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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. I just made this one from Whole Foods' recipe collection. I substituted Gluten Free Mama's Almond blend for the first cup of dry goods and substituted 1/3 c sorghum for the millet (I'm out of millet). Note: you will absolutely need some sort of starch dusting to roll it out. It's like sugar cookie dough. Worked really well, though, and the crumb I tasted off the side is very pie crusty. :) I made a while potato pie, which I thought was a southern thing, but turns out it's a Maryland thing. Huh.
  2. Yuh. That's it. (which, incidentally, has not kept me from developing an eye twitch and step outside to breathe deeply on many occasions)
  3. I am not going to forget to send Chrsitmas cards. And we are not going to buy an obscene amount of gifts. We pare down every year and it's still ridiculous. Otherwise, we put the kibosh on the forced holiday appearances in previous years. I refuse to drive hours to exchange gifts and socialize with people I just don't want to spend a single second of my life with. The stress of it taints the whole season.
  4. I bailed on huge, stressful holiday blowouts a couple of years ago. It's been blissful. I plan to precook some sides and brine the turkey today. Tomorrow, I'm going to shove the turkey in the oven and paint the rest of my laundry room. Christmas will largely be the same. SO much better.
  5. Um, yeah, I actually did walk to school in the snow, uphill both ways. It was great fun. :D I find myself saying things like "what's wrong with kids these days??" And then, as soon as it comes out, I start wondering when I turned into a crotchety old man!
  6. I had the same experience with The Turning of the Screw. Thought it was just my literary immaturity when I suffered through only part of it in highschool... Nope, Henry James is every bit as insufferable as an adult. It's a shame, really; the plot summary and Cliffs Notes make it seem like a really neat story. I may have to give TOTC another go, though. Sorry, OP, for the hijack.
  7. I'm an only, and my eldest daughter was an only for 12 years before the next one came along... Cooperative interaction is not something you necessarily have daily experience with as an only. At 40, I do realize I need to check in with other people before I act, to see if they have thoughts on whatever the subject, but I have to consciously remind myself of that. My three youngers, on the other hand, each seem to get that he/she is not the only person in any given decision. From a parenting perspective, you ARE the playmate. 24x7 if you homeschool. My friends who have onlies mention that - in terms of just being exhausted and fried at the end of the day - regularly. (On the other hand, I was not much of a player when I was a kid, and was content to lose myself in a book... I think it annoyed my very extroverted mother, actually.)
  8. I agree. (if I'm cooking for someone who has to avoid dairy for whatever reason, I use Earth Balance, though)
  9. I have a small chip that my old dentist was obsessed with fixing. Bonding material, however, does not bond so well to tiny, high stress (it's a front tooth) surfaces... So it's been there for 20 or so years and doesn't cause any issues. Unless it's a huge chunk, I would worry even less about it in a tooth that is going to fall out in a couple of years. If it was one of my kids and wasn't causing discomfort, I'd have the dentist check it after 1/1.
  10. I think he MUST read this forum! Last week, after the toilet humor thread, I turned on APHC and there he was, making fart jokes. Hey! Maybe he's the incognito famous poster! :lol:
  11. I really like the Kiss My Face "Potent and Pure" line. Relatively inexpensive, nothing creepy in it. They have a trial kit for $14.99 with wash, night repair cream, moisturizer, sunscreen moisturizer and a face cloth. The samples lasted me at least a month, and I still have the moisturizers, though I now have full size versions of the face wash and regular moisturizer.
  12. That's what I would suggest as well. Butter and margarine aren't alike structurally, so the substitution can effect the structure/texture of the finished product. (I have been explaining this to my mother about her failed recipes for decades.) Earth Balance is structurally margarine, but doesn't have the sketchy ingredients.
  13. Sorry! I must have had a literacy lapse. For some reason I was thinking *her* 1400 on the SAT wasn't good enough to make the cut for scholarships. :tongue_smilie: I would totally just help her study and build confidence for the test(s) then. And what a sad statement about our society that lack of civility? decorum? whatever is so ingrained that it makes simply attending classes uncomfortable, without beig immersed in the social aspect of living on campus. I wonder what it's like when they let their hair down. :blink:
  14. Can she take her General Ed classes at the local community college, demonstrate college success (and an excellent gpa) and transfer with help based on that? CC is a lot less expensive and may help with her scholarship portfolio. And, while the behaviors are probably the same, she has her (your) home for lifestyle.
  15. :iagree: I'd do a meringue butter cream. I don't care for the confectioners sugar kind. The sugar syrup is hot enough to "cook" the eggwhites, and you don't add the butter until the bottom of the bowl is cool.
  16. Exactly what I was thinking. People with plentiful and healthy gut flora are less prone to digestive issues, and pathogenic gut bacteria (e. coli) have a harder time taking hold (because there's nowhere to settle in) but I'm not sure viral tummy issues aren't transferred by the regular means: through the respiratory tract. In that case, having healthy gut flora just minimizes the illness.
  17. Well, I'm going to say it: don't beat yourself up. You made an error in how to handle a situation you had limited information on. Acknowledge it, take the new information and adjust (which you've already done). Hugs to all of you.
  18. I think it would be absurd in my house. I've seen houses with a tree in every room on the main floor and it was lovely. Whatever makes you happy.
  19. No. My children spend MY nap time reading. :lol: Seriously. If I don't get some down time, I'm likely to snap.
  20. That's exactly how it presented for me. No iron deficiency, though. Mine (and my hematocrit) was high enough to make me concerned about other issues, but has seemed to normalize back into the high normal range.
  21. None. I'm the only, my husband has the non-compliant siblings.
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