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Everything posted by mamiof5

  1. I'm so glad she's ok!!! As others said, she handled it wonderfully. Sorry it happened though :(
  2. More prayers for David!!! Really, really hoping he's safe.
  3. I'm sorry you couldn't go, sometimes things don't work out as planned. Hope your ds gets better soon, and that you and dd get to do something special together when you see her :)
  4. Many, many prayers for him, that he is found safe. Also prayers for everyone in your family as you await for news. How nerve-racking :(
  5. Praying for a peaceful evening for those in the area. Glad your loved ones are home safe.
  6. No advice here, but prayers and good thoughts! I hope your recovery goes smoothly.
  7. Many prayers for the NC folks. No, I'm not numb, just shocked and saddened about everything that's going on. Other 3 places were dealing with tragedies this weekend too, the bombs, the stabbings. It just breaks my heart, and honestly I'm kind of purposely staying away from the news for a while.
  8. When asked, I am very honest sharing my experience. What has worked and hasn't worked for US. Since we are all so different, that doesn't mean my struggles or victories are going to be like someone else's.
  9. I usually say "it's not easy, but I love it" type of thing. And I am very honest and elaborate more when needed.
  10. A gal a few houses down from us suddenly passed away in her sleep. 35 yrs old. Leaves her husband, and 5 kids ages 19-2 yr old. I never met her, don't know them at all, but my heart aches for them. If you could please pray for David and his family I would greatly appreciate it!!
  11. eeeeeewwwwwwwwwww!! I dislike roaches. Good luck!!
  12. I take a multivitamin, store brand... for calcium, B12, iron etc. The kids take also one once in a while. During cold/flu season I make sure we have Emergen-C, we take it as soon as we start feeling a little under the weather. It usually helps
  13. Thank you for sharing this beautiful tribute. May the Lord guide you all and give you peace and strength in this difficult time.
  14. Oh boy! Good luck with that. My dh wouldn't change it, no way on earth.
  15. Pumpkins. I love decorating pumpkins! Each girl can personalize their own, the 5 yr old could put her handprint...so many ways to decorate pumpkins!!
  16. I'm sorry, hope you are feeling better today. Also sorry for all those who posted and don't feel at home in their current living arrangements.
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