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Dawn E

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Everything posted by Dawn E

  1. I'd be interested though I'm unsure about how the social group thing works.
  2. My messy house... I'm going to take a nap. It will keep until I get up. :001_smile:
  3. Love the BeeGees and can sing most of the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack. I was only four in 1977 when it was released, but my mom was 22 and wore that album out. :001_smile: The BeeGees bring back good memories of dancing with my mom.
  4. Me: Conjunctive adverb Dh: Intransitive verb Dd: Phrasal-prepositional verb Ds: Interjection Dh and I used this list to pick.
  5. I have never reported a post but have definitely placed people on my ignore list. I also try to stay away from the political threads as much as possible. If I visited more of those I would probably have more cause to consider using that option.
  6. When I was a kindergarten teacher whenever a child shared a particularly exciting story--i.e. "My dad was eating an apple, and he started choking...."--there would inevitably be another child that would raise his/her hand to tell obviously the same story. It boggled my mind that they would do so, but confirmed as Zelda says that this is the age for this phase. I would read the books, discuss the issue, but not make too big a deal of it.
  7. I've had good luck with it as well and have been pleasantly surprised at the condition of most of the books I've received.
  8. :iagree: This was the way it was at my school, too. In my case my mom was called with the test results and pulled out my baby book to write them down. Otherwise, I would never have known what my IQ was. I'm afraid knowing it has made me think about it way too much. Whenever the subject of IQ comes up, I am reminded of Anne of Green Gables and the following quote: As an awkward, geeky adolescent with braces, glasses and acne my IQ score was one of my only comforts. However, I have definitely learned that academic success is not dependent upon high IQs.
  9. I'll go...since I am one who mentioned support in my post. First of all, let me say that it will not be easy, as I am sure that there will be plenty I will disagree with, but I've found that doing the right, noble thing is seldom easy. What it means for me is that if Obama is elected, I will be an American first, Republican second. I will respect that the majority in my great land has spoken, and that my president has been named. Though I have joked about getting a "Don't blame me..." sticker, I would not repay in kind the treatment of President Bush. I will give whomever holds the highest office in this land the respect that office deserves. I will pray for him earnestly. However, it does not mean that I will agree with everything said or done. It doesn't take away my right to fight like mad against propositions and bills and laws that I disagree with. However, I believe there can be a difference between dissent and ridicule.
  10. Ummmm....I hope not. I haven't even worried about this, and ds is now 15 months. He babbles a lot, but I don't even know if he says 8 words clearly--he says momma, dada and bye plainly, tries at ball, car, dd's name. I'm sure I'll be paying more attention now, though. :001_smile: However, I know that his comprehension is on track. I've always heard 18 mos is the time to start checking their vocabulary. Most kids open the flood gates around that time and increase their vocabularies exponentially.
  11. Obama could very likely win this election, and if he does, he will be my president and I will support him. That being said, I am voting for McCain because I am a Conservative. Although McCain is an independent at heart, and I disagree with many of his views, my own political beliefs and goals align more closely with his--particularly with Palin on the ticket. Obama is extremely liberal, and consequently his political views are the antithesis of my own. I really don't understand why this is so difficult for people to understand. I don't say that with any snarkiness intended, just as an honest statement.
  12. Yay! You like me; you really like me. :)

  13. I have a total of three friends here. Should I be sad? :001_smile: Seriously, one kind person befriended me, and then I sent out a couple of friend requests. Then I lost interest. I like you all, and hope that more than three of you like me, but I haven't yet seen the point of the friend thingy. Now, if you wanna be my facebook friend, then by all means PM me and I'll hook you up.
  14. Sunday afternoon means football is on the TV in our home. :001_smile: This commercial just came on, and it was unexpectedly moving, for a football commercial. Watching it on youtube doesn't quite do it justice, but be sure to make it fullscreen and turn up the volume. Nike "Fate" Commercial: LT and Polamalu
  15. When dd was four we had a Peter Pan party. The boys dressed like pirates; the girls like fairies. We had 22 kids there! Ahhhh! but it went really well. Some things we did... *we had a little treasure chest with trinkets and passed it around while music played. Whichever child was holding it when the music stopped got to pick a prize. This did take some time, but the kids loved it. *we had black balloons (cannon balls) with little treats inside for the kids to pop. This did not go over so well with this age. They wanted the treat, of course, but didn't want to pop the balloon. I had to pop them all for them. *We had a treasure hunt. We gave little clues to lead them throughout the building to collect puzzle pieces. They put the pieces together to find the symbol that marked the door to the room where the treasure was hidden. *We used a blue tablecloth and made little cupcakes with palm tree inserts to look like islands scattered in the ocean. I can't remember what all else we did. I was majorly stressed, but the kids seemed to have a great time. There is a book called Hit of the Party that we used for her last birthday (princesses and knights) that was worth its weight in gold. It had pirate ideas as well along with many others.
  16. oooooh...how exciting. Congratulations on finding your passion and going for it. I hope that one day I'll be able to take some seminary classes myself. I took two before dd was born and LOVED them.
  17. Please forgive my original post...I have no idea how I posted that response after rereading your post. My brain is so scattered right now...I must have only read your first paragraph and thought I'd read the whole post. Ugh. How moronic. You have mentioned before that dh has depression tendencies. I tend to be an emotional spender, too. When I get stressed over finances, I want to buy books. I know, it makes no sense, but it is a strong urge I have to fight. Thankfully, I have been able to fight it, while your dh has not. My dh also has the head in the ground tendency when it comes to finances, and I do the bills. When he gets a bonus or some expected money comes along, his first reaction is for us to spend it. However, he is a tight-wad at heart and generally never actually goes through with the spending. Here I am babbling again...anyway, my point is, I agree that this is not a financial issue at heart. This is a respect issue, a depression issue, a marriage issue. I know this has been a very frustrating time for you both with his back problems and you having to take on a heavy burden consequently. Seeking counseling is a wise thing, a very wise thing. I don't know if he's open to that, but I think you must push for it. Jessica, I am so sorry. Please, again, forgive my flippant initial response. You have had so much change, transition, turmoil, etc. in the last year...I pray that you will soon find the rest and peace you desire and deserve.
  18. Jessica :grouphug: We have had a similar last couple of months. A couple of nights ago I went to pearbudget.com and got started on a budget. We have never had one before which is part of the reason the money just blows away. Once I outlined everything and it was right there in black and white for DH to see, he finally got it. One of our issues has been his eating out every day for lunch. He works about 20 mins. away, so coming home is rarely an option. I have bought lunch ideas--they sit in the cabinet or freezer. I've packed leftovers--they get left in the fridge. It was never a priority. Now, he sees the issue and has acted upon it. Another of our issues is my negligence in planning and implementing a menu for the week and buying weekly groceries. I end up getting behind and having him stop at Wal-Mart on the way home. This way we end up spending a lot more than we should...and Wal-Mart's non-grocery items are so tempting that we spend even more. The local grocery is more expensive than Wal-Mart, but I'm beginning to wonder if shopping there would end up being less in the long-run given all the impulse buys we fall prey to in Wal-Mart. These things may not be helpful to you, but I hope it at least helps to know that you are not alone. It has been rather dark here due to DH being in a job that he despises and no other appealing doors opening up. At least my prayer life has improved greatly. :001_smile:
  19. :iagree: I have been trying very hard to remind myself of this daily--who am I kidding...more like hourly. It is so easy to get swept up in the worry of it all. I've said it before and will undoubtedly say it again: I am very grateful that my salvation--security, protection--is not dependent upon who wins.
  20. We've had fun with Life, though it is another long one. Guess Who and Clue are two other favorites.
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