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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. For me the biggest issue is that she is unmarried. I do not think it was medically wise to implant so many embryos but I can't judge the size of someone's family or the methods they use to have the children. Plenty of women on this board have lots of kids and are struggling financially. Are we mad at them too? If they don't have insurance to cover the kids or are using public assistance are we bold enough to call them irresponsible? What if birth control is against their beliefs? Is it that she has 14 kids? That she had 8 babies at once? That she is unmarried? That she used IVF to do it? Several have said she "already" had 6 kids so she shouldn't have used IVF to conceive more. Are there any mothers on this board who "already" have 6 kids but still want more? Are they wrong if they get pregnant? Adopt? Use IVF? I have two children. I want another one. We cannot conceive so we plan to adopt. Adoption costs about $25,000. Is that a waste of money since we "already" have 2 kids? I read that she was not on public assistance. Is that true? At any rate, the biggest things as I said is that she is not married and the medical risks that she faced (and may still face). But to say she "already" has 6 kids and shouldn't want any more is a slippery slope to me.
  2. My side of the family...yes, absolutely. In fact, I've started a trend because now my brother and his wife are going to homeschool! My dh's side of the family just think I am trying to be a "maverick". :lol:
  3. Homeschool Co-op is having a group buy for this...any feedback from any of you smart ladies??? :D
  4. Ummm...let's see...he makes huge messes, runs around like a maniac, and in general drives me crazy.
  5. I work full time and homeschool pretty successfully BUT I choose as much "independent" work as I can for the day time hours: math- MUS Latin- Henle Writing- IEW DVD lessons Greek- Hey Andrew History- Famous Men of series Science- Education Exploration Bible- Greenleaf Guide to OT Reading- list of novels He also does Awana, Piano and Art classes. He does the lessons during the day, I check them at night. Read-alouds are before bed. It's busy but it works!
  6. It's interesting because I consider myself very conservative and "shelter" my kids quite a bit but when I was forced to consider these topics for my homework assignment, I was surprised at my own reaction! Because I never went to a school that taught bible, I think I rarely had a passing thought about it. And when I did, I thought...no way... for a lot of the reasons others mentioned. And I DO teach my children about opposing views but from a biblical perspective. And I love hearing the responses to these questions on THIS board because I know I am going to get a huge variety of responses. I learn something new every time!
  7. I struggle with this too. I have no idea how to relax and just "hang-out". My life is going a hundred miles an hour all the time so when I get a moment to do nothing, I simply.don't.know.how.
  8. I am not trying to achieve a "random sampling". As I stated in a previous post, most people ASSUME that homeschoolers are (a) Christian and (b) wish the Bible would be taught in schools. I thought by posting here I would get a variety of opinions...and I did. But don't worry, I didn't include any of them in my homework as it was already done before I posted. I don't cheat.
  9. Hardly. I don't need someone else to do my homework. I thought it was an interesting question and since I am usually the only female in my classes, it is nice to hear what other women have to say. Of course, we could always just go back to discussing which vacuum cleaner is best.
  10. Loved the books, liked the movie a lot, can't wait for the next one!
  11. :iagree: Nothing and no one could tear me from my children. No man is worth it.
  12. OMG now I have something else to worry about! :tongue_smilie:
  13. Glad to know I'm not alone. Anyone want to talk about abortion? JUST KIDDING. :D
  14. Ummm... I used 100 EZ lessons with both my boys and it worked like a charm. Which method does that fall under?
  15. Am I the only one who gets "post-aphobia"? You know, you have this topic or idea you want to post but just before you do you realize that it might upset this faction or that faction or you might have some that agree but others are gonna blast you so you just DON'T post it at all? For instance, I had no idea that my "opposing views" post was going to get locked when I originally posted it. I should have known, should have thought ahead, but it gained a life of its own and spiraled off in many directions and the next thing you know....locked. I have several "topics" in my head right now that I would love to get others' thoughts on but I won't post them because I know someone will slam me if I do. Is there a cure for post-aphobia? :tongue_smilie:
  16. My 10yo ds is reading "The Hobbit" and "Aristotle Leads the Way". My almost 5yo is reading Bob books :D . Our current read aloud is "Monks and Mystics".
  17. I think we have every Magic Schoolbus episode on either dvd or VHS. My kids LOVE these and they learn a TON of science from them. Oh, and we own all the Leapfrog DVDs too. :D
  18. Your post really touched me. Can I tell you something? I went 15 years without stepping foot inside a church (except for weddings and funerals). I was raised in a very "religious" family. My dad was a youth pastor. Our entire lives were wrapped up in the church. Then when I was 14yo I found out my dad, my religious, pastor dad had been having an affair for years. It devastated our family in many ways and sent us all spiraling off in different painful directions. I turned my back on the church because I felt like it was all a sham. I mean here was my dad "leading teens to Christ" and praying all the right prayers and speaking all the right words...and all along he was cheating on my mom. I felt like you just couldn't trust the "fruits" of Christians. So I walked away. I liked your metaphor of a desert. Mine was more like a jungle in a lot of ways. God used my dh who wasn't even a Christian himself to bring me back to Him. I can't tell you "and we all lived happily ever after" though. I haven't seen or spoken to my dad in over a decade. So I still have a lot to work through. But I have learned to run TO God instead of away from Him. Praying for your heart....:grouphug: "I'll praise You in this storm and I will lift my hands. For You are who You are, no matter where I am."
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