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Dawn E

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Everything posted by Dawn E

  1. We haven't begun the lessons yet, though dd has begun listening to the cd. She loves it and is excited to get started. I had planned to wait until next year, but will probably start this summer. I was pleased with the quality, though on hindsight I would not have purchased the teacher book since it is mainly just an answer key to the workbook. Even for those without a Latin background, the answers are obvious.
  2. She did say that she lived near it. In the extra section where moms write their answers to her questions, another mom expanded on the idea. It sounded so great. Bummer. Oh, well. Maybe one day. :001_smile: Thanks for the help.
  3. I was reading in Real Learning by Elizabeth Foss that she purchased 11x14 prints from different artists from the National Gallery of Art. Has anyone done this? I can't see how to do so on their website, and was wondering if the prints are no longer available or if I am just overlooking something. If you use this resource for art appreciation, could you please let me know how you do it? Thanks so much, Dawn
  4. Nature Study? You should look at Barb's Nature blog for the Green Hour Challenge. It's not a curriculum, but a great resource.
  5. This summer I am planning to do Sarah Constance Julicher's My First Unit Study on Horses with my daughter. I also have her Horses: A One Week Off Unit Study. For your girls, if you buy just one, I would purchase the My First Unit Study one.
  6. Mildly embarrassed about enjoying so much: Medium Kimora: Life in the Fab Lane Surprised by how much I enjoyed: Dexter (though this was the CBS version, not the uncut Showtime one)
  7. I am curious about these DVDs and would love some feedback from those of you who use them. I've seen the sample videos at Sonlight, but still have questions. Do the DVDs have a particular theme with each level? I mean, do the experiments correlate to the topic of study for that year, or are they just basic science experiments as an extra? Also, can these be implemented alone, or do you have to purchase extras from Sonlight? I am planning to use God's Design for Earth next year, but like the idea of having one of these DVDs for off weeks. Thanks so much for your input. Dawn
  8. it will get better. I look like a total spaz anytime I start any aerobics class. I even referred to my Self Defense class in college as Humiliation 101. It takes me a little longer than most, but even I eventually get the hang of it. Just laugh at yourself, remember you're not alone, and enjoy the fellowship that the class and study will provide. You can do it!
  9. This year was kind of a K/1st blend for us. Here's what we did/are doing: Primary Phonics SWR Phonograms GWG 1/2 MFW 1st Bible materials--included reading, drawing and copywork BJU Math 1 She reads the Primary Phonics readers, Dr. Seuss/I Can Read books and other early readers from a book basket. For read alouds, we use a lot of Sonlight recommendations, started the Little House series and have added others like Kate DiCamillo's books. For science, we were more project oriented with lots of reading--primarily "Let's read and find out" and Magic School Bus books. We used the Butterfly Pavilion for a Butterfly study, went to the zoo while studying animals, and currently we are working through a human body study using Aristoplay's SomeBody game and My Body from Teacher Created Resources. Next year will be our official 1st grade year. Our Young Folks' Josephus and MOH for history SOTW as a read aloud (the cds) GWG 1/2 with a little Shurley added for parsing sentences SWR for phonics and spelling Classically Cursive Book 1 BJU Math 2 God's Design: Earth and Universe A Child's Geography--kind of goes w/the Earth science study Geography Songs Old Testament study using her Bible and Bible Scribe Song School Latin I've purchased a collection of Sonlight readers and am accumulating read alouds from SL, Ambleside and Tanglewood suggestions. I plan to do a lot of reading this summer about Charlotte Mason's philosophy and hope to order our days accordingly with short lessons and handicrafts and lots of nature study added in.
  10. I am planning to order this product this summer. Someone here recommended it last year.
  11. Kate DiCamillo!!!!!!! We have LOVED her books. I am currently reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, and I read over 70 pages YESTERDAY because neither of us could stop once a chapter ended. We have also read and loved The Tale of Despereaux. We have but have not yet read Because of Winn Dixie and The Tiger Rising.
  12. I had elevated liver enzymes when pregnant with dd. I think that I was around 7 mos. The soles of my feet and the palms of my hands itched so badly it would wake me up in the night. I didn't think it was anything big, but did mention it to the doctor. He was concerned about cholestasis and sent me for blood tests. My liver enzymes were elevated and he sent me to see an internal medicine doctor who scheduled me for regular blood work. Within a few weeks, though, my enzyme count had stabilized. My OB said it could have simply been a virus that affected my liver temporarily in this way. Hopefully your daughter's case will be quickly resolved as well. Dawn
  13. that there are only 2 offered online: Believing in God and Living Beyond Yourself? Is there any way to do others online? I too am very interested in this, and it may be the Mother's Day present I request. I need some accountability to be in the word more regularly. Maybe those of us who do go this route can form an encouragement group together.
  14. I've been reading through this other thread today that might be helpful.
  15. I agree that realistically things are probably worse than the movie portrayed. That being said, I really enjoyed the movie. Aside from making me laugh out loud more than most movies, it made me want to get more involved with the young people in my community. We used to work for a campus ministry before we moved to this state, and it made me long for those days. The movie really had heart that a lot of movies nowadays do not. I actually felt hopeful after watching it.
  16. Yikes. I don't think it was meant to be geared towards ecclesiastical, but now they've unintentionally geared themselves towards classical. I guess that makes my own decision easier. :001_smile: We'll use the classical pronunciation part of the cd. I see that they now have free audio files for both pronunciations on the website. I wonder if any corrections have been made. I plan to go on to Lively next, and if I'm not mistaken you can also choose pronunciation with that program as well.
  17. Primary Phonics has great readers for just between Bob books and the Dr. Seuss/I Can Read books. The link shows the workbooks, but there are 10 readers in the sets that go with each workbook. You can buy them at Rainbow Resource and sometimes find lots at ebay. We loved them.
  18. I am considering substituting MacDonald for Lang's Blue Fairy Book and some other literature selections for next year. Dd will be 6. For those of you who use MacDonald, is this too early? I have The Gifts of the Child Christ & Other Stories. Thanks, Dawn
  19. It seems these are the only posts I do nowadays! Click the link below to see a showcase of one of dh's many talents. :001_smile: They really are 12-year-old boys at heart, huh?
  20. to figure out as a newbie. There is guilt involved in focusing too much on one or the other. Too much focus on fun and you wonder if you're providing the education that your child deserves. Too much focus on academics and you feel as though you're not providing the fun childhood memories your child deserves. Ugh. Those of us just starting out have to go through a "de-schooling" period, I think. I personally worked at a preschool--though it was Montessori--where children were reading, writing and doing simple math at age 3 and 4. My dd basically got a kindergarten education there when she was three. I feel the pressure to continue to challenge her academically, and this part comes natural to me as a teacher. However, I ache over not being as good at planning fun things for her. I am looking into Charlotte Mason and trying to learn how to shed a lot of the traditional school ideas that are such a part of my thinking. Right now my frustration is that I have so little time to actually sit down and read and research these things personally with a baby. When school is done and he's napping I come and feast from you guys' research. :001_smile: Small bits I can handle. Hopefully, I will be able to make the time to read more once school ends. Thanks for the gentle reminder. Dawn
  21. I'd also suggest you look at GWG as Sue suggested. My dd started GWG 1/2 this year, she just turned 6, and it has been a really good fit. There is a lot of repetition, so, after the initial instruction of the concept introduced, she has been able to do a lot of the review pages with minimal input on my behalf. She loves being able to read and follow the directions independently. I also have a little one, so this has been helpful. We do a lesson everyday (we are on a four-day schedule). Next year I am adding some Shurley into the mix in addition to the 2nd grade portion of GWG. I want to introduce parsing sentences in preparation for Latin studies and as a way to put all the parts she has been learning together.
  22. I am going to start searching for used copies of Atelier while budgeting for it new just in case. Tina in WA uses this and highly recommends it. I love reading her week-in-review post to see the great artwork her kids have created while using it. I have failed miserably at trying to get something going on my own, so I am thinking having the DVD instruction will be of benefit to us both. :001_smile:
  23. This is the first one I saw of Team Hoyt. It has a lot of the same footage as the one on Godtube, but more information and some home video clips at the beginning. Team Hoyt
  24. You are not alone. :001_smile: Thankfully we live out in the country so people rarely drop by unannounced. I am glad that I give off an organized vibe, but I'm the first to admit I am very far from having it all together. Homeschooling at the Speed of Life is very encouraging and helpful. This is my favorite quote from the book so far: Another quote of hers--Marilyn Rockett--that I like is: People are more important than things, but things out of control hinder our relationships with people. We're all works in progress. Baby steps. Don't let the guilt paralyze you. That is often my problem, along with being overwhelmed and not knowing where to begin.
  25. you'd be surprised of the "used" items you can find that are in like new condition because someone bought it and never used it. This was the case with the copy I got. And, though I love it, I'll also admit that upon seeing how small it was I was glad to have paid $10ppd as opposed to what it would have cost from Hillside with shipping. I got very excited earlier this year when I saw it listed at Amazon, but it states the item is out of stock and it has been that way for months. If you're willing to take a chance though, it is eligible for free shipping with a $25 purchase. Other than that, I really think you'll have to purchase it from Hillside or at convention. Someone else may know more, but I haven't seen it anywhere else. I do like this version better than the original. The color pictures are a great touch and the spiral binding makes it so much easier to use. Content-wise, there is not that much difference. They just updated some things and added a few more. Hope you find it! Dawn
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