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Dawn E

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Everything posted by Dawn E

  1. I don't know if it would be of interest to you at all, but I am planning on registering dd (who will turn 8 next month) into the Stellae program at Lone Pine Classical. I am slowly (ever so slowly) learning some Latin, but I really wanted to find a Latin tutor to guide dd. That option was way out of our price range, but the Stellae class provides an hour a week of Latin from a well-recommended instructor at a very reasonable price. When I contacted the instructor, she said space was limited, so if you are interested you can contact her through the "contact us" link at the site. I'm even considering auditing the Latin 100 class prior to dd reaching that level to prepare myself for that point of her journey. (The class would begin in Sept.) Just thought I'd mention another option as you are researching them all. :001_smile:
  2. Thank you for putting that together and making it available! I'll just be starting WT1 this year, but I will save this for future reference.
  3. I haven't seen LFC, but it should define the functions of each case--for instance, the genitive case is possessive. Once you know those functions, you'll just have to practice and memorize them, but it will begin to make sense. Of course I say this as a novice. This might be helpful.
  4. Absolutely! We really enjoyed the "Let's Read and Find Out" series and a lot of Usborne titles.
  5. I just wanted to add, noting the ages of your children, that some of the illustrations in the book I mentioned, while wonderfully drawn, could be frightening to them. It would be better if you could look though it prior to purchasing. My daughter is seven, and she was just moved by them in light of the story. But, younger children may find them scary.
  6. Dangerous Journey is a well recommended one. My Dh recently read this to our dd and he was very impressed. He said it was very close in tone and vocabulary to the original. It also has great illustrations.
  7. I have been searching for Latin tutors or online Latin classes for dd who will be 8 next month. Tutors are much more expensive than our budget allows and online classes generally start at higher ages. The one exception was the Stellae class at Lone Pine Classical, but it wasn't offered this school year and the site did not list it as on the schedule for next year. I contacted them through the "contact us" page, and Karen emailed me back to let me know she did in fact have enough interest to offer Stellae this next year. The spaces are limited, so if you are seriously interested, contact her to let her know. I have heard very good things about Karen's teaching and the classes she offered. She uses Lingua Latin in her classes with older students. You can find course descriptions here: Lone Pine Classical. Hope this is helpful to someone. Dawn
  8. I, too, have wondered about the combo of WT and CLE...I'm assuming WT1 will be less grammar than WT2. Of course, I'll know soon enough. :) It's so hard trying to plan out such an unknown. If you were to just supplement the grammar of WT2, I think using Shurley in a modified way would be good. Perhaps you could focus on the practice sentences and parsing. I do like the way Shurley also builds as it teaches giving constant practice in using all parts. I think GWG is a fine program. Even with my frustrations, I still had a hard time moving on to another program. Dd really liked it, and the work was very manageable. The problems that I encountered with it are likely not going to be there in the level you need. And, if you are combining it with the grammar in WT2, even if there were retention issues with just GWG, the extra practice would help resolve that. Best wishes to you in your search. I know I haven't much to offer you besides that, but I do hope you find the perfect complement (and then share it so I can steal it :D )
  9. For dd I have had American Heritage Children's Dictionary, and we just purchased the American Heritage Student Dictionary. I think I am going to order Websters 1828 Dictionary to add to our reference library if the budget allows this next year.
  10. I wasn't satisfied with the review of GWG, but we only used levels 1 and 2. Review may have improved past those levels since I assume they started using all the pieces they introduced in the lower levels. For me, it felt as though everything was broken down into pieces without a glimpse of the whole ever. I prefer to have things introduced while still working daily on everything learned to that point, so that the big picture is more easily grasped. I will be using CLE LA with WT 1 next year. Since we haven't begun, I don't know how the two will be together, but I can tell you I have definitely been impressed with the review that CLE provides.
  11. From what I've heard, NASB is the most literal translation from the original texts. However, being so literal sometimes makes the language choppy. The ESV is likely the next, and the language in it has a more pleasant flow.
  12. Next year for LA we'll be using: WT1 CLE LA 4 SWR Spelling Rules Cards I'm still finalizing foreign language plans.
  13. While I love the primers, I don't know that I would use them alone. The grammar portions so far have been very light. I use them with CLE LA 3, and it is a good fit. They complement what we are learning in CLE and provide things I wanted in our LA that CLE doesn't have: narration, picture study, nature study, copy work... If the WWE/FLL combo is working for you, that probably is the best way to go. Later you could just go into CW Aesop. (I do add that I use them as a supplement, and how I use them works for us. The teacher's guide may give you instructions on how to add depth to the program so that it would be more stand-alone. That was never my intent. Since the download for the tg is only $1.50, maybe you could purchase one and read through to see what their big-picture plans are for the program.)
  14. I should have added, "I don't know much" before "From what I know.":001_smile: I was confusing Greek for Children with the very program you mentioned, Saille. Greek Prep seems to be the only Attic choice for younger children. Sorry! Seriously, though, the Koine programs are going to greatly prepare your children for moving on to something like Athenaze in high school.
  15. This book is going to be modern Greek which is not what you want...I think. Koine is the language the New Testament was written in. Most people who study Koine exclusively do so because they have a desire to read the Bible in its original text. Since there is a preponderance of Koine materials for young students, many choose to start in Koine and move to Attic later on. Attic is older, more complicated and the language you would study in college or to be able to read ancient Greek texts. The move from Koine to Attic is a challenging one, but Koine is a great foundation for any student preparing to move into Attic later. From what I know, Greek for Children will be Attic.(I was mistaking this program for another--Greek Prep. Greek for Children will be Koine.) Elementary Greek is Koine, as is Hey, Andrew. Eta: I would use the Greek Alphabet Code Cracker book, Greek'n'stuff also has an activity book you can use, or you could look into Song School Greek.
  16. I just wanted to also say that the work in CLE 2 is very light...usually only two pages. So far she has mostly been filling in missing phonograms (which they give her) and answering simple questions about the stories.
  17. The CLE reading 2 is very phonics heavy. The stories are sweet, short character lessons. I have not seen CLE LA 2, as we use level 3, but I'm thinking you are right that it is phonics heavy too. I started at Reading 2 because I didn't want dd to miss the readers. We also use the Rod and Staff Reading (2), but only for our Bible time. She reads the story and then I ask her the questions from the "after you read" part of the workbook. R&S's reading program is great, and I love that it is based on the Bible stories. There is A LOT of work for each lesson. We used these some last year, and dd was doing all the work in the wkbk. It would sometimes take over 40 minutes, and she was beginning to dread using it. That is one reason that this year I decided to do the questions orally, and only the ones pertaining to the story, not the vocabulary. I have not seen the R&S phonics, though.
  18. I think you should take hlee's advice as I have not utilized the TM as much as I obviously should have. :D At $1.50 a download, it's not too bad of an investment either way.
  19. I only purchased one, so I'm not sure if there is a difference. I think you get all the info you really need in one...but hopefully someone who has purchased them all will chime in.
  20. I find them well worth it, but I didn't purchase them all at once...just as needed. That way it didn't hurt as much. :001_smile: We use them alongside our CLE LA 3 and they complement each other well.
  21. Not sure if this is the thread I'm thinking of...but it does give more info on comparing the two.
  22. Is there any way you could order one lightunit? I've heard before that they will send you one free if you call. That way you can look at it and have a better idea. Personally, I love the LA. My daughter has a great memory, so the spelling isn't an issue. I was worried the handwriting wouldn't be enough, but it is proving to be more than sufficient. Perhaps next year I will add in the SWR spelling rules cards to give her more tools for spelling. We used GWG 1 and 2 prior to starting CLE 3. While I think GWG is a fine program, I felt dd was not getting enough review. Perhaps that gets better in the later years, but for us the review in CLE is worth the program itself. I think that R&S now have workbooks that coincide with the LA. You might look into that. I, like you, have never been drawn into them. I know that they must be wonderful, based on all the reviews, but for me CLE is thorough and much more user-friendly. You might try searching the curriculum board for CLE R&S. I know that there was a thread in which a lot of former R&S users spoke of moving to CLE for ease of use...and most were not disappointed with the change. I'll see if I can find it and link it. Ultimately, you are going to make a good decision either way. Just don't look back.
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