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Dawn E

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Everything posted by Dawn E

  1. AMEN...I'm all out of rep, or I'd give you some. You had me rolling. :001_smile:
  2. What Pam said, and also I've always heard this dream often comes in the midst of adjusting to big life changes.
  3. I am astonished! The #1 song the day I was born was "Delta Dawn." My name is, obviously, Dawn, and, growing up near the Delta, I always had people singing this song to me. I currently live in the Delta. Spooky. :001_smile:
  4. Well, I just finished reading The Painted Veil by W. Somerset Maugham. I watched the movie and had a credit on paperbackswap so I thought I would read the book to see how it compared. The book was very well written, intelligent and thought-provoking. The book itself has great material for discussion; however, the similarities and differences between it and the movie would also make for fascinating discussion.
  5. I must spread around rep before giving more to you, but I just wanted to say thanks again. I'll bump this up, since I am having so much fun checking it out. :001_smile:
  6. If you go back to the site and search for the book under texts you might be able to download it in PDF which would appear bigger on your computer screen. I didn't try that for the books mentioned but am downloading the bird book that was the featured text. Thanks so very much, Melmac, for sharing! This is a great site.
  7. Prayers for you and best wishes. Looking forward to sharing in your joy! :grouphug:
  8. Congratulations!!! Amazing story. He is going to want to hear that story many, many times. :001_smile: What an exciting one it is!
  9. :lol::lol::lol: I forgot about Dollhouse as well. All I know about it is that it comes from Joss Whedon, and that is enough for me.
  10. :iagree: I reluctantly began watching that since Dh wanted to. Now I'm hooked as well.
  11. PUSHING DAISIES fan here as well. I'm a pretty reserved gal, but I get downright giddy every time I see the season promo for this show. I loved last season, short as it was, and am very eagerly awaiting October 1st. :001_smile: Other than that, I'm also looking forward to new episodes of LOST, The Office, Without a Trace, BSG and How I Met Your Mother.
  12. My liver enzymes were up during my pregnancy with dd. They tested and found that out after I mentioned to the doctor that I was itching--the palms of my hands and soles of my feet--so badly that it would wake me up at night. They worried about cholestasis, but my enzymes returned to normal in two weeks and the itching went away. My OB said it could have just been a virus that affected my liver in this way. I'd mention it to your OB or midwife. There is also a pregnancy related problem called PUPPPs that causes itchiness. I don't think it causes complications, just terrible itchiness. BTW--Sarna lotion helped me some with the itching.
  13. Thanks so much for the heads up! I loved this book--painful yet beautiful.
  14. This will be the third Friday that we have taken ds to Mother's Day Out at a local church. Even though it is not our church, the majority of the children are from our church. If it is a true Mother's Day Out, these are typically children who are at home the rest of the week which lessens the exposure to daycare type germs. Also, without the conflict of having to work, I would think the moms would be less likely to bring a sick child. I guess maybe I'm naive to think that, though. Anyway, ours is from 8:30-12:30 only on Friday, and I must admit I don't feel guilty at all. Ds has a great time, plays with children he knows, and dd and I are able to do art or other more hands-on things that would be more challenging with him around. It's ultimately a decision you and your dh will have to make, but I definitely do not think you should let guilt be a factor in not doing it.
  15. Although I ran into a doozy of a problem at VegSource, I have had only pleasant and positive transactions here. From now on, I plan to only purchase items through WTM and homeschoolclassifieds.com.
  16. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: So sorry. Hugs and prayers, Dawn
  17. I think that some things on google images are copyrighted. I don't know for certain how you would be able to tell if they are or not since google images searches the entire web for pictures of what you search for. To be safe, I use the free stock photo sites. This site is my favorite. It usually has a picture that works for what I'm searching for. It also has premium photos at a cost, but has loads of free photos.
  18. When you upload them, you set their desired position (center, right or left). You can click on the picture inside the post and cut and paste it; this way you can move it up and down in your post. However, I have never tried to move it away from the pre-set orientation (center, right, left) so I don't know if that is possible. I hope this makes sense. :001_smile: I'm sure I'm only telling you what you already knew, but at least I'll give the post a boost for the more experienced bloggers to have a chance to answer.
  19. Do, as Johanna already suggested, look into MFW 1st grade. You can read my blog post here about why I loved the Bible focus and materials in this program. Though we did not use the full curriculum, the parts we did use turned out to be the highlight of our year.
  20. Well, one blog tip I'd share with you that I've enjoyed is using free stock photos from this site. You have to register, but I haven't been spammed by them. I like to post a picture with each post so this site is helpful when I don't have the right photo already in my collection. They do also have "premium" photos that you have to buy, but they have a huge collection of free ones. Just type whatever you are looking for a picture of in the search box.
  21. My bet is for 1:02 am, as most babies seem to enjoy being born in the middle of the night. That would make it 8/10 so a 8lb 10 oz bouncing baby boy named Atticus. :001_smile:
  22. Look at Growing with Grammar. My dd6 loves doing the workbook. It is a gentle introduction and reasonably priced, so you may be able to add it to what you're doing.
  23. The readers from Primary Phonics are also good. We enjoyed them. They are published by the same company that produces Explode the Code. I purchased sets both from ebay and from Rainbow Resource.
  24. This site has a lot of great free printables and ideas for Language and Math, as well as many other subjects.
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