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Everything posted by Hen

  1. I got a text message on my cell phone last week, telling me my federal credit union account was invalid and to call the number, something like that. I did not call, but our credit union had just changed its name, I was worried something was messed up because of the change. We got an email from the credit union a few days later warning about this and saying not to call, that they had the phone number stopped. sheesh, wondering how the spammers got my number...
  2. I've never had any problems with them. I've ordered things many times through the years. Always on sale...love their sales!
  3. I could never do the train problems either, they drove me crazy. I did well with equations though, and made good grades in the algebras. I am having trouble doing word problems with my kids now...and I thought I was so through with those stupid word problems...ugh.
  4. a stretch, maybe not what you are looking for...but I have used spinach juice, blended with carrot and orange juice to make frozen popsicles for my kids...trying to sneak some nutrition into them. they liked them.
  5. Abbey, Happy Birthday. I have to tell you that "the love song of J Alfred Prufrock" is my favorite poem of all time. I had to click over when I saw the line in your subject title.
  6. I go back and edit, mostly in the minutes right after I hit "Publish". It's usually right after, that I see many glaring mistakes. I sometimes go back and fix a recent published post, not drastically- just sometimes it didn't quited come out as good as I wanted it. I try not to do it too much, so as not to drive anyone on bloglines crazy.
  7. I have caught several parakeets out in the wild, lost- when I was young and had time to do stuff like that. I found that a simple cartoon inspired box trap, you know the kind with a stick holding it up and a string...works great. Once you have it caught, have someone help you lift it and use a towel to catch it. I always worried they wouldn't be able to find food for themselves. good luck.
  8. I haven't read the thread either, but...I have to say that I was not comfortable with the subject either, not because I have 'issues' but because I am treading new ground with my relationships with my growing daughters and I don't know what might be seen as 'pushing' by them, I don't know exactly how sensitive they are about their changing bodies...things like that. I did go the the undershirt path with mine first, before going shopping for bras..it was a good initiation/transition for us.
  9. I use this one all the time from Pride & Prejudice.. Mrs. Bennet: "I don't see that, how can that be? Why should that be? Why should I see that?!" ...something like that we also use this from the old Pride & Prejudice movie with Greer Garson, Lady Catherine: "they should be killed and boiled, killed and boiled.." (talking about chickens) I think from the same movie "I don't cough for my own amusement, Mama"...Mr. Bennett "...No, she times them ill".
  10. I know, that is just nuts! Hubby and I were attacked by 2 St. Barnard mixes while out for a walk in the neighborhood. Usually I walk by myself, I was very lucky my husband was with me. They came out of their backyard and crossed the street to attack us, and followed me into a yard across the street. The only reason we were not bitten was because my husband kicked the heck out of them and I started screaming...they paused confused to re-group and the owner came out. I was frustrated with the lack of seriousness animal control took, they paid a visit and issued a warning. I got the feeling they thought I was over reacting, I have had dogs come out barking at me before while walking..to defend their property, but having the dogs cross the street to come get us, out of their territory and working together like that- they meant business. I pray no one gets hurt at your house, and that this is resolved soon for you.
  11. The Michael Olaf company catalog has such a bed, basically a wood frame that sits right on the floor...I thought it was a nice idea, but I would say the room would have to be totally baby proof- and having a toddler sharing the room wouldn't be baby-proof to me. I was really big on setting good sleep habits for my kids too, I don't know if free rein would be conducive to that.
  12. we are really enjoying Explode the code online. it's www.Explodethecode.com I have 3 kids using it, we started about a month ago, they work on it about 15 minutes a day...though we skip a day here and there.
  13. Here's mine, goodness- I got mine up late, I'm like number 500 and something over at the WW hub! Happy WW! Wordless Wednesday-Boston Commons
  14. I don't have an official one, but a rhuematologist I saw -thinking I had lupus (I actually had a case of 5th's disease) said she thought she would be seeing me again in the future. The lupus test came back negative, which I am glad, not something I would wish on myself. But I do have Reynaurd's syndrome, I do get rashes on my face when I am sick, I have this achy joint thing going and I am really anemic. I keep thinking that I know this about myself, and so I should take this time while I am not sick to eat really healthy and get into yoga to maybe help with it all later...but it's so easy to think you should do something but hard to actually do it. It does really bother me that we are seeing so many immune diseases now. 3 of my 4 kids have asthma.
  15. we switched to MUS this year, after using a spiral approach- I love the program, my kids love it, and for the first time I do not get groans over math. Saying that, I was some concerned that my oldest seemed to being doing fractions for Epsilon- and only fractions (tho I could see she was beginning to understand working with them in a way she did not using her last curr.) and my next oldest was doing mostly multiplication after struggling all last year with her old curr. to master the steps for long division...I was worried she would forget the steps we worked so hard to learn. We have to do testing every year, so I went out and bought them each a daily math review workbook for their grade level. I think this solutions works because it is not heaping another whole math curr. on top of what they are doing with MUS - which I think would burn them out, but the math review is a few problems everyday and I can remind them how to do things or give a quick explanation on something new- so at least they will be familiar with some concepts on the standardized tests. Math U see is a different approach, but I think it is grouped together the way it is for a reason, and I am very pleased with how well my kids are doing. I think if you stay with MUS, even if the test results aren't high in the lower grades, you will be very pleased with the results in the latter grades.
  16. um, both?! seriously, I'd vote the Macbook, and I think the pro is more than most people need. saying that, we have a mini and love, love it. saving up now for a macbook...
  17. the part about ignorance of neighbor's lifestyles jumped out at me...I would wonder then if agreeing to this statement would make Oprah's bookclub worthy material to enlarge one's viewpoint...the few books I have read from her list were depressing. I wouldn't value a book list merely for being modern and exposing different lifestyles or viewpoints.
  18. we went through a really tough time one year...and someone left an envelope full of cash, maybe 150$ if I am remembering right, with a short note and a bible verse. It really meant alot at the time, and I liked that it was anonymous, I didn't have to worry about not thanking the person enough or in the right way, I didn't have to worry about spending it in a way the person would approve of..it was sincerely given, with no strings attached.
  19. mine's up resident wild parrots we have a flock of around 200 wild parrots...though I've never counted that many, a biologist was studying them and that was her count, they are hard to count tho...being mostly green... Susan, I almost can never be wordless either...it's hard, I guess that's why we blog, talk-talk-talk.... happy ww! must.go.to.bed.now.
  20. well, I'll bite...could be really wrong...but, having raised parakeets and cockatiels way in the past- parakeet eggs are usually hard to know if they are fertile, (you just wait and see if any hatch) and chickens are able to eat scratch on their own at one day old, but parakeets have to be fed by the parents, or if not the parents then hand fed with a syringe round the clock. I'd think you'd have to do it the old fashioned way and get a pair and breed them to get chicks. just a guess.
  21. Hi everyone, mine is up! click to see my photo of Budget Rental cars in Beverly Hills, just down the road from Rodeo drive...kind of a field trip for me, I've actually never been there before, tho born and raised in So. Ca. Happy Wordless Wednesday!! I didn't actually achieve wordless...that's so hard some weeks...
  22. there is some nice spray that has antiseptic in it and coats the wound yellow so the other chickens don't peck it. It will help any wounds heal too, you should find it at your feed store. We had one of ours have her comb torn a bit, the vet had us apply ointment to it for a week as it healed.
  23. I remembered thinking it was great when I was a kid, I rented thru netflix for my kids...they got a kick out of it.
  24. I went from Sl to TOG, it seems to work better for me, having it all laid out and then I can choose which books to use which days. Saying that, my older girls read like crazy and I am thinking I might add some sonlight books for reading or ambleside. I feel the same way about many of the SL books, I think personally I can only read so many gut-wrenching, hard or sad books in a time frame...
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