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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. I knew it wouldn't work wirelessly but can't you hook it to your computer and download books through the internet with a USB cable? We will have an internet connection. Or am I completely off-base on this? I better go look this up...
  2. Gosh, that is a good point. If everyone has local cleaning help it might look bad if I refuse? Like I am cheap? YIKES. Did I decide yet? Well....ummmm.....sort of.:D I have a time set next week to speak with teachers and the principal I will be replacing. But if all goes well and no red flags pop up then I think we will go. Dh says we are absolutely going!
  3. Anyone have it (especially the Kindle 2)? Pros? Cons? (especially if you have it and live overseas). I am thinking this might be a really good thing to get if I move to Malaysia since shipping my books would cost a ton. What do you think?
  4. I just love that you say "fortnight"...it sounds so classy! I am going to start using that now. :D
  5. This was very interesting to read! I, too, prefer to "shelter" my kids in some ways but I also like the idea of them growing up more "globally-minded" and not so "America is the only place on earth that counts" like I did. It's also interesting that you mentioned standard of living. My salary will be about 7 times what the "average" Malaysian makes...but I think most of them are pretty poor. And the documents mentioned that most people that work at the school hire maids! I have never had a maid in my life!
  6. I get up at 6:30am every day and the first thing I want is an IV of coffee. It is generally not a good idea to talk to me before 8am. :D
  7. I know what you mean...I wish it were possible but there is not enough time or money for me to fly to Malaysia right now. :001_unsure: Dh and I are praying about this constantly and I just have to believe if God brings me to it He will bring me through it. As long as I approach this with the attitude that my main goal is to give honor and glory to God in all I say and do including this new potential position, then I am doing the right thing. But I'm still nervous. :tongue_smilie:
  8. Those ATM questions are good ones...I'm going to have to talk to my bank! The other issue is my cats. I can bring them but there is a ton of paperwork involved and a quarantine period. Plus, they say that pets sometimes do not handle the climate change very well (85 degrees and up with 90-100% humidity). So that concerns me.... Anyone take pets abroad before???
  9. Thank you all so much for your helpful advice and questions to ask!! I made a big list from them and sent them to the director of the school and here is what I found out: Salary- I found out it is actually more than I thought I would be making, 1/3 more! I was looking at the wrong chart. Dh- will have the opportunity to be a substitute teacher (among other things)while he is there which is a fun idea since he loves kids! The former principal- the director actually emailed me and asked me if I would like to speak with the current principal so I am going to call him Wednesday evening (it is kind of hard to schedule these calls since they are 13 hours ahead of us). And I am going to have a “conference call†with a group of teachers from there on Tuesday evening. Contract length- 2 years typically but they “would like†me to sign for 3. I don’t have to though. Hmmm…..2 or 3???? Decision- I have until the end of this month to make my decision (my request and they agreed) “Western†items- they sent me a list of things that are readily available and things that aren’t. I appreciate that they are being up front about it. Apparently milk is expensive but seafood is dirt cheap (makes sense living on an island and all). I don’t know anything about what my family is allowed to mail to me and what is not allowed so I will have to look that up. I did look up on amazon.com that it takes them almost a month to get books to Malaysia!! Maybe I will get a Kindle….:D Electronic items- They have 240 voltage over there so most of my small kitchen appliances will not work without some kind of adapter. My other choice is to sell mine and buy new ones when I get there. ???? And my TVs won’t work either…different signal so we will definitely sell those and get a new one (or we might just skip the TV all together as we don’t watch much anyways). Cable/internet- both available in our home. YIPPEE! That is my one concern. If I have indoor plumbing and internet access I can handle pretty much anything else. :lol: Bank account- we actually are required to keep our stateside account as apparently Malaysia will not give accounts to foreigners. My salary will be direct-deposited into that account and I get money from the ATM machines in Malaysia. Cars- we will most likely sell ours and buy when/if we move back to the states. Shipping my stuff -this I am still looking into insurance- we have full medical and dental and I get life insurance (hubby has his own policy). There is med-evac insurance as well. Prescription meds are widely available although I do need to check on my specific meds. I also found out that there is a piano teacher that comes to the school to give lessons and has been doing so for 20 years which is great since my kids take piano. You have all been a huge help! Anything else I should be thinking about?
  10. My ds started that when he turned 10 as well. It only lasted about 6 months but it does rear its ugly head every now and then. I am bracing for it to hit again when puberty strikes hard.
  11. Actually, there is someone different that is in charge of the dorm parents ...the "residential life director". Thank goodness!
  12. Thank you for sharing your perspective. I have wondered if that would be the case. If those sorts of things did happen then I would have my dh homeschool them. Some of the kids are boarding students (about 20%) and the rest are local. I didn't read anywhere in the job description about subbing for dorm parents but I will DEFINITELY ask. Thanks!
  13. It has been interesting to read about how many of you have or are currently living in a country other than your home country so you know what that means...time for a poll!
  14. Good point! My oldest son is all for it! He loves an adventure. My youngest probably wouldn't notice the difference! :D They are both great eaters (Their favorite meal is SUSHI!). They will probably adjust faster than I will!
  15. these are all excellent questions...some I do know the answers to and others I don't. I've got some work to do!
  16. Yes! I keep saying what if this and what if that and he keeps saying get the suitcases packed...we are outta here. :D
  17. 1. Last principal has been there 2 years. I have not talked to him and do not know why he is leaving. It is initially a two-year contract so it looks like his contract is up and he may be leaving because he didn't it like it or maybe they didn't like him or maybe he never intended to stay longer than two years? 2. I can use staff housing or the stipened for another place. 3. They give us a modest moving allowance but we do not plan to bring that much stuff (they provide furniture and appliances so I am looking at books, clothes, movies, toys, etc.). Oh, and we do not pay any U.S. income tax while we work there. 4. Contract is 2 years which I am actually glad for as I would be leaving a very good job here to do this and I would want a longer term position in order to do that. 5. Our parents are both in good health (my mom is only 58yo and his family lives well into their 90s). Having to get back home suddenly would be a concern and we would need to set money aside for emergencies for sure.
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