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Dawn E

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Everything posted by Dawn E

  1. Right now dd is reading from The Christian Liberty Press Nature Reader 1 each day. We are really enjoying the interesting nature facts and usually go online or to our other reference books to find out more.
  2. We're finishing week three and so far I am very pleased with our materials. Dd seems to be enjoying them and the days have been very pleasant. Some of our faves: GWG 1/2 Classically Cursive BJU Math Our Young Folks' Josephus Burgess Bird Book Christian Liberty Press Nature Reader 1 We are starting slowly and have more materials to add later on, but for now I'm not on the fence about anything. I will admit though that I am intimidated by SWR and nervous about jumping in. We are going to have our first art day next Friday using Atelier. I've previewed the first dvd lesson, and I'm pretty certain this will also be a favorite. We're doing some catch-up today, and will have our first Song School Latin lesson. She already loves the cd.
  3. Oh, darn. I was both too slow and too wrong. However, I am glad that I was wrong. :001_smile:
  4. Is it by Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow? This song gets stuck in my head but I cannot stand it!
  5. Just thought I'd share this link for others who missed the segment.
  6. Cool...more WW posts. I posted on the curriculum board, but will post here too. Mine is from the past...me and my mamaw. :001_smile:
  7. I'm early, too. :001_smile: But it will be Wednesday here in less than one minute. This is me and my mamaw. I've been scanning in old photos.
  8. I've read most but not all of the thread, so please forgive me if I am repeating someone else. When I had my last child, I had to attend a meeting with the anesthesiologist prior to coming to the hospital to hear all of the possible side effects of the epidural and to sign a waiver. I was told by my OB that if there was any chance that I would want an epidural, I must have attended and signed the waiver. Otherwise, I would not be allowed one despite how much I begged. :001_smile: Our society has gotten so litigious that the doctors have to be so careful. Even though you are planning to use a midwife, if any problem did occur you would perhaps also need the assistance of an OB. I just wonder if instead of trying to talk you out of it, this is just a new routine step the hospital has to take for you to be able to do what you want. I'm very tired...I hope this makes some sense. :grouphug: Dawn
  9. Oh, Anj...I'm right there with you, so I fully understand. May God wrap you up in peace so you can put those thoughts aside and have a great day. :grouphug:
  10. This article has a little more info. It sounds like his sense of humor was undamaged. :001_smile: Hopefully, he will recover quickly.
  11. So cute! I can't wait to start SSL this week! You've inspired me to make sure it happens.
  12. I'm so sad to hear this and will be praying. When he first moved back to MS I saw him in Wal-Mart. I couldn't even speak, he was so larger than life. :001_smile:
  13. Well...I cheated and "made" the same cake using a sheetcake and a smaller round cake for the top tier. It worked out beautifully. Maybe next year I'll actually bake the cake. :001_smile:
  14. Dh suggested you look here. It is a link to almost every major review of the game. He also said that the IGN review should be a very comprehensive one.
  15. From DH: "The game was originally rated Teen but was upgraded to Mature, not due to anything sexu@l or profanity, but due to hack fantasy violence. I've only played it to a limited amount, but so far I haven't seen anything that really warranted the Mature rating. I have enjoyed the game, and its content, at least what I've seen, is very similar to the content of the games I played at your son's age. The thing that sticks out with me the most is that the developers at least tried to work in a more realistic moral code than games like Grand Theft Auto. For instance, in GTA you can steal as many cars, rob as many stores, and run down as many pedestrians as you desire as long as the police don't see you do it. If you escape their attention, there will be no consequences. In Oblivion, if you steal something, those from whom you have stolen will not forget your misdeeds, and there are consequences to every act (however, you can become skilled at thievery to a point that you will not be caught). In conclusion, Oblivion is a very well-made, open-ended game that is a solid alternative to the online RPGs that are populated by millions of people that you don't know. It is the closest thing to the beloved World of Warcraft without being online." HTH, Dawn
  16. It's been a while since I've played :001_smile: but mine is up now, too.
  17. :thumbup: This movie is one of my all-time favorites! :thumbup:
  18. We went to Greece in 2000 or 2001; I'm tired and can't remember which year. It was early in our marriage, before children. I LOVED it and want to go back with the children someday. We found it to be extremely affordable; however that was pre-Olympics, so things may be more expensive now. We went off-season, in March. The weather was windy but wonderful. If we get to return we will spend most of our time in Crete with a side-trip to Santorini. Ahhhh....beautiful!!!!
  19. I am planning to follow the history reading schedule for 1st grade using Our Young Folks' Josephus as a spine. I am using some of the literature suggestions along with some from SL and Ambleside. I also found a used copy of the spiral bound corebook, and I love it! It has great organizational tips along with memory work, habits and health study ideas and a guide to studying geography the Charlotte Mason way. I know that they now sell the corebook as a pdf download, but I am unsure what all is included in it.
  20. Ditto on the evaluations; however, my dd went through a period of being deathly afraid of water. She would cling to me like a cat at bath time and just scream. We bought one of those inflatable travel tubs and used it inside of the regular tub. It made her feel safer and more secure, and bath time ceased being so traumatic--for us both. She did outgrow this fear. She loves the water, but is still rather nervous upon first getting into a pool. Dd has mild sensory issues--particularly with clothing. Anything slightly stiff or scratchy is intolerable. I haven't noticed any other issues though.
  21. Christian Content: Here is a link that I found through a blog on my reader. It is an article Tony wrote for Christianity Today. I found it amazingly inspiring.
  22. Well....I'm afraid I don't have much advice for you, but I hope it helps to know that my 6 yo is this way also. Since she is the oldest, by far, there is never anyone to deflect it until dad comes home. Sometimes I feel as if my ears will bleed. One thing that has helped has been to give her "room time" where she must either play alone for a set amount of time or listen to a story on cd. She starts off acting as if I am torturing her--lots of protesting and whining--however, she ends up enjoying herself and getting involved in her play. Of course, she continues to talk non-stop (unless a cd is in) but I am somewhat removed from it. In addition to talking incessantly, she never wants to be alone. The two together make for a very long day. This summer has been especially hard since both our homeschool group and gymnastics quit meeting until August.
  23. Your post was very enlightening and also very well said. I apologize if I seemed to make light of the offense. I am white, but also grew up in MS. In fact, I currently live in the MS Delta. Race issues are as tangible here as the thick humidity. We cannot overlook that deep wounds have been suffered and wounded ears hear differently. I don't think we could ever be careful enough to censor our language as to never offend anyone; however, I think it is very important to try to speak with care. Also, humility in addressing these offenses is also important. Though it may be absurd to me, I have to be willing to think outside of my box. Many times the issue is respect, or lack thereof.
  24. I always add Lawry's Seasoned Salt and lots of cheese. Yum. We love breakfast at dinner...since we're in the South, I refer to it jokingly as brupper. :001_smile:
  25. :iagree: Well said, Anj. I'm rather surprised anyone would choose to use that word despite its meaning or connotation. The news story is not all that shocking to me. These type of meetings are often so emotional that they tend to disintegrate into the absurd.
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