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Dawn E

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Everything posted by Dawn E

  1. Has anyone used this Bible as reader program from The Foundation for American Christian Education (Noah plan/principle approach) If so, please share your thoughts. Thanks.
  2. I've been considering this one: A Girl of Beauty. It gets good reviews, but I haven't actually seen the book yet.
  3. There are a few of us scattered throughout MS. :001_smile: I am in the Delta--Northern MS. I'll see if I can find the old thread and post it so you can see if anyone is closer to you. Here's one.
  4. Here are some really nice blogs with great ideas and activities posted: The Moveable Alphabet My Montessori Journey This link that lorilou provided is one of my favorites: http://www.montessorimaterials.org/ Be sure to dig in deep there as there is much to find. One more site that has activities and explanations: Montessori World Educational Institute
  5. Should have offered a disclaimer that this is simply one man's interpretation. However, my biggest point for including it was the historical perspective that the fall of Babylon and its king have already taken place. As far as the King James translation having Isaiah saying 12How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. the allusion to Lucifer can be simply a characterization of the king of Babylon as of the Evil One, not a literal reference to Satan as the author of the commentary proposes.
  6. This commentary explains the passage a bit and addresses both the literal and symbolic references of the King of Babylon.
  7. Not too long ago I was feeling rather down in the dumps due to my constant struggles (and failures) at being a good home manager. I have always been a messie...and now with a family things sometimes get to that overwhelming stage. I don't know if God laid it on her heart or if Dh had mentioned something to her, but one day she called me out of the blue to tell me what a wonderful mother she thought I was. She commended me for investing so much in my children and encouraged me that the other stuff was secondary and I would continue to grow in the areas that needed growth. By the end of that phone call I felt appreciated and as if I could do anything. I love my in-laws and am blessed to have them. I was just thinking the other day, as I followed my active toddler around outside, that these are the people that loved and poured their lives and hearts into my husband and, with God's help, shaped him into the wonderful man he is. I am truly grateful.
  8. In the blue bar that goes across the top of the page just under the title of the book is a place that says "page." If you click on the arrows pointing to the right you will be able to go through the book. On the top right just beneath that bar is the place to click to download. pertaining to this link.
  9. This was the case with us as well. Ds was allergic to the diapers. It was the same brand we had used since birth...but something about the new type for his age caused him to have awful rashes...constantly. I tried all different ointments. When someone suggested the diapers could be the cause, I smiled, thanked them for the advice and secretly thought, "Whatever." But I decided to try a different brand and we never had another problem.
  10. If attic is your goal, Athenaze is one of the few choices, but it is not an elementary text by any stretch. We used Athenaze in college, and, while it could be used for self-education, in high school or perhaps by a gifted middle schooler, it will not work well below that range. Koine is easier than Attic, so there will be a hurdle to jump when the time comes; however, any child with a working knowledge of Koine will have a wonderful head start.
  11. Well, this was true for me. You only get money back if the seller has money in their account or if paypal is able to access their funds. In my situation, the seller had an account attached to a bank account and closed the bank account. So I won the claim and got nada...no product, no money. So...my advice is to file the dispute asap. Usually that will get the seller to respond to you and resolve the case. If you still hear nothing or get the runaround, escalate it to a claim and see what happens. In most cases things will get resolved in your favor quickly. Many people were burned by my seller, but I think she was probably more of an exception than a rule.
  12. I had to at least give mine a title this week... Happy WW!
  13. Not a certified INFJ, but was deemed one by two of the tests so far... Anyway, I stayed home the first two years and got all of the basics (those freshman and sophomore classes that would have had hundreds of classmates at the university) out of the way in rather average sized (20-40) classes through community college. I did this for financial reasons, though, not social ones, but looking back I'm quite happy to have missed that experience. By the time I transferred to the university of my choice (also a large state school) I was taking classes towards my major, so they were smaller, more personal. I was terrified of big groups, but forced myself to attend a campus ministry meeting. I met friends through that organization that will be friends for life. It allowed me to develop deep, rich friendships, as well as gave me the opportunity to grow. I joined council, became a member of a traveling singing group and went on short-term mission trips. By the end of my college career, I worked as an intern for the group. BTW--I stretched my college time by a couple of years, so I still got the full four year experience at the university. I had scholarships at the community college, so I didn't pay much for that time at all. I LOVED my college experience. Before college I had always put myself in a box marked "shy, quiet, reserved." College helped me to appreciate my personality while also helping me to shed some of the limitations I had placed on myself because of it.
  14. I love the series, too, as does dd. We've watched all the ones available online at Kewl Cartoons. I am planning to buy the dvd set asap.
  15. INFJ here, but the Judging was only 1%. I am definitely not organized, and, until recently, was quite comfy in clutter. As far as how my personality contributes to my decision to homeschool, I think this sentence from the description sheds some light:
  16. Here's a link to the test I was thinking of. It's called the Plan. I don't know how you would have access to it as a homeschooler, but this site has some sample questions that might be helpful working through with him.
  17. If you don't get the answer here, I would also ask at the high school board. I do believe that there is a pre-ACT test available for just the purpose you described.
  18. Hopefully this will work as I am not the most adept at linking... Here is an excerpt from Google books. It is a portion of the book Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius and this link should take you to page 125 of the book. When you look down the page, in the second paragraph under the heading "Other Sensitive Periods" there is a brief discussion regarding this period.
  19. Montessori talks about a period in which children are very sensitive to order, and 2 and 3 year olds are in the height of that period. It is normal for children of this age to develop patterns regarding how they think things should occur. It is a developmental stage most children pass through--exerting control on their surroundings as they grow into a deeper consciousness of what's going on around them. I would first assume that this is what is going on with your dc. Though I am not saying OCD is not a possibility, it wouldn't be my first assumption. I'll try to find some links for you re: this period of order and post back later.
  20. You're famous! :D And, when the hat fits, wear it...I think your points were quite valid.
  21. Well...I'm with you on seeing it two ways. He's a young guy who made a mistake. We can all identify with making stupid mistakes. However, he is being paid to be a role model with those millions in endorsements. By choosing to be a representative he is accepting that he is a role model, and he has stated that he is a role model. Consequently, part of earning that money is staying away from illegal activity. Also, Phelps had a DUI years ago, so this isn't his first time being caught doing something illegal.
  22. Mine's up. "I always feel like somebody's watching meeeee." :D
  23. It is awesome. She alternates between cardio, strength and abs. The only things needed are a mat if your workout surface is hard and hand weights. Starts with a warm-up, ends with a cool-down...all in 20 mins. I was SO out of shape when I began I only made it through 5 mins. :D I was able to do the whole thing within a few days though. I need to get it back out...have been negligent of late. ETA: and by whole thing I mean the initial workout. Yes, I was that bad.
  24. I'm right there with you...every time I think it is going to be my time to win. And every time, I'm wrong. :D Maybe one day. I too remember when there were only a hundred or so entries for each giveaway. You'd think once it hit 10,000 or more I'd be a little less optimistic...but no.
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