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Everything posted by mamiof5

  1. We have 5, from 20 yrs old to almost 2. Thank God no losses or miscarriages. Dh was done at 4. For some. I just knew there was one more, and several times even knew he was a boy. It was painful to see every year pass and realize baby number 5 was not coming. He eventually came, I was almost 38 when we had him (less than 2 weeks shy from 38). If we go by pregnancies, deliveries etc we could have a dozen. My pregnancies and deliveries are really easy for most part. But, both dh and I are almost 40, we are drained. 5 is good.
  2. Those are beautiful!!! A lot of detail in those stamps. The set I used today is very basic :)
  3. 1am here right now. Laundry, baking 2round cakes and 1 cupcake, wrapping 2 doz cookies (individually), washing dishes and cleaning the aftermath of baking and decorating cookies today, and the cakes. Now finishing a glass of wine I started 5 hrs ago...and finally heading to bed 😴
  4. I so need to try that recipe!! Have never had snickerdoodles, but they sound yummy. Good idea with the log too... should also try that :-) I found out last night that regular sugar cookie dough doesn't work for this, so I had to try a total new recipe (for me). Ended being somewhat of a shortbread cookie (with modifications, as I had to substitute an ingredient
  5. The stamps I found are plastic, with the image carved on it. It has a wooden handle. I'll check the King Arthur's website and the options you mentioned. Thanks!!
  6. I'm sorry :( Hope things get better soon!
  7. So...found this cute cookie stamps and decided to give it a try. As usual, looks easier than it actually is. To begin with, I didn't realize I couldn't use a regular cookie dough mix for this. I did end up finding a recipe, and after lots of mishaps (not cooling the dough enough, then ended up freezing it by accident...it was quite an ordeal). End result was miraculously ok 🙌🙌🙌. I love rubber-stamping, so cookie stamping is very appealing. But baking doesn't come easy to me 😮. So, bakers...would you mind sharing dough recipes, tips etc?? Has anyone tried cookie stamps?
  8. Listening. Have been wanting to ask this for a while ☺
  9. I was hoping for a good update :-( Praying!!! Still hoping. I'm so sorry!!
  10. Pmd you. I also find harder to be the parent of an adult
  11. This. Or donation towards research on her type of cancer? A good friend's dad passed a couple years ago. My friend said breast cancer gets lots of funds, but not necessarily other types. Not sure if this is true, just going off what I was told. Sorry about your friend's mom :(
  12. I hear you. We had to miss our niece's bday party last year, her bday is the day before, and they hosted it on Halloween. I just couldn't do it, too much. Hope you find a way around it.
  13. Religion. If they know their faith, and learn to love, know, and serve God in this life so they can be with Him in the next then I'm good, mission accomplished.
  14. I was going to say pregnancy as well. Hormone/minerals deficiency? Maybe just exhaustion? Maybe try to plan something fun/relaxing? Not sure. Just saying what comes to mind.
  15. I pray, pray and pray some more. Try to do something I enjoy...dinner with a friend, get a massage, work on a craft etc. And I pray. Every time I get anxious, the what ifs attack...every time I think about it and worry, I put it in God's hands. Good luck! Hope all is well. Will pray for you, for good results and for peace of mind while you wait.
  16. I would mention it on the invitation or evite, but it's for each parent to decide if they drop their kid off or not. Yes, it increases our cost, but we know that ahead of time when deciding to host a party.
  17. Yeah, it varies depending on the kid. But, if you want all of them to hopefully remember some of it I'd wait til youngest is 5-6ish?
  18. I really hope she can work something out! A teacher can encourage the love for a subject or make the student hate it. This guy should not be a professor.
  19. Or a grandma shower? Can't remember what it was called. Anyway, it sounded like a sweet thoughtful idea, but maybe the other gal felt forced or something? Who knows? If it was me I'd have just brought the present, without dragging anyone else into it
  20. I would have never called it a baby shower unless I was really hosting one. You wanted to bring a small gift, that's very nice of you, but you can't expect everyone else in the office to want to do the same.
  21. Glad they were able to narrow it a bit. Praying!!!! Have been thinking of him and all of you.
  22. I would talk to everyone and their mom if possible. Yes, meeting with both teacher and principal at the same time. Maybe school board if there's one? Would also let his college know. AND, I'd request someone else goes over my dd's tests and assignments to make sure they were properly graded. First I'd probably email the professor stating everything that has happened, and requesting to meet with him and principal. I'd CC the principal and let him know principal was CCd, and end requesting prompt action and a meeting ASAP.
  23. Probably they just dropped the ball, are busy etc. I'd hope all is well. Prayers never hurt, so just prayed all is well and you get results soon :)
  24. Is that tonight? Hoping to get stuff ready for dd's bday party, have a glass of wine, lemon glazed almonds and listen to classical music :)
  25. You are all making me laugh!!! Well...we got coffee cups, knives, a shatki mat, a pedicure egg thing...all from conversations/recommendations here. Also, we haven't quit Netflix to switch to Amazon prime... comments from here. Maybe I do spend a lot of time here...just maybe 😇 ETA: also constantly remember to pray for those I say I'll pray for. Think of all of them often. For healthy pregnancies, economic issues, house burnt situations, death of a loved one, the brother missing etc. I might not always remember user names (I'm bad with names), but I remember situations, and pray for the hive...a lot!
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