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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. We get our grammar from our Latin and Greek studies. For writing we use IEW. For literature I use the book list from WTM.
  2. I vote OTHER. I plan all my lessons for the entire year during the summer and make binders that include assignment sheets, worksheets, etc., whatever we will need. Then every Sunday night I take about 30 minutes to get that week's work from the unit binder and put it into their daily binder and review what I have scheduled for the week. It's a lot of work over the summer but the stress I DON'T have to deal with during the school year is so worth it!
  3. Do you know of any message boards that are for discussing topics related to Christianity (theology, the Christian life and what-not)?
  4. It is an excellent convention! Great speakers, great vendors. I don't take the kids because there isn't much for them to do and I like to do this kind of thing alone or with another homeschooling mom.
  5. WOW! These are all great suggestions!!! I am going to look at all of them and pick one or two. I may have to get her a copy of WTM though because mine has all my notes in it (and I just can't part with it). :D
  6. My brother would like his wife to homeschool their daughter (with his involvement too). Their daughter will be in kindergarten next fall. His wife, however, is on the fence about it. I wanted to give her a book that would encourage her as to why it is a good choice. I never really read any books like that because I was convinced from the beginning so most of the books I own are about choosing curriculum. Any ideas? p.s. Let's all just assume that the "we all have to do what is best for our own family" angle is covered, OK? I do not want to debate the topic, I just need book ideas. Thanks! :D
  7. No, just a couple of days of soreness but I'm good now. Of course our van is STILL in the shop (9 days and counting) getting the $4000 of damage fixed but we have a rental car so it's all good. :D
  8. Thank you for the recommendations!!! Off to go look them up...
  9. We just do the next thing. There are 30 lessons in MUS and 30 lessons in LOF so we will finish at the same time. My ds does not do well with spiral curriculums so I don't know how well it would work with that. But the book topics are set up similar to MUS in that one whole book is on fractions and a whole book is on decimals, etc....just like MUS.
  10. We do MUS 3 days a week, then a chapter of LOF one day a week. I can't speak to it as a stand alone because we really like MUS but LOF adds another facet to our studies that we all like too.
  11. We have done PL, LCI, LCII, and are now in Henle. I am a firm believer in parts to whole language in the beginning BUT now I am looking for something else to supplement our Latin. We did Minimus for fun and my ds seemed to enjoy "reading" Latin. So what are my options? I have heard of Oxford, Cambridge, Lingua Latina, Ecce Romana. Any others? Any reviews on these? I need something interesting for an almost 11yo boy.
  12. Not sure about origins...I learned about "multiple intelligences" when I was in my undergraduate 15 years ago. According to that theory there are 7 different styles.
  13. OK, need to look into that as well. I hope this was just a freak incident and not something serious.
  14. OK, checking into food allergies should be next. He does drink cow's milk but only with cereal.
  15. :svengo: Seriously, I just turned 8 shades of red when I read that. I am SO not cut out for raising boys. Isn't it too early for that? Please say yes. :o
  16. I finally made it to 1000 posts. I often look at those with thousands and thousands of posts and wonder how you all have so many interesting things to say. I did not think I would ever make it to 1000. :D
  17. I am EXTREMELY loyal to my family (including extended family..."you mess with me, you mess with my WHOLE family" kind of girl). I am very generous and would give my last dime to pretty much anyone who wanted it. I am usually a better friend to others than they are to me. :confused: I am hyper-organized (but this might also be a fault). I am very smart and I have a dry wit that makes most people laugh. I actually like my faults...I think they make me more interesting. What would life be like if we were all perfect and had no faults? :D
  18. A great book on this is "The Way They Learn" by Cynthia Tobias
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