worst nightmare. I dealt with them in two foster daughters we had and it was awful. You might want to treat them with lice shampoo just in case. Good luck!
  3. I feel for ya. I SOOOO wanted to blow our tax return on a Disney trip (even planned the whole thing out) but in the end we ended up paying bills with it. :( Being a grown-up sucks sometimes.
  4. Are you asking about a language course or a history course?
  5. We use the free text versions online from mainlesson.com (has nice pics and maps but they are black and white) and the free audio from librovox and the guides from Greenleaf which you can also get as an e-book for about $8...that is one very inexpensive history curriculum and I like the Greenleaf questions...very meaty with a christian worldview focus.
  6. I watched the free "demo" video for MUS countless times and it didn't click for me either so I rejected it for 3 years! Then I saw a live presentation two years ago at the Cincinnati Convention and all the pieces fell into place and I was hooked! Math is now my son's strongest subject.
  7. Good question. First, I tried to be realistic in setting my expectations in the first place (not always easy for me). Second, we do "regular" lessons 4 days a week and the 5th day is catch up so if someone is sick we can adjust accordingly or if something takes longer, no big deal. Also, the weeks aren't "dated" just numbered. So for instance, if we suddenly need a week off for whatever reason, no big deal, we just hold off and resume the next week. And my daily check-off sheets are on the computer so if ds is really stuck on a math topic and I need an extra week with it, I could go on to the computer, adjust the daily sheet and just move the math sheets to a new week. It isn't a perfect system but I definitely feel more compelled to complete the work since I know what is waiting for us next week and changing things is sort of a pain so I don't unless I REALLY need to, not just because I got lazy one week (which sometimes happened before). ;)
  8. I actually do keep my kids home if they are contagious in any way, if they have a fever, vomiting, coughing, green snot coming out their nose, etc. My dh or I will stay home with them and the other runs the errands. Now, of course, we have both been "exposed" to the germs of our children but neither of us are ill and we are careful. But to bring sick kids around other kids? That's just rude and inconsiderate.
  9. The best thing I ever did was .... last summer I arranged ALL of their lessons for every subject, every day, with a daily schedule and any worksheets, etc. necessary to complete the work into 4 unit binders and divided by weeks. That way, every Sunday night, I pull out their weekly binders, take out the stuff they did last week and put it back in the unit binder and take out the new week's work and put it in their weekly binder. It takes very little time (except for the summer planning, that took about a week or so) and this is the first year I have stayed completely on schedule!
  10. I cannot and will not drive a stick. My dh can and I imagine he will eventually teach my boys...but it is not at the top of my priority list. I don't think it is absolutely necessary.
  11. Both of my kids have been sick for several days and I have been absolutely confined to my home as we wait it out. We have missed church, 2 piano lessons, a karate lesson, a homeschool event, a birthday party and I've missed work. But I will NOT knowingly expose others to my sick children. It is not only rude but dangerous. There are people all over with compromised immune systems and you never know when YOUR poor choice could make someone else seriously ill.
  12. That is very kind of you. Truthfully, I am not sure what to ask! :D I guess, initially, I would just want to know if she likes living in Malaysia... like the best things about it and the worst things about it, ya know? Cost of living information would be great too... like how much money would the average 4 person family need to live modestly but not like paupers? Thanks!!!!!
  13. Wow. This is great info. I am definitely going to look up some expat boards. The position doesn't pay a lot but housing and insurance are provided and I've been told that the cost of living isn't as high as it is here. Hmmm....now I am REALLY starting to think about this more seriously!
  14. Thanks ladies! Well, the thing is, I am thinking about applying to teach at an international school on the Island of Penang, Malaysia, and I have been doing a little research and it all sounds really good so I was hoping to get an insider's perspective on what it is like to live there.
  15. I would love to hear about your experiences especially what you know about Penang. Thanks!
  16. You could also take a year and do a reading approach like Cambridge. I am alternating Cambridge with Henle just to keep things interesting.
  17. Math- MUS (finish up Zeta, start PreAlgebra, LOF) Latin- Henle I (units 3-5), Cambridge Greek- Elementary Greek I Writing- IEW Theme-based (middle ages) Literature- Middle Ages list from WTM suggestions History- FMOMM, FMORR, FMOMT Science- Exploration Education Geography- Glencoe Bible- Continue with Greenleaf OT plus karate, piano, art class, sharpshooting
  18. If I HAD to I could homeschool with nothing more than a computer and good internet connection. But I'd rather not. :D
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