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Dawn E

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Everything posted by Dawn E

  1. Mr. Gates broke the law. He was arrested for doing so. Disorderly conduct is in the criminal statutes. Should he not have been because he was an elite or a friend of the president? Even Obama regrets what he said. Would he, if he still thought the cops acted stupidly? He has said that perhaps BOTH sides overreacted, but he has reached out to the cop.
  2. Let's look at his statement. He admitted his ignorance and then chose to call the people who put their lives on the line to protect us "stupid" because they arrested his friend. It's pretty obvious to me that you really don't have to speak with truth or knowledge, as long as you say it eloquently.
  3. I don't know if it is worth it, but I'm going. :001_smile: Our family is taking a mini-vacation to Atlanta during that weekend to see friends. I, too, am pretty certain of my plans for next year, but I'm still researching a couple of subjects. I've also never been to an event like this, so I'm looking forward to a new (possibly head-exploding) experience--so much curriculum in one place.
  4. If you have used this program, could you tell me more about how the workbooks are set up? I have the teacher's guide, and I'm just wondering if the workbooks are a good investment. The samples at cbd don't really tell me much about the format of the workbook lessons. Thanks!
  5. So far, just the two duracell batteries that came with it. :001_smile: And dd has made MANY videos. We are very pleased, and I think you and your ds will be as well. I do think it is great for the kids--so simple and seemingly durable--but we have made some precious home videos with it, too. It does not zoom, though, as RJH said, so it would not be optimal when recording performances and such. But it works fine for around the house fun. Dd often attaches it to a tripod to record her many stories. And, because of the attached usb port, transferring the video to the computer is super easy.
  6. About a month ago amazon had the white flip video ultra series 30-minute camcorder on sale for $49. We scooped one up at that time. My dd has made countless videos since then. :001_smile: It is incredibly easy to use, very compact and fun. It uses AA-batteries, so it is very simple in that regard (and the batteries have lasted very well). You'll need a little practice keeping it steady since it is so easy to move it around quickly to film everything. We LOVE ours and are very glad we got it.
  7. This will be my third year with BJU Math (we started at math 1, though, not K), and I love it, as does dd. It has definitely been less teacher intensive (for me) than RightStart. Math is the only BJU subject I've used, though, so I can't speak to anything else.
  8. This is my view as well. I am not implementing it fully, but I'm gleaning from it what I hope will be of benefit to my family.
  9. Trains come and trains go...the important thing is to get on the one that takes you where you want to go. If this isn't the thing for you, you definitely don't need to try to make it fit because it is the "in" thing right now. For me, I am going to give it a go. For the last two years we have used the "fly by the seat of the pants" approach :001_smile: which worked okay with a young one. Now that she is getting older, I want to practice more preparation and organization, which this will help me with. I also want to foster more independence in her day, and I am hoping this will help with that as well. Most importantly, I want to make sure to add things that otherwise fall through the cracks around here (like music, science projects and crafts). This seems like a good way for me to make that happen. I'm also planning out a workday for the beginning of each quarter to purchase all the supplies for craft projects, science labs and art and then organize them into individual projects. We'll see how it all goes...but for me it will be worth the try.
  10. I second this. :001_smile: My dd LOVES them. They provide a great American history intro. and are only $26.99 at amazon right now!
  11. I think the argument has become about commandments and law versus freedom in Christ, and I think to argue over the "tithe" misses the point...the heart of the matter. Even Cain and Abel gave offerings to the Lord from the bounty of their work before the tithe commandment was given. (Funny enough the one God rejected was the offering of the farmer--but then as now, it's not about the offering or the amount, it is about the heart). More than following a command it is honoring God by recognizing that all you possess came from His hand, and that money is not where your deliverance is found, but in Him.
  12. Laptops are dangerous. :001_smile: We have wi-fi and it is way too easy to pick this thing up and get lost in it. I love the convenience of it, but often wonder if I would be better at managing my time if it weren't so convenient.
  13. We've always considered the 10% of our gross income as a "tithe" which we give to our local body church. Charitable donations or support for missionary/ministering friends, for us, are offerings separate from the tithe.
  14. I remember your beautiful school room! Great pictures...it looks like day one was a success. :001_smile:
  15. I hate to come across so skeptical. The truth is there are many more honest sellers out there than dishonest ones. The unfortunate thing is that coming into contact with one of the dishonest ones after years of no problems has made me extremely cautious from here on. If the seller is here or at homeschoolclassifieds where there are rating systems in place, I feel somewhat safer. Is that the case with your seller? I would also just ask to be emailed a photo of the items if you haven't already. $280 is a lot of money to spend and photos will also assure you of the promised condition. Also, unless she gave you a PO Box, you have a physical address of the seller. Most people who are not on the up and up will find ways to keep you from knowing their actual location. Make sure you fill out the money order completely with name and address. Send it certified mail to ensure it is received. You should be fine, but being as safe as possible will help you to feel more peace about such a large purchase.
  16. I'm sorry you had such a bad experience. I had a $50 loss and was unable to get the funds back even though paypal ruled in my favor. It leaves a bitter, bad taste in your mouth for a long time. It is true that paypal is not fool-proof, but it is the safest way. I have had claims resolved in my favor and money refunded. I have also had sellers make things right with just the threat of a paypal claim. So, as one who has been through bad and good experiences in that route, I still say I would only use paypal. There are many things you can do to be a little safer with larger purchases, like asking for pictures and paying extra for insurance or delivery confirmation and asking to be emailed the dc number. But, if a person wants to scam you...they can be very crafty in doing so. ETA: after years of buying used curriculum, I can count on one hand the bad experiences I have had. For the most part, the moms I have dealt with have been wonderful, honest and honorable sellers. I just wanted to add this, because while you are taking a risk buying used, the odds are in your favor. Still, it pays to do all you can to ensure a safe transaction.
  17. I'm with the paypal only crowd. With paypal, if things go sour you have an advocate. I will consider sending a check to someone I "know" from this community or for items under $15 or so, but for everything else I use only paypal. I'm actually passing on purchasing an item I really want right now because the seller will only take checks. I understand that sellers are aggravated with paypal over fees, but accepting paypal really does increase the confidence level of a buyer.
  18. I definitely will update if we follow this path. I think we as Protestants are welcome, just warned that the material will be strictly Catholic in doctrine (whenever doctrine applies) as well as in world-view, and that we will still be expected to complete every lesson regardless of agreement or disagreement with the doctrine or world-view. He basically stated that if we "consider the benefits of the program worth the hassle" these other things might present, we are welcome to participate. I can respect that...especially since he was so upfront about it on the site and in my email discussions. I'm not sure how much doctrine will come into play in the grammar program (it does use the first three chapters of John, but I think it will focus on Latin and grammar rather than content). It would be nice to hear from someone who's gone before...but I may not have that option. However, I'll be sure to pass on what I learn if we proceed in this direction.
  19. Thank you guys! I guess I'm just a little nervous about wading out into unknown waters :001_smile: I have heard very positive feedback through the LCC yahoo-group and the CLAA forum.
  20. I am considering enrolling my dd in the grammar program in the Fall. I am not Catholic, but I have discussed attending CLAA as a Protestant with Mr. Michael via email. He has been very frank and forthcoming, which I appreciate greatly. We are still processing through this and have yet to make a final decision. I am curious, though, to hear from families that have used CLAA, Catholic or Protestant. Did the program meet your expectations? Have your children had difficulties with the grammar program? Have you experienced any dissatisfaction with the academy? Thanks so much for any input. If you'd prefer...please feel free to reply by PM. CLAA
  21. Unfortunately, there will probably be little savings using parcel post. I recently mailed some math manipulatives and just opted for the priority flat-rate box, because at $10.35 it was less than a dollar more than parcel post (I think there was only a 30 cent difference). Non-media mail shipping is quite expensive.
  22. I am planning for the fall, so this is all in theory right now and not practice. It will depend on the schedule you want to work around. I made a chart, since some of our materials are covered on a four-day schedule (CW primer, Calculadder drill practice, etc.) and history is planned for three days. I spaced them out throughout the week, filling in the extra boxes on the alternate days with the subjects covered once a week (science, spelling, etc.) I am still figuring it all out, but for now I think I'll put everything in the boxes needed for that lesson...including the book if it isn't a consumable book.
  23. I asked this same question and was told that MFW provides an ample supply of their own activities and they also have a book basket with lists of extra reading books. Consequently, the activity guide might be handy for extras, but it is not necessary. I found it at a good price used, so I went ahead and purchased it. We plan to use this program in the next year or two.
  24. Thank you, Debbie, for a wonderful review and mama25angels for bumping it up so she could see. :001_smile: So, Debbie, you think this is best started, as they suggest, in fourth grade? Would it be way too much for a 3rd grader? This sounds exactly like what I'm looking for...but I don't want to have to wait...though I will. Thanks again!
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