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Dawn E

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Everything posted by Dawn E

  1. by posting a WTB request on the Sale/Swap board and at homeschoolclassifieds.com. I also kept an eye on the sale boards while I waited to hear from someone. It took a while, but I eventually got PLL at a great deal. ILL may be more difficult to find though since it is so new.
  2. Dd, 6 years: extremely verbal, loquacious, bright, stubborn, sometimes defiant, already knows "everything," yet very loving. She is the first born and was an only until ds was born last summer. This year was officially our K year. We have used: BJU Math 1, Primary Phonics, GWG 1/2, MFW 1st Bible with copywork, reading basket and some hodgepodge things for science, music and art. She is particularly fond of anything she can do independently, so she loves workbooks. She is extremely creative, so in my mind the perfect fit would be a material that included art, creating stories, etc. We loved the drawing aspect included in Bible this year, and picture studies are also a big hit. Because of this, I am going to do more reading about Charlotte Mason this summer and try to implement more of this philosophy next year.
  3. link in signature. :001_smile: All day I've thought it was Tuesday!
  4. a second account to link to paypal. I'm almost certain paypal is safe, but it just made me feel better. :001_smile: Also, I was able to put my mad money in there and not be tempted to tap into anything more. I'm not good at fighting the spending temptation, so a small balance helps things.
  5. Motorcycles are often very difficult to see by even those with no vision difficulties. Dh pulled out in front of one a few years ago. Neither of us saw him coming. When we spun around from the force of his hit and saw his motorcycle lying there, we were so afraid he'd be dead, wherever he was. Fortunately he suffered only a broken wrist and some lacerations. However, the highway patrolman told him of 8 similar traffic accidents he had been to, he was the only survivor(motorcyclist survivor). The guy told us he knew that we didn't see him because of how slowly we pulled out. I still shudder to think of this, and thank God that it turned out as it did. And this was no speeding teenager--the guy was in his late forties or early fifties and claimed to be going less than 50. With a car you may be thrown out if you are not wearing a safety belt, but with a motorcycle you most likely will be thrown. That being said, you really have to count the cost whatever you choose to do. Dh grew up in a logging family and has many scars from chain saw cuts. The best healed spot was sewn in the back of a truck by a fellow logger. :001_smile: I am very glad he is no longer logging. Talk about dangerous.
  6. Visit Tina's blog, too. She has wonderful posts of her family's adventures participating in Green Hour. I'm "green" with envy. :001_smile: Corny, I know, but I am motivated to get back into this habit by reading her posts.
  7. BJU Math 1 Primary Phonics Riggs Inst. Phonogram cards GWG 1/2 A reading basket of leveled readers Lots of "Let's Read and Find Out" and Magic School Bus books for science as well as playing "SomeBody" by Aristoplay and Using "My Body" by Teacher Created Resources. We actually both have enjoyed all of the above. :thumbup: I had originally chosen to do MFW 1st and purchased it a long time ago, but then shelved it because I decided to piece my own things together. When I became dissatisfied with using the Vos Bible for Bible time, I pulled out MFW. Using the Bible stories in the TM, the Bible Reader and the Student Notebook as our Bible program was the highlight of our year. Depending on the child, MFW 1st may need some supplementing with math. I can't speak to that as I didn't try the whole program, but it was a concern of mine. However, for the jewel that it is, I would try it. You can always add something later if necessary.
  8. I'm sorry that I have no ideas about what's causing your arm to feel that way; however, I just wanted to encourage you to make an appointment. If it is bothering you this much, it is worth a checkup. Even if it turns out to be "nothing" you'll have more peace of mind. :grouphug: Dawn
  9. Check out the shared lesson plans that Jessica made at her blog: Trivium Academy. We followed them loosely adding some books of our own and using resources we already had (we loved My Body). Scroll down and look to the right for the links to the shared lesson plan downloads.
  10. check out Heart of Wisdom by Robin Sampson. Here is more info on this method.
  11. but I would love to develop a new elementary grammar program that is both challenging and fun. Also, if I had the time I would work on an Attic Greek program for young learners.
  12. Thanks so much! One question, do you think the fact that they are Canadian and she uses pre-made sauces and such would hinder me greatly from being able to find ingredients here? I am in a podunk area of the world where it is already difficult to find gourmet or specialty ingredients. :001_smile:
  13. They look really good, but I'd love to hear reviews from anyone who has used them. Thanks, Dawn
  14. Oh, how beautiful! Congratulations!!!
  15. Some of the people whose answers and posts I flock to for wisdom are in the list of those who didn't go to college. A friend and I were discussing college the other day, and I really think most of my lessons from college were life lessons, not academic ones. That was just the environment God used to teach them to me. :001_smile:
  16. What a blessing, Cleo. I think it really will depend on the personality of the person and how well you know them. If you have a close relationship, you could just hand them the money, tell them you love them and that you don't want it back. When dh was in school, people who cared about us often helped us, and it humbled us to accept their gifts. As believers, we always saw it as God's provision despite whose hands He delivered it through. It also helped to know that others cared enough to offer of themselves. If you don't have a close relationship or if you think it might be received with embarrassment or guilt, you could give anonymously.
  17. That's funny because when I was making up the poll options dh suggested that one should be, "Is that the show where the British women in lab coats go clean houses where people have let their dogs use their showers as bathrooms?" That show is scary--insert shudder. Clean house is definitely lighter and the houses are clutter-full but rarely as toxic as that show.
  18. I have DirecTV and it comes on the Style Network. I'm not sure if it is on other channels. A team of a yard sale girl, handy man and designer--plus host and arm chair psychiatrist--travel around LA helping people buried in clutter part with stuff and make a clean start. They raise money through a garage sale, match it up to $1000 and use the money to redecorate the people's homes--after extensive cleaning and decluttering takes place, of course.
  19. it's my first poll and I kind of jumped the gun with my post. :001_smile: My answer, and I will go and vote now, would have to be number 2. I am a clutterbug and it helps to know I am not alone in this world. Not only am I not alone, but some are actually much worse than I am. :D I also think Niecy often has great insight and wisdom to share re: clutter that makes me think.
  20. Does anyone else watch Clean House? I was reading Ree's blog and she mentioned it. So, I'm curious to know just who else watches this show and why.
  21. I remember the old copy machines, or mimeograph machines from when I was in elementary. The pages were somewhat damp when freshly copied, and had a distinctive odor that was somehow comforting. :001_smile: My all time favorite smell, though, would have to be Grandma's cornbread cooking. Mmmmmmm.
  22. English major I had almost enough credits to also have a classics degree, though the few upper level Greek courses I would have had to take to get it would have, I am sure, been the death of me. :001_smile: The joke in the English dept. was that Classics majors were the only people English majors could taunt with, "What are you going to do with that major?" Why, homeschool, of course. :D
  23. I didn't want to just add this to my old post in case you'd already read it...but here is a link from a post I did on why I loved MFW 1st Bible. HTH, Dawn
  24. I had found a used set of MFW 1st for a great price, and then decided to piece together a curriculum. After being dissatisfied with what I had originally planned for Bible, I picked MFW up again. I used the Bible materials from 1st--teacher's guide, Bible reader and student notebook--in addition with what I had already planned for math, science, language arts, etc. I LOVED them. They were part of the highlight of our year. I can't vouch for the whole program, but I don't think you'd go wrong with it. BTW--dd was also in K this year and reading well when we began.
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