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Dawn E

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Everything posted by Dawn E

  1. This has been discussed a lot lately--not kindergarten specifically, but Bible studies for children in general. I didn't see this one mentioned, but here is a three year free curriculum that we are planning to use next year. I'll probably end up using a part of this and a part of some others and compiling my own final product from the mix. I just wanted to encourage you to look at My Father's World 1st grade. I don't know where your dd is re: phonics, but you may think about using it next year. We used it this year for K because my dd was reading already. I LOVED the Bible part of the program. I used different materials for other subjects--found the MFW used at a great price which allowed me to do this. Anyway, there are solid stories in the teacher's guide to read, then the child has a reader to read certain stories themselves. After reading they use their Bible Notebook to draw a picture from the story and then copy a sentence or two from the reader. It is a great program. HTH, and I hope I made some sense. I'm in a big hurry! :001_smile: Dawn
  2. We will continue math 3-4x week as well as daily independent reading time. I have a unit study on horses for us to do, and we will continue Nature study with Barb's Green Hour. I'm ordering Song School Latin, so we might add that as well.
  3. making money-dh paying bills-me budgeting-what? mortgage/loans-share home repair/maintenance-dh banking/investments-share taxes-dh car care-share, but mostly dh health insurance-share scheduling (making/keeping track of) phone calls or correspondence re: all the above-share teaching/school work or homework-me discipline (planning and implementing)-share spiritual guidance (who actually carries it out, not just the "head")-share kids mornings-dh kids bedtimes-share, but mostly me transportation for kids-me grocery shopping-me, though he runs errands to pick up things I miss laundry-me eating at home-me eating away (pack lunch, etc)-share daily chores/cleaning (really need sub-categories!)-share lawn care/snow cleanup-pay neighbor's son garden or bed maintenance-n/a
  4. I'm not sure if this is the one you're interested in, but you can see samples at this site Hope this helps, Dawn
  5. promo code: SPRINGSHIP They are advertising it at the site. Just thought I'd mention it since it saves almost $14.00 for those of you looking to purchase one this year. This will be our first American Girl, so we are very excited. Dd saved up 1/2 the money and we matched it. :D
  6. Holy Experience She has been doing Passion devotionals; you have to scroll down and click older links and go to the bottom to find the first one. I don't know how to view them in order on the blog, or if there is a way. HTH, Dawn E
  7. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe to dd at age 4. We'll probably read the rest of the set this year--she is just turning 6. We'll most likely wait until 8 or so to begin the Lord of the Rings books.
  8. Teaching Montessori in the Home: Preschool Years by Hainstock--This book is a great place to start. Basic Montessori This book is great and has the Montessori activities laid out in the same fashion as Montessori training manuals. Workjobs...for Parents This book has some great ideas for making your own materials. It is an older book, probably from the 70's by the pictures. You can find a used copy at Amazon or another site with used books. It is very useful, but I wouldn't pay more than 5 before shipping for it. Try to find it for less than this link. Two more: Montessori Play and Learn How to Raise an Amazing Child the Montessori Way She may want to get her a mat to use on the floor as a workspace when she is not doing table activities. This will help get her accustomed to using one every time she is on the floor. They unroll the mats, use them, then roll them up and put them back. Cycle of work is very important: pick an activity, work with the activity, place it back on the tray as you found it, place the tray back on the shelf where it was. I taught at a Montessori preschool for a couple of years while dh was in law school. PM me if you have any specific questions. HTH, Dawn
  9. but it was so sad I had to include a caption. So I posted an "As Wordy as I want to be" post in honor of Meliss. :D
  10. Here is a link to my blog post regarding our plans for next year. I am still trying to nail down ideas for Bible, copywork, art and music. Of course, all of these plans are subject to great change. :)
  11. not sure why that didn't work. Search for Tanglewood Tales for Girls and Boys: Being a Second Wonder-book. This is by Hawthorne and will probably bring up several hits. Look for the first one that has "readers" as it's subject and click "readers." This is how I went to that subject instead of typing it in. Fickle beast, this Google books. :) Hope that helps...it gave over a thousand results for me.
  12. And the McGuffey readers! At least I have found the fourth and fifth readers so far. I am just going through the search results for "readers" still and haven't tried to search just for "McGuffey" yet. This is an invaluable resource! Thanks again to Myrtle for bringing it to my attention!
  13. the subject "readers" brings up a lot of classics like Black Beauty, Ivanhoe, Lamb's Tales From Shakespeare, Swiss Family Robinson, etc.
  14. to some degree. Anyway, if you enter a book like Alice in Wonderland, the subject is "juvenile fiction." You can click on these subject words which are in blue, and a list of books in this category will come up. Then you just have to make sure to select "full view" to get a list of all the books that are offered in completion. I assume that if you went to the advanced search and entered juvenile fiction, you would get the same list. You've probably figured this out for yourself :) but just thought I'd share. It was rather infuriating to decipher.
  15. I'm having a blast! Right now I am going through the list of Charlotte Mason's original book suggestions for history from Levison's A Charlotte Mason Education. Cool beans! Thanks so much for starting this thread.
  16. And, duh on my comment about not knowing your blog host: we have the same host. :o
  17. we had a lot of 3 yr olds ready to begin reading. Dd started at this age, too. I would recommend you get some manipulatives, like a movable alphabet which you can buy, print or make yourself with several sets of magnetic letters. This site is wonderful and has a printable movable alphabet as well as some pink series cards to use with it--these are three-letter words with short vowel sounds. One set of the pink series cards you would cut out with the words and pictures together, and then cut out another set that separates the pictures from the words. With these materials, you could start blending words together. The children can do all sorts of activities, like matching the words with the pictures and later taking the pictures and creating the words with the movable alphabet. BTW--the above site has a ton of info. I linked straight to language so be sure to check out all it has to offer. You can buy great Montessori materials here and many other places, even ebay. Send me a PM if you want more info.
  18. I'm pretty computer illiterate, so I hope that I can tell you in a way that makes some sense. I am not familiar with your blog host, but here is what I do to upload a youtube video. At the youtube site there will be a little box to the right of the video screen that has the word "embed" in the heading. Highlight and copy all of the script in that box. When I am posting, there is a link to "edit html." If I click that link and paste the script inside there, the video is posted when I publish that post. Does that help at all? Maybe someone a little more computer savvy will post, if not. :)
  19. It took forever to find one, though, since I'm usually behind the camera. :)
  20. I cheated and included a caption so friends would know who they were looking at. :) Link below.
  21. Paypal doesn't address you as "Paypal customer" but by your name as they know it. They always look so legit don't they?
  22. Moving Beyond the Page. Someone recommended it on this board a while back. In their 6-8 yr old package Concept 3--which can be purchased individually--is on Culture. I have no personal experience with it, but it looks great and is definitely secular. Scroll down on the site and you'll see units from Concept 3 along with pdf samples of lessons.
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