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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. I was looking at their info on Bible...considering it for 1st-4th grades...but I am not sure "how" it works. I see there are flashcards and a memory CD. But then there is a teacher's manual too. Can someone tell me how the program is supposed to "work"? Thanks!
  2. I do not care for my name as an adult. Depending on your outlook it is either a little girls' name or a stripper name. I would love something more sophisticated like Elizabeth or Sarah.
  3. I forgot to mention my FAVORITE way to shop.... directly from the publisher at a homeschool convention! You get to see the materials in person and NO shipping charges! Plus, many of them discount their materials if you buy it at the conference. I am going to the Midwest conference this year and plan to get everything I can while I am there.
  4. I hear ya. I am more of a "convenience" girl. I like RR because I can get almost everything I need in one place. But having been an owner of a "mom and pop" shop it is really frustrating trying to compete with the big boys. Maybe you could do a little of each? Buy your big ticket items used and small ticket items from the mom and pop shops?
  5. :lol: My brother and his wife spent 8 weeks in the NICU with their premature baby and the nurses told them some wild stories about how babies are named! :D
  6. When we moved last year it was a real eye opener. We ended up getting rid of about half of what we own...literally. My new rule is this: if we haven't used it or worn it in the last year it is out of here! Each person in the family gets one rubbermaid bin to put "special" mementos and such that they want to keep and that's it. It forces us all to really evaluate what is truly important to us...what we really want to keep and what we are just "storing". Best of luck in your endeavor!
  7. I taught school for 12 years and I came across some really...ummm....unusual names. I've often wondered if parents consider their child's professional future when naming them something cutesy or "unusual"? For instance, will their name look mature and professional on their resume? There was a chapter in a book called "Freakanomics" that talked about employers' first impression of a candidate based on their name on a resume alone and how that sometimes eliminates candidates. I once had a student named "Malaria" and the author talks about twin boys named "la-mon-ge-lo" and "o-ron-ge-lo" except it was spelled "Lemonjello" and "Orangejello". ?????? And these actors and rock stars that name their kids all these weird names...what if their kid doesn't go into showbiz? With names like Apple, Zuma, and Moonfry how would they ever be taken seriously among fellow lawyers or doctors??? What do you think?
  8. Another INTJ! I homeschool for a lot of reasons but I have to admit that I am a control freak who could not possibly leave the education of her children to someone else who might not do it correctly. :blush: I also don't do hugs with those outside my family (I didn't even have a receiving line at my wedding) BECAUSE I can't fake emotion very well...it is either there or it isn't. :D I have trouble with really emotional people, not because I don't like them, but because I don't know how to react around them. I get really uncomfortable and unsure of what I am supposed to do. Does that make sense? So if you just want a shoulder to cry on, I'll do my best but I probably won't make you feel much better. BUT if you want someone to help you chart a course of action to help you with your problem...I'm your girl!
  9. We did combine the two and it worked out great! We did two weeks of PL then a week of Minimus and so on.
  10. I just went to the website and it says it is not up yet??? All I could find was this: http://www.cincinnatihomeschoolconvention.com/demonstrations/ Where did you see the link for a schedule?
  11. My ds did that several times when he was about that age...except instead of leaving puddles, he once fed our dog an entire box of Cheez-its!
  12. Yup, that's what I meant. We are using the free online version with the free online audio. I love free. :D And my ds loves the stories!
  13. I feel ya. The video card went out on our computer that is only 3 years old (and was the top-of-the-line-state-of-the-art computer 3 years ago!). We called Best Buy to see if they carried that video card so my dh could replace it. The employee literally SCOFFED at us. He told us they don't make that card any more. It has only been three years!!!!! He scoffed at me I tell ya! I don't think I've ever been scoffed at before but I did not like it! ;)
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