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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. I couldn't come home at christmas (it has to do with residency requirements and tax laws) only in the summer and my whole family and dh's family lives here in Michigan so we would stay with them. It would be expensive to come home so that it is a little bit of a worry.
  2. I would LOVE to get more info from your friend! I have been researching like crazy for the last week or two. I have been reading some expat boards to get the good and bad. One thing I appreciate is that the school is pretty honest about the pros and cons of living there. They sent me a document about living in Malaysia and the one thing that stood out to me...don't laugh...is the bugs! Going there in advance is not an option unfortunately (I would have to report in July). This is all so exciting and scary!
  3. Right now we both work full time (I work days and he works afternoons). We share the homeschooling and home responsibilities. Income would be less there (I make pretty good money here) but the cost of living is quite a bit less. As far as homeschooling is concerned...I am a little nervous about putting the boys in school. Part of me thinks "Well, it is a Christian school which is good and I doubt too many kids are going to mess with the principal's kids! :D" but if it didn't work out my dh could homeschool them while I work. Oh and we do get medical and dental insurance for the whole family.
  4. The school pays my salary (as in I do not have to raise my own support). I believe the funding source is stable as the school has been in business for 80 years.
  5. I have been offered a position as a principal at an International Christian school on the island of Penang in Malaysia. :svengo: I'm not going to lie...it sounds like a pretty nice gig. The school itself is literally on the beach. The climate there is summer year-round (which is right up my alley as I hate winter). Housing is included. It is a beautiful, tropical island. Most people in Malaysia speak English. It is a Christian school full of missionary kids and children of expats. My kids could attend the school for free and since I would be their principal I would be able to keep a good eye on them. I get 6 weeks off at Christmas and 8 weeks off in the summer when I could come stateside for a visit. I already work full time as a school administrator in the great white frozen north. yuck. The kids going to school would be a big adjustment. My dh is totally for it and would leave tomorrow if possible. He will volunteer at the school and eventually would look for work either in Malaysia or possibly at the school itself. So what's the question??? I don't know...it's just so... unexpected and CRAZY. :tongue_smilie: Would you take the opportunity? Am I crazy?
  6. Everyone says my dh looks like a cop or someone in the military (big, muscular, really short haircut). Me? Gosh, ummm, a dumb blonde? :lol: They for sure don't see me as a school administrator working on a master's in theology! :D
  7. We continue on with Math, Latin and Greek three days a week and drop everything else.
  8. I work full time, Mon-Fri, 8am-3:30pm, as an administrator for a large school district. My dh works full time from 4pm-1am as a manager for Wal-Mart. I select and plan all the curriculum, dh makes sure it gets done during the day. I correct papers and go over things the kids need help with in the evenings. Dh and I split the household chores evenly and kids help too. Dh and I don't get to spend a lot of time together but our time together is very special. It works pretty well for us!
  9. Well, it depends on what you mean by "on computer". Here is how we use the computer for the most part: math- ds watches MUS DVD lesson on the computer then completes worksheets Greek- ds listens to Greek audio on computer then completes worksheets writing- ds composes his essays on Microsoft Word so he can edit easily. history- ds listens to audio of FMOG, FMOR online then completes worksheets science- ds does cd-rom lessons on computer then completes hands-on experiments (Exploration Education) bible- sometimes ds listens to scriptures on audio We don't use the computer at all for Latin, Reading or Geography.
  10. I was reading a book the other day and it mentioned something about objective history and writing about history in an "objective" manner and the first thing that popped into my head was "there is no such thing." What do you think?
  11. This is EXACTLY how it is taught in the elementary schools here. Like ego-centrism is a GOOD thing? Something we want to encourage? Sheesh. My ds learns chronological history because it is a story of God's plan for mankind and I want him to see where he fits into the story. He is not the star of the story (contrary to what our culture wants kids to believe) but he does play an important role. And since we wouldn't tell a story out of order, I don't teach history out of order.
  12. Beth and Dawn...thank you for sharing your perspective. Many people ask me, because I have one bio child and one adopted, if I love them both "the same"? It seems like such an odd question to me. I love them both enough to die or kill for them. I love them both with everything that I am and everything I hope to be. They are both gifts from God...they just came in different kinds of wrapping paper! :D
  13. Of course! It isn't mine...as in I didn't write it...I just found it and it really touched me.
  14. It's easier said than done. My logical brain knows he had a mental illness that caused the suicide but my heart mourns daily and I think I could have done more... shown more compassion, more support.... more.... something.... just more. But I thought I had nothing left to give. Maybe I didn't, but maybe I did. I don't know. All I know is that for over 14 years I have been choking on words I didn't get to say. But I also didn't know the conversation was going to be over so quickly....
  15. Five years ago today a young woman on the other side of the world....poor, unmarried, scared...give birth to a beautiful baby boy. Thousands of miles away another mom waited...and checked the mailbox...and waited...and checked her messages...and waited...and prayed for God to answer her prayer for a child. And He did. Five years ago today my abba father heard my cry and granted my heart's desire and two women's lives were forever changed. I sometimes wonder if she got to hold him. Did she cry? Does she still? Is she celebrating his birthday today too... if only in her heart? What an amazing selfless thing to do...to give your child to someone else because you could not care for him. What an amazing gift I have received. My little Korean bundle of joy turns five today. Our Father DOES answer prayer. Once there were two women who never knew each other. One you do not remember, the other you call Mother. Two different lives shaped to make you one. One became your guiding star, the other became your sun. The first one gave you life, and the second taught you to live it. The first gave you a need for love. The second was there to give it. One gave you a nationality. The other gave you a name. One gave you a talent. The other gave you aim. One gave you emotions. The other calmed your fears. One saw your first sweet smile. The other dried your tears. One sought for you a home that she could not provide. The other prayed for a child and her hope was not denied. And now you ask me, through your tears, the age-old question unanswered through the years. Heredity or environment, which are you a product of? Neither, my darling. Neither. Just two different kinds of Love.
  16. We used a fun book called "Under, Over, By the Clover: What is a Preposition?" by Brian Cleary.
  17. This week my 4yo was running a fever of 104 degrees, had the flu, was coughing, and was very contagious. To take him around others knowing I would expose them to this is just WRONG. And to ask others to show me the same consideration does not make me a germaphobe or one who does not consider other people's circumstances. In addition, I would not take my son out this week even to run a quick errand because he is TOO SICK to leave the house. It is not just about consideration of others, it is also consideration for my sick child.
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