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Dawn E

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Everything posted by Dawn E

  1. Heidi! I have your blog on my reader and just emailed this post to a "kindred spirit." :001_smile: Thanks for the post. I enjoy reading your (and your family's) very creative ideas. Dawn
  2. Here's a week in review post from last year (K) with a few pictures and another. I've only done one this year (1st) but only included pictures of her art work. I'm not very consistent in posting weekly reviews :001_smile: but you can see more of ours by clicking the homeschool label on the right column of my blog.
  3. Rose (dragons in the flower bed) helped create a blog ring. Here is that link. I'm not sure if that is what you were looking for though. :001_smile:
  4. I don't know if this has been posted yet or not, but I found some more treasures at this site! The Burgess Animal Book for Children The Burgess Bird Book for Children Thanks again, Melmac...I'm still having fun with this site. The flip book application is such a great way to view the books. Much better than google books, imo.
  5. Praying here. I cannot fathom the pain, but am so thankful that: The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18
  6. Mine's another blast from my past. :001_smile:
  7. Tutor, I'm so sorry! And, shocked, too! We loved the library! We often dream of it in comparison with the current library we have. No interlibrary loans here, no computer catalog or even computer access. We actually have a card catalog only--can you imagine. I would wager that only 1/2 of the books in the card catalog are still on the shelves. Also, the most recent books (aside from the few most popular fiction and non-fiction purchases) appear to have been bought in the late 70s, early 80s. It's so depressing we just don't go. You would think that a library in an impoverished area would be set up as a beacon of hope. Not so. They are still operating on a budget from the 1950s. And, though there are wealthy people in this town as well, there are no "Friends of the Library." I need to follow in your steps and try to rally some change for here. I'm afraid our state leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to libraries. :sad: Hope you see some positive change soon. Dawn
  8. Possibly the number from delivery confirmation would work? That is anywhere from $.65-$.75. Ebay has a pretty good help center; since this is a new thing surely they have information available to help you fulfill their requirements. I would check there and then possibly call paypal if you still don't find the help you need. I know that it is a bummer, but I had a lady take my money and money from about 10 other homeschool moms and spend it without shipping anything to any of us. Here almost six months later I still do not have the items I paid for and paypal couldn't refund since she spent all the money and closed her bank account. I'd like to think these precautions are in place to protect and not to force you to purchase shipping through paypal. Who knows, though. I hope you get it resolved very quickly. Do let us know how it goes. Dawn
  9. As for adult beverages...how about a nice yummy hot chocolate with a splash (or two :001_smile:) of Baileys? Although Spring is my favorite season, I love the crisp air of Fall. The smell of smoke from a chimney is one of my very favorite scents. Also, the anticipation of the holidays brings a joy to the season that others lack.
  10. I know what you mean. For a while there I was only posting for Wordless Wednesday, if that. I've gotten a little more wordy lately. :001_smile: No new post today, but I put three up yesterday--my week in review says Friday because that is when I started it, but I actually posted it yesterday. Maybe I can keep the momentum somewhat...maybe.
  11. Dh says the absolute best is gamerankings.com which collects and averages all the reviews on the internet for each game. They go back more than a decade, and, in many cases, link to the actual reviews.
  12. Gerber has these little "meat sticks"--I know, it sounds delicious :001_smile:--that come in chicken, chicken and carrots, and meat. My little guy loves the chicken and carrots. Because he too tries to give me a heart attack by sucking the whole thing in his mouth at once, I have begun to cut each stick in slices. These are like vienna sausages, but the ingredients less questionable. The consistency is so soft that they quickly disintegrate in his mouth. Avocado and sweet potatoes are also a hit around here. Also, when I make mashed potatoes I roll little balls of potato up for him. You've gotten great suggestions. Thanks for asking; I'm looking forward to finding some new ideas to use myself.
  13. Most definitely--we'll be cheering for the Titans here. I can feel it...this is gonna be our year! Justin McCareins is back--awesome. I can't wait.
  14. What a big boy! Congratulations to you all! Enjoy your precious wee one. :grouphug:, Dawn
  15. Dh suggests that you go to google news and search under the sex offender's name, going back to the year 2005. He said that should give you more info. on the specifics of the crime.
  16. You should not feel guilty for making a decision in the best interest of your family for this time. Your Dh is in support of this decision. You have not failed your children. Your high calling is being their mom, and that will not cease. We currently homeschool, but will evaluate each year, prayerfully, and make the decision we see as best for our family at that time. :grouphug:, Dawn
  17. It looks very good. If she is forming the letters correctly as she writes--holding her pencil correctly, starting lines at the top, and making circles counter-clockwise, etc.--I would be very pleased with this handwriting, particularly for her age.
  18. Now you deserve good rep for that, but unfortunately I'm out right now. Hopefully someone else will send some your way! Good for you.
  19. No help, but my Wordless Wednesday post may help you to know you are not alone. :001_smile: (link in sig)
  20. Yes, yes, yes! I searched and found a used set, and, though it was still expensive, it was well worth it. I may sound overly enthusiastic after only one lesson, but dd loves it and has made beautiful artwork. It inspired her to keep going after the lesson was done. I did a lot of research beforehand--thanks again, Tina in Wa :001_smile:--and I am very pleased. I'm afraid art wouldn't happen here without it.
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