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Dawn E

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Everything posted by Dawn E

  1. I don't think there would be any problem with using both. We did for a while, but OPGTR just wasn't a good fit for my dd. The workbooks for Primary Phonics move very slowly, imo. We are just starting workbook 2, but are reading the readers from the 3rd set. These are by the same company that produces ETC, but I think Primary Phonics requires more writing (which is one thing I like about it).
  2. Hopefully this year...I am so excited to get it and will probably get Song School Greek as well, depending on the cost. Cadam had said Spring, but the site only says "coming in 2008." Maybe she will post more info. Here is the link to the pdf samples for anyone who may not have seen them in the other thread.
  3. I think we are going to go for the pack n play for now and look into some of the other ideas for later. I wish they made toys that convincingly looked like remote controls, cameras, telephones....these are the only things he seems determined to play with for now. :) So very busy. I don't remember dd being this way at this age, but my memory often fails me. Thanks again! Dawn
  4. Oh the days of just strapping him into a bouncy seat while we did our work. They are history now. Since learning to crawl and beginning to pull up, our boy is into anything and everything he can get his hands into. He seems to be drawn by some invisible force towards anything he's not supposed to play with. And, of course, he balks like a banshee at any form of restraint. I am trying to find something that will give him space, but will keep him safely contained. I've looked at this larger pack n play and this gated fence online. Has anyone used either of these successfully? Can you please offer any words of advice regarding other possibilities? We are having great difficulties getting anything accomplished school-wise due to these new developments. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  5. for their history spine in 1st grade? I am trying to decide between this and SOTW 1. I've heard a lot of good about SOTW, but am interested in hearing from those who have chosen Josephus. I saw this recommended at TanglewoodEducation.com. Thanks.
  6. I don't think anyone has posted Hearts and Trees It is a site that has ideas for things to do with children inspired by Charlotte Mason. We just found this site a couple of months ago and are loving it! Thanks for starting this thread! I am anxious to look at all the links posted.
  7. Look at the Southaven/Olive Branch/ Horn Lake areas of MS. You would still be close to the Memphis Airport and these areas have really developed nicely in the past year. Lots of shopping.
  8. I know that Hurley saw a face in the cabin, but I don't know if it was a recognizable one. Our tv signal was acting up at that exact moment. Charlie did say that he was "dead, but here." Whatever that means. :) He also said that "they" needed Hurley to go back. As far as Jack's secret and the six, there's only speculation at this point. It seems that there are still people on the island and that the six who got off must have made some deal to never go back or speak of the island like Michael, Walt's dad, did when he left. It will be interesting to see how it all unfolds. I have tried to guess who the six are. So far we know Hurley, Jack and Kate. Also the person in the coffin was probably one, but neither friend nor family to Jack. I don't think Sawyer, Ben or Locke would have left, so I am at a loss as to who would fit that description. I would speculate that Sun would be one since she was pregnant, and I can't see Juliet passing on the chance to leave unless she doesn't live to get the choice. I don't know, but I am very curious.
  9. Never got sent to the principal's office. I was a meek wallflower most of my school years. However, I was paddled twice and barely missed a third. The first time was in first grade. I unfortunately failed to hear the teacher say, "Don't eat your snowcones on the merry-go-round." Where better to eat a snowcone? :D That one broke my heart as I always loved my teachers and wanted to please them so. The second time was in 5th grade. We had a rather joke of a class where the teacher let us talk and pass notes everyday except test day and the day before test day where he gave us all the answers for the test. Sometimes the boys would get very rowdy, so he would paddle them. On this lovely day, the boys raised a question that should have been hypothetical: "How come you never paddle the girls?" Well, we got paddled. This was the same school that had a teacher that made kids wear pacifiers and bibs around their necks when they misbehaved and where one teacher let us--5th grade again--watch Quest for Fire while she left the room. Any questions about why I choose to homeschool? :) Just kidding. I know not all schools are as bad as this one was.
  10. I would first find out if the gym you used before has Saturday classes, if not having them would be a deal-breaker. There is a lot to be said about going back to someplace that you were satisfied with and that dd was happy and comfortable. The $7/wk sounds great, but I would be nervous about consistency. Not too many kids could be a plus, but not too much equipment would limit what she would do and learn. Plus, summer classes seem important to you, so this might be a deciding factor. Before paying $15/wk, I would definitely try to make option 1 work. Of course, this is just my opinion. :) Yours and dd's are the ones that really matter. My dd almost 6 takes gymnastics at a local gym. We pay $40/mo. The facility is rather dingy and typical of an old warehouse (what the gym is housed in) but she loves it and the teachers are very thorough, yet fun. They also have a lot of equipment since they have a competing gymnastics team.
  11. I got so excited tonight when I saw that TiVo was recording LOST! Then I realized it was not the new one. I am eagerly anticipating the return...if only to have something new to watch on TV. I was SO bitterly disappointed by the ending last season. Ugh. I know a lot of people liked where they veered off to, but to me it felt like the ultimate letdown. Still, I am very excited to watch tomorrow night. I hope I feel a little better about the new direction after watching it.
  12. the screen that comes up has other tabs at the top next to the one you are in(postings). If you click on "settings" and then on "comments" there is a place at the bottom to enter an email address to receive notifications. There are other ways to customize your comment section on that page as well. I hope this is helpful and not confusing. Feel free to send me a PM for more info if you need it. Dawn
  13. I've noticed that one of my triggers is not eating regularly--esp. when I was pregnant. If I let myself get too hungry, I can easily get one. Also, the sleep issue. Too little or too much...although too much seems to be the biggest culprit. No worries of that happening now with a 7 mo old. :) I also think mine are related to seasonal allergy/sinus issues and hormones.
  14. I now see three.... :D Maybe we should designate a WW thread starter. :)
  15. I'm a total nervous Nellie. I pray and pray, get peace, start to drift, hear a noise, and have to start the whole cycle again. :) When Dh is gone I give new meaning to "pray without ceasing."
  16. but I can't remember the exact board name. Also, an article at Heart of the Matter (It is about the third post down) gave some jobs. I know some were from home, but not sure about all. The jobs are affiliated with The Old Schoolhouse Magazine.
  17. things have gotten more fun around here. Click my blog link below to see what we made this weekend. This week we are either going to follow her plan for a no-sew fleece blanket or get started on our sewing school mini-kit. Hearts and Trees--"sew" much fun ;)
  18. Melissa, I just saw that gardenschooler is in Memphis. You can find her in the TN post. Unfortunately I don't see many more in the area. Have you found a homeschool group yet? I love your area...so many shopping opportunities! Not that I need the temptation, but more than wal-mart would be fun now and then. :)
  19. Hey Tutor! I didn't see your post. MS Delta girl present and accounted for!
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