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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. We are getting together with a few other families for food, worship and fun!
  2. THANK YOU!!! I wonder if one could pull this off with the other levels of chalkdust as well?
  3. I'm not much help because although I am an avid scrapbooker, I don't...gasp...journal. I put cute titles, dates, etc. but I don't really journal.
  4. This TRULY made me LAUGH OUT LOUD. If I had been drinking milk it would have come out my nose...no lie. My kids would do the same thing.
  5. WHAT??? I have to know your secret!!! This was all readily available on amazon????
  6. The very first man I ever loved had severe BPD. He ended up commiting suicide 14 years ago. It has forever damaged me. My mother is married to a man with a personality disorder who is on many medications. It helps a little but not a lot. Get help. Soon.
  7. It is called "Made Me Glad" and it is by Hillsong I will bless the Lord forever I will trust Him at all times He has delivered me from all fear He has set my feet upon a rock I will not be moved And I'll say of the Lord You are my shield, my strength My portion, deliverer My shelter, strong tower My very present help in time of need Whom have I in heaven but You There's none I desire beside You You have made me glad And I'll say of the Lord You are my shield, my strength My portion, deliverer My shelter, strong tower My very present help in time of need
  8. Actually they are words from two different songs. But they have been on my mind all day since it happened. I feel so very blessed today, even more so than yesterday when everything was perfect.
  9. Hmmm...I was wondering about that. The damage is to our power liftgate, rear bumper, rear quarter panel on the passenger side and all the lights in the back end. I have a feeling that power liftgate is going to be pricey to fix. :glare: You should see the other guy's car! His passenger side is so smashed in he couldn't even open his glove compartment! We had to take our van to the car wash afterwards because there was shattered glass from his car all over ours (the accident blew out his windows!). Another amazing thing...typically, at that time of day on that stretch of road he is on his way to take his daughter to daycare. But today his wife had the day off and his daughter stayed home. She would have been sitting in that seat.
  10. My little guy is in a booster that uses the car's lap/shoulder belt. Should we still replace it? I never thought of that.
  11. I was afraid someone would say that. This has never happened to me before so I am not sure what is just "normal" post-accident aches and pains and what is real "whiplash"?
  12. We had an amazing Christmas day...perfect in every way....We had dinner at our house with my side of the family and I set the table up and each person had a notecard on their plate with a scripture from the story of Jesus' birth. We went around the table each reading a piece and then dh said the blessing. It was beautiful. I also read Jotham's Journey with my boys this year and they really loved it and we did lapbooks about the story of Jesus' birth. We spent this season concentrating on the miracle that a Holy Sovereign God would come to this sin-filled earth and live among us... we spent very little time on the "commercialized" aspect of Christmas...and it was so special this year. :) And then we got into a car accident today. Satan just can't stand it. He cannot stand to see God's people joyful and he will do anything to steal our joy. The weather has been horrible. We left the house this morning to run an errand not realizing how treacherous the roads were. We got a couple of miles from home and dh said that the roads were too bad so we were going to go back home. We were sitting at a red light when dh happened to look in his rearview mirror and see the car headed right toward us. He yelled "Everybody hold on tight!!!!" and then the car SLAMMED into us. Our minivan is brand new...we just bought it in August and it is in pretty bad shape now. The other guy's car is completely totaled. But no one was hurt. Thankfully, we have full coverage insurance so it will just be a minor annoyance while we wait to get it fixed. But it could have been so much worse. We are all shaken up and sore (my neck is killing me but I guess that is to be expected). But we are ok. The kids were really upset and crying right after it happened. Dh pulled the car into a parking lot to wait for the police and I looked up and saw GAMESTOP!! I said "Hey, guys, want to go to Gamestop and get new games for your Nintendo DS'? Suddenly the tears were gone and all was right with the world! :) So that was our Christmas miracle...a man in a Grand Am going very fast, slams into our minivan, totals his car, wrecks ours, and no one was seriously hurt. God is my shield, my strength, my portion, deliverer, my shelter, strong tower, my very present help in time of need. Praise the Lord above from whom all blessings flow!!! Merry Christmas and a SAFE New Year!!
  13. YAHOO!!! I felt the same way when my older ds finished. My little guy is on lesson 74 and counting! We will finish right about the time he turns 5yo and then we plan to go on with Reading A-Z (same thing I did with my first boy). Isn't it great watching them learn to read!
  14. “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.â€- Isaiah 9:6 Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty!!!
  15. We did Jotham's Journey this year too and we LOVED it...it was the highlight of our pre-Christmas season. Tonight ds asked if we were going to read the next chapter and was so bummed to hear that it was over.
  16. :D Not as young as I used to be...38yo and counting...I remember when I felt like I had all the time in the world...now that biological clock is ticking so loudly it deafens me! :lol:
  17. This really made me cry. I am so sorry for the hurt you've endured and inspired by your faith.
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