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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. I like this idea a lot. It is a different take on submission than most of the men in my class had. ;)
  2. This is what we are using and it is GREAT! http://www.explorationeducation.com/
  3. We are having a good year with curriculum choices (finally).... MUS LOF IEW Ancient History Henle I FMOG, FMOR Exploration Education Science Also AWANA, piano, art classes and karate!
  4. Wow, that is sad and I do NOT think that is the sentiment behind the NT verses at all. If that's the case then my life will be one big vacation from responsibility! Dh can make all the decisions and I will just sit around watching tv until he tells me to do something. :D
  5. No he didn't. What I typed in the first post was the actual question. As far as what the MEN in the class had to say...well, there are one or two who are of the "we are to submit to each other" camp and the rest were very much "man is the head of the household, women were created to help him, they are to submit to his authority, end of story". I am in a tough spot on this. I look at submission as willingly deferring to another especially if that other person is more likely to make the best decision in the situation. Let me see if I can explain that better... My dh is a whiz at computers and all things mechanical. If something goes beserk with our computer I immediately go to him because he is more of an expert in that area. I am really good with finances, dh is not. So I handle all the bill-paying, etc. Should I give him the bill-paying duties even though he will not do a very good job with it, and admits that, just because he is the man? Should he make all financial decisions even though this is not his strong point just because he is the man? So we "submit" to each other in our areas of weakness. Now what do we do if there is a decision to be made and we can't agree? We talk it out. We wait if possible. We pray. Eventually we compromise. Sometimes one of us gives up our choice for the other because we LOVE each other not because one of us is inferior...sometimes it is me and sometimes it is him...it all depends on the topic at hand and which one of us feels more strongly about it. From my reading on the life of Christ, this is a more loving way to handle a relationship than my dh being the "boss" and I am his "servant".
  6. For K we do the three R's and bible...... Phonics: Reading A-Z Penmanship: Startwrite Math: MUS Alpha Bible: stories and videos and play, play, play!!!
  7. Well here is what I wrote about women and submission: I Peter 3:1 “In the same way, you wives, be submissive to your own husbands so that even if any of them are disobedient to the word, they may be won without a word by the behavior of their wives,†My first question is “in the same way as what?†This verse comes right after the description of how Christ suffered for us and served us out of love. So the idea is that women should serve their husbands out of love whether he is a believer or not and perhaps the witness of her life will be an example to her husband. The verb submit (Hupotasso- to subject one's self, to submit to one's control) is something the wife does willingly…she is not a servant or a slave or inferior in any way. Those who love to talk about the “submission†of wives often forget to read a few more verses down where the husbands are told to honor their wives since both husband and wife are heirs to God’s grace. And since Paul tells us in Galatians 3:28 that “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus†we can know that men and women were and are equal in God’s eyes. Women owned property, worked outside the home and participated in ministry (Paul mentions several women who helped him in his ministry). Respecting one’s husband without trying to usurp or snatch away his authority is an act of love not servitude as is the giving of honor to his wife by the husband. In following Christ’s example, we are to have a servant’s heart towards all. So I would argue that there is no need for “enlightenment†if one reads the NT correctly… only for those who read it with their own agenda in mind. Let's just say I ruffled a few male feathers.
  8. I am interested in this topic. Can you define what a cottage school is? How does it differ from a co-op or private school?
  9. I feel ya. I used to LOVE flying. Then I had a few bad flights (one with an emergency landing!) and I read a chapter in that book "Freakanomics" that said, statistically speaking, the odds of dying in a car crash versus a plane crash are actually equal. OK, I'm probably not helping. But I still need to fly sometimes and so I take a valium or a xanax or a bottle of wine or whatever it takes to get me through without a panic attack. :D
  10. My homework question from last week was VERY interesting (especially since I am usually the only female in my classes). I can't wait to hear what WOMEN have to say about this: Many Evangelicals of the 1800s used the Bible to defend American slavery (especially in the South). For example, 1 Peter 2:18 commands, "Servants, be submissive to your masters with all fear, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the harsh." Dropping down eight verses, 1 Peter 3:1 subsequently commands, "Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands." ASSUMING THAT YOU BELIEVE THAT NEW TESTAMENT PASSAGES ON SLAVERY SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN USED TO SUPPORT AMERICAN SLAVERY... "EVANGELICAL FEMINISTS" ARGUE THAT JUST AS MOST COMMENTATORS NOW AGREE THAT THE NEW TESTAMENT SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN USED TO DEFEND AMERICAN SLAVERY, SO IT SHOULD NOT BE USED TO DEFEND THE CONTEMPORARY SUBMISSION OF WIVES TO HUSBANDS TODAY. THEY ARGUE THAT JUST AS EVANGELICALS BECAME ENLIGHTENED ON THE ISSUE OF SLAVERY, THEY WILL BECOME ENLIGHTENED ON THE ISSUE OF GENDER ROLES. HOW WOULD YOU RESPOND? Let the games begin....:D
  11. We use MUS and ds did "memorize" facts but he also "forgot" many of them. :D Two things have resulted from this: 1. He found unique ways to do those "facts" ...like he may not remember what 7x8 is but he remembers 7x7 and counts up from there. Or 12x12 is 10x10 plus 2x2, ya know? 2. The more he "needs" to use them the more he remembers them. In Gamma he just tried to figure out the ones he couldn't remember. Now we are half-way through Epsilon (fractions) and because he needed all the multiplication and division facts to make the fraction problems go faster, he seems to know most of them by heart now. So although I drilled him to death with flashcards, he really didn't "retain" all the facts until he really needed them for other reasons.
  12. We will have a 6th grader next year. The essentials are: Math, Latin, Writing, Bible and a reading list. We also do history, science, greek and geography but these are secondary to the first group.
  13. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090213/ap_on_go_ot/autism_ruling Now they are calling it "bad science"?
  14. Yup that was me! :D It was right after my friend died of cancer and was cremated. I am still on the fence about it.
  15. OK, I've got one for you all... I have a friend who is getting married in June. We just received an invitation to a get-together to raise money for their HONEYMOON. No lie. It is not an engagement party. It is not a bridal shower. It is a honeymoon party. A party that we go to and give money for their honeymoon. Seriously.
  16. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20090212/lf_nm_life/us_vaccines_autism My children were vaccinated and have not had any ill effects but a friend of mine believes vaccines caused her son's autism. Comments?
  17. My dh feels just as strongly as I do about not EVER leaving our children. My father OTOH....I haven't seen or spoken to him in over 10 years and it seems that he couldn't care less.
  18. OK, now that is a great idea! I have never heard of it and I love it!!!!
  19. Yourself or saloon? myself How costly? about $8 a month How often to fully color? once every 4-6 weeks How often to touch up? I only fully color because it is currently auburn (I need to update my avatar) and that is a hard color to maintain If you had to do it all over again, would you have started coloring? yes Do you perm too? How does this affect things? no Do you use a special shampoo and/or conditioner? no Do you use other special products? no Does your hair feel silky or like cotton? (my mom's always felt cottony) in between What length is your hair? long, it reaches my bra strap in back
  20. I was just reading the article on YAHOO news about the new mummy they just uncovered completely intact. While this is an amazing discovery (and rare) it made me wonder...isn't it a little disrespectful to dig up dead bodies? I realize these are thousands of years old but what if, thousands of years from now, they dig up YOUR dead body, run tests on you, put you on display in a museum? etc... Now obviously, they embalmed bodies much better than we do so the chances of this happening to us are slim but still...it just seems a little disrespectful to me. I mean, we can't just stroll on down to the local cemetery and dig up a dead body to study it...it is illegal. So is there a statute of limitations on this? If someone is dead longer than 1000 years, it is ok to dig them up?
  21. I get what you are saying about spending the money on IVF. But if there is a family with, say, 6 kids who, because of the recent economic downturn, is struggling financially and on public assistance of some kind, and they get pregnant again, do you feel the same way?
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