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Dawn E

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Everything posted by Dawn E

  1. I really love the Tanglewood one. I was fortunate to find it for sale used in the book format so I didn't have to print it out, though. I wish they still offered it that way as well. ETA: I found this post when I googled "tanglewood corebook": How to make a fabulous homeschool planner I just wanted to share in case it could be of help to you.
  2. Well...I'm doing it, but with CLE 3 and the primers, so that's very easy to coordinate. I'm worried about being able to wrap my own mind around the older versions of CW, so I've considered doing WT instead. However, I'm interested also to know if anyone does them together.
  3. I use CLE LA 3 with my dd. I love CLE. At first, I was concerned that the penmanship would not be enough for her, but it has been very effective actually. She takes her time and writes beautifully...very Charlotte Mason in the idea that it is better to make two beautiful letters than a whole line of sloppy ones. Dd had very little cursive writing instruction prior to using this, and already (we are only in the 2nd lightunit) she is writing her answers confidently in cursive when asked. I'm unsure about the effectiveness of spelling. She has done well, but she has a very good memory. At some point I'll probably add the SWR spelling rule cards into our day, just to give her more concrete tools. We also use the CW Primers. They have copywork, picture study and nature study aspects I wanted to add...and the extra lessons in grammar and spelling are light but helpful. eta: I realized I really didn't address why I like it. I love the spiral review...we had used GWG previously and while I really liked the program, I felt dd wasn't getting enough review. I also love that it fosters independence, is very thorough and teaches study skills very well. We didn't have tests prior to using CLE, and the lightunits have done a great job of teaching her how to prepare for taking each quiz.
  4. An informative article from the website of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum on one of the few church leaders to stand against the Nazi regime: Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  5. I will admit that I am still uncertain at what you are wanting to find, but here is an interesting and well-sourced article I found on the subject. It was written by Rabbi David Rosen who once served as the director of the Anti-Defamation League’s Israel Office. Obviously it is written from a Jewish point of view and it addresses the current state of affairs more so than those of the past. Still it seems relevant to your search. From the article:
  6. I actually do think it is more common than you might realize. Of course, not all parents use threats like this, but for those that do...Santa is a great one to use. For instance, there is the Elf on the Shelf. Some may use this little elf that keeps an eye on the children all day and reports to Santa at night as a fun game, but I've seen friends on facebook raving about the wonders this elf has brought in their children's behavior.
  7. Here's one from Ree, Pioneer Woman: "Homeschooling--There's No Substitute" She posted this at some point on her blog and said someone should make a t-shirt...don't know if anyone did, but you could. :001_smile:
  8. If you have experience with this doll, could you answer a very random question for us? We've been looking at Molly, but dd is very concerned about her glasses. Do they come off easily, and, if so, are they difficult to keep up with? Thanks, Dawn
  9. I'm very disorganized in my personal life, more organized in my work life. I was terrified when we began homeschooling because I knew my tendencies. I didn't want to fail my child...but things have gone very well. As elegantlion stated, I had to view this as my job, not an extension of my home life. That way of thinking about it has helped me to approach it in a much more organized way. Writing out lesson plans and using the workbox approach have also aided in the organization of our day. And, this may have no bearing on your sister as it is a very personal factor to me, I prayed A LOT about whether this was the right path and that God would equip me to do what it required. It has been an opportunity for character and habit training in my life, and I've learned to be patient with myself in the journey.
  10. I have decided to add CLE reading into our day. My question for those of you familiar with/using CLE 2 reading is this: since I will only be using half a year of this, would you recommend I do the first book (Helping Hands) or the second (Happy Hearts)? I'm confident that she wouldn't have difficulty with the reading in either book. I'm leaning towards Happy Hearts so that she'll have the continuity of going into level 3 next year. I just don't know if starting mid-stream with the light units would cause any problem. Any advice? eta: We are using CLE for LA, so we're somewhat familiar with the light unit format.
  11. This is my first year with CLE (LA 3), and I love it also. I've been very happy with BJU math...but my experience with CLE is actually making me consider switching to CLE for math next year also. I've been looking at the samples for reading at their site. Dd was an early reader, and we have just been using Sonlight readers this year for independent reading. However, I like the looks of CLE reading so much I think I'll give it a try also. I've always prided myself in putting an eclectic curriculum together...but I might be leaning towards doing mostly CLE now. I love the review and the depth of what they cover. One of my favorite parts is how they teach children to prepare and study for tests.
  12. Man, I needed that...thanks for sharing. I am crying I laughed so hard. :lol:
  13. My daughter is using CLE 300, and I would guess each lesson takes 20-40 minutes. Some lessons are longer than others. We started this later and are only in week 11. One day this week she had to write her first friendly letter. Whew. That day the lesson took a very long time...but I was very impressed with her finished product. I am loving this material, and so is my daughter. I love the review. I especially appreciate the way CLE teaches her to study and prepare for quizzes. At first, I was skeptical that the penmanship would not be enough...but she is writing beautifully. Truly, so far, I have no complaints.
  14. I remember reading somewhere that 3 is the age when children start dreaming vividly (who discovered that and how, I have no idea). If that is the case, it is understandable that it would be a very frightening time.
  15. Ditto the snap-traps and the cat. We got a cat from a rescue center. Though he had been found outside while a kitten, he had spent his time indoors since then with his foster mom. She was nervous about the fact that we would have him both outdoors and in. There was nothing to be nervous about. This cat LOVES the outdoors and has killed all sorts of critters around our home. We have not had mice problems since having him. Our cat is a great one...he comes in to love on us and sleep, then goes out to hunt. Perfect combo.
  16. I personally don't understand why the police stay out of runaway situations. Is that not still a missing minor? And, while I think it is unlikely that a 200lb guy over 6 feet would be forcibly kidnapped, a 15 year old can be gullible and lacking in good judgment when approached by someone.
  17. Pony Pals, Cam Jansen, Harriet Bean If you don't have a Sonlight catalog, I would suggest getting one just to see the reader sets they put together. I don't use Sonlight curriculum, but I have started buying all of their reader suggestions for dd because they have a lot of quality suggestions. Not all are faves...but most have been.
  18. I am using the Classical Writing Primer with my dd and had thought about adding PLL alongside it. I decided it would be overkill for us...just too much writing. We did a trial run to see...and quickly I was able to judge it wouldn't work. Since FLL 1/2 is done verbally you might be able to combine them. Both programs would have a lot of memorization, though I guess you could just skip exercises if it became too much. I'd recommend you give it a trial run and see what the days would look like. I really think either could stand alone. Perhaps you could use the Peace Hill products and just add in the parts you like about PLL instead of trying to do all the lessons in both.
  19. I'm planning to attend on Saturday to visit the vendors. :001_smile:
  20. Karen, It is very common for the charges to be dropped after such an arrest, as others have already pointed out. If I felt compelled to defend Obama, I would not pick this as a hill to die upon. There will be many bigger hills to come, more worthy to fight over. Defending him for saying something he has already deemed "regrettable" only demeans your credibility to defend him in other areas. So, what you are essentially saying is that this horrible injustice occurred to Gates, the cops acted stupidly and instead of doing the right thing and standing behind his statement that the officers acted stupidly, Obama has caved only to public pressure by stating it was in fact a regrettable statement to make. So, he's turned his back on justice and even invited a wrong-doer, hot-head cop over to the White House for a beer? If that's the case, I would be even more offended by that.
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