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Dawn E

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Everything posted by Dawn E

  1. I thought the opener on Biden and Murtha was also pretty hilarious...
  2. Thought some of you might enjoy this in light of our discussion. It had me in tears. Jon and Kate on The Soup
  3. On my Tivo: Pushing Daisies, The Office, Without a Trace, How I Met Your Mother, House Hunters still waiting for Lost
  4. Love Nicole's ideas. I definitely think a bookshelf with manipulatives would be an excellent idea. I would suggest you look into some Montessori books like Basic Montessori and Teaching Montessori at Home: The Preschool Years. There are many ideas for homemade activities.
  5. To be completely honest, when I first watched the show, I cringed at her harshness, not just because it was harsh, but because I identified with her lack of self-control. I can not justify my behavior, though I have learned that if I have not gotten enough sleep, food, quiet...things that disappear when children enter the equation...I can quickly go into -itchy mode. Thankfully I have a wonderful dh who gently calls me on it when I head down this path, and I take action to pull the reigns in. It is very unfortunate that one of the things in my childhood that I definitely wanted to leave behind--the tone of voice and harsh rants my mother would sometimes attack with--are things I have to fight against most.
  6. What a great idea, Julie! Thanks for getting that started!
  7. I posted this article a while back, but I think it is relevant to this discussion. It actually made me feel a lot better, oddly enough. Stuck in the Muck As I said last time, there really is nothing new under the sun.
  8. Uncertainty is an exceptionally hard state of being. However, I feel that there are times when God's will for us is not abundantly clear--even when we are hunkered down in His word, begging for it. His ways are higher than our ways. Sometimes for our faith to stretch and grow, we have to take steps into the unknown, trusting that wherever the path leads, God has been there and will be there with us. As Cookie said, the Word is the plumbline. So, of course, anything contrary to the Word would not be the will of God. But, sometimes it is not so clear between two options that could potentially glorify God which is the best choice. This may be totally irrelevant, but it is on my heart right now. In the story of the lepers that were healed (Luke 17: 11-21), Jesus heard their cries for mercy, and said, "Go and show yourselves to the Priest." I don't know if they went immediately or if they stood around wondering about it. However, ultimately they hobbled away, towards the priest. Their feet were undoubtedly damaged by this fierce disease that ravages extremities. How difficult it must have been to start that journey, still broken, still diseased. The Word says that "along the way" they were healed, cleansed. Only one of the ten, upon discovering that healing, turned and ran all the way back to fall at the feet of Jesus in thankfulness, but that's another story. Yes, they knew Jesus said "Go...." but the answer came in the going. Sometimes things don't make much sense at first or fall right into place when we obey, but the answer will come. Dh is currently searching for a job. We are blessed that he is able to continue work where he is as he does so, but he is absolutely miserable there. It is a soul-sucking job. However, nothing else seems to be opening up. Consequently we are in a bit of limbo...another state of uncertainty and all the questions that come with that. I blogged here a little about that if you want to look. I take great comfort in the two scriptures I posted there: In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9 Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters, though your footprints were not seen. Psalm 77: 19 May He make your path straight... :grouphug:Dawn
  9. Here are two threads which discussed Obama and homeschooling. I haven't read through either of them completely, but there may be stuff of interest in them. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=52688&highlight=obama+homeschool http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=38721&highlight=obama+homeschool
  10. What a beautiful memento! I'd never heard of that kind of tie chair either. I'm glad you didn't look at the link :001_smile:. Thanks for sharing!
  11. I believe that Tanglewood considers themselves a mixture of CM and Classical while Ambleside is strictly CM. I love the Tanglewood Corebook and am using it this year. I'm also using Our Young Folks' Josephus at their recommendation. Someone who's followed them more closely will better be able to answer your question, but I just thought I'd throw in my limited knowledge of one difference. :001_smile:
  12. :iagree: What comfort to know I am not alone. :001_smile: I, too, am trying to change my ways, but we rarely follow through with eating leftovers.
  13. ahem...well, I didn't have chocolate chips, so I drizzled a little chocolate syrup on them after I took them out of the oven. It was a little more messy, but we were just making them to be devoured. Does it count that it was the vitamin fortified chocolate syrup with calcium?
  14. It is adorable and brilliant...at least it looks that way. I've never actually seen one in person. Mique at the 30 days blog is offering one as her giveaway for the week. I really want to win this one...but thought I'd share in case anyone else wants to try to win as well. I won't be so sad if I lose to one of my WTM buddies. :001_smile:
  15. Sometimes I felt rather silly buying things before I actually needed them, but I don't regret it now. I was able to thoroughly research items and make sure that they would work for us. I searched the used sale boards here and at homeschoolclassifieds.com to get really good deals, and then I resold anything that I decided against. It helped me so much to get a firm grasp on what I wanted to use, as did reading all the great reviews and discussions on the curriculum board.
  16. :001_unsure: What list...don't ya still like me? And I wonder why I can't shake the baby weight after a year. My apologies to anyone else that I led down the dark, sugary path...but it was yummy, wasn't it?
  17. Anyone know the one I'm talking about? I'm sure it had sugar and butter and other healthy ingredients. :001_smile:
  18. :lol: Too funny! I've sold and rebought stuff myself--though never from the same person. :001_smile: For what it's worth, I loved using the MFW 1st reader and Bible notebook. I used the guidebook only to read the Bible stories, and I didn't use the phonics extras. I bought it for a good price used a couple of years--yes, I have the sickness--before I needed it, and wasn't thrilled with using it for my whole curriculum. I had shelved it and forgotten about it until I was dissatisfied with what we had picked for Bible. I pulled out these materials and they were the highlight of our year. I used other materials for math, phonics, writing and science, though, so I'm not sure of how it is to use it alone.
  19. Where did you purchase these from? I'd love more info on them. Thanks.
  20. It looks like we probably won't be picking it, but you should really read it when you get the chance. It is not very long and is engrossing, even after watching the movie. If you do read it let me know...I'd love to discuss your thoughts regarding the differences between the two. :001_smile:
  21. :grouphug: Prayers for you and Dh. May God bless you both and continue to wrap you in His peace.
  22. Fox News is the only channel that often has a satellite delay of 30 seconds to a minute when I turn to it. I always yell out, "It's a conspiracy!" :D Pam, I knew you were powerful with that flaming sword of moderation, but please stop moderating my news choices.
  23. I voted for Painted Veil before I realized you were asking members of the group. But, then I joined. :001_smile: I've actually already read Painted Veil, but wouldn't mind reading it again. I found the difference in ending from that in the movie fascinating and worthy of much discussion.
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