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Everything posted by Hen

  1. I just posted mine! A little early, but usually I'm late.. happy WW! It's of my kids on a hike to a waterfall (not much water in the waterfall, we are in Ca...-but it was still pretty) here's the link End of the trail- wordless wednesday
  2. we like it, I'm just beginning to utilize it more. I was going to start a thread and ask this, but I'll put it right here... does anyone know how to make the viewing screen for united streaming bigger? We are watching on a mac, I think thru quicktime... and the little viewing screen is so small, it's hard to bunch my 4 kids around it to watch. So anyone know how to make the viewing screen bigger? It can't always be that small, can it? anyone?
  3. when was your last physical? really. I have been having a hard time thinking, reading anything deep, couldn't write anything deep...would sit down at the computer to look up something specific and totally forget what I wanted to do and surf instead..forget to return emails. I was really starting to worry. I went in for a physical, not for that reason...and found out I had really low iron, confusion is a symptom. I'm starting to feel better after 2 weeks of supplements. I would suggest you go for a physical and make sure everything is as it should be.
  4. we are using MUS for the first time this year, and I was getting worried about them forgetting things they already know, and not knowing other things...so I picked up "Daily math practice" by Evan-moor -they are short, just a few problems everyday. I also liked Math skills by Harcourt press, those I use sparingly -just every once in a while.
  5. you might want to check with your local feed stores, the one we ordered our chicks from rents out incubators to people that want to hatch out eggs, she even takes back the chicks from families not set up to keep chickens, they just wanted the experience of hatching them. we have a small flock, 4 hens and we brought them home 1 day old.
  6. {{{hug}}} mamma bear. I think that would sting me too. and then I'd kick something.
  7. My second daughter was like this, partly probably to keep up with older sister (by 18 months ) who does everything easily and well... anyways, dd was always falling, tripping, you name it. She finally started to get timid and afraid to try things I think because of all the falling, so we put her into gymnastics for about 9 months and it gave her confidence and a measure of grace.. I was glad we did it. That was really the only reason we put her in a class, she was about 3 or 4 at the time, it was a little kids class, no pressure, lots of sumersaults, jumping on trampoline, walking a balance beam.
  8. not as fun as high tea!... but my husband takes the kids to Barnes & Nobles once a week for hot chocolate and to sit and read books. They all very much look forward to it.
  9. another vote for blogger (blogspot), it's very easy to set up...they walk you through the steps and very easy to use. My photos are just normal photos, I am getting elements for my birthday- I am excited to learn how to use it... jump on into blogging, the water's fine!
  10. there was a California folder, but it seems to have disappeared? I'm in So. California, in the heart of Orange County.
  11. I like- Here in the Bonny Glen, and-By sun and candlelight -she is always doing crafts and nature stuff, I get good ideas and get motivated there... and then there are several from the boards I visit, Smoothstones academy, Koinania house, Trivium academy, an OC sitcom. I just found Picking up pebbles and lesser road academy both ladies from this board.
  12. Triv, we have 4 hens, that is all because we have a normal, small california backyard. I fuss over them and my children, so I feel hen-ish... Their names are Anabelle, Dapples, Little wing and Elsie. They all have distinct personalities.
  13. If you can find "The Piano book" by Larry Fine at the library, you might want to read it to become more in the know about pianos. My second suggestion would be to take your piano teacher, or someone who teaches or plays in a professional capacity -with you to look at a piano you are considering.
  14. I was going to suggest Classically speaking, too. lots of fun, good names suggested. or more to the point, -Classically teaching...
  15. I rsvp for parties we are going to attend, but I have to admit that I sometimes fail to rsvp my regrets if we are not going, which I know is somewhat rude... I figure not as rude as showing up unexpected I guess. (though now a days it seems no one calls in regrets, so I'm part of the crowd...)
  16. my husband has a worm farm. He made it from a big, dark rubbermaide container- he drilled holes in the bottom so it would drain... he's not home right now, but I will ask him where he found the directions to do it, or how he did it. He keeps them in the garage.
  17. we stopped vaccinating our kids when our 3rd was 9 months, our 4 th child had no vaccines until this year when we did the polio for the 2 youngest. We are now selectively vaccinating and will do a few. that meaning we will add the mmr if we can do them separately... the cat has only had the rabies shot since it is the law.
  18. I wondered about that too when I first started blogging. I noticed at some of the blogs I liked a note in the side bars about who designed them...so I hired one of them to do mine. I had Suzie at bluebird blogs design mine, it was not as expensive as I was afraid it would be. I have a button for her on my sidebar, if you look around at other blogs you will see some buttons for other people who design. Some people are very clever and figure out how to make a header themselves, but I am hopelessly computer challenged.
  19. that is pretty good, thank you for sharing.
  20. I just purchased 2 books from simply charlotte mason at lulu, one is a personal calendar here is a link, http://simplycharlottemason.com/books/2008-calendar/2008-calendar-sample/ the other is a book on teaching habits to your kids called "Laying down the rails" by the same author. They both came yesterday, both are spiral bound, which I like....they look really good. I also have purchased CW at lulu and This country of ours which is an Ambleside online history read...I've been pleased with the quality.
  21. that's great! I am so clueless about designing anything on my blog, I just hired someone to do it for me... but, way to go!! I really think that is an accomplishment!
  22. gosh, I'm never going to make it past larva...or it will take me years..I don't know how you busy bees manage to post so much!
  23. I'm using Classical writing with my 5th and 7th grader. I'm thinking of trying to work in some of the TOG in a gentle way...not sure if I will attempt that sometime this year or wait till next. I'm new with TOG, so still trying to figure out how to work it all together.
  24. I actually took my kids to see the movie, only because I had read that hollywood had done what it does best, taken the soul out of the movie. We take our kids to see very few movies- we were hoping what was left was just a good fantasy movie with some cool polar bears. Well, we thought it was a waste of time. Husband said it was the first movie he watched that he couldn't figure out what the point was and what was going on. I guess they took so much out of it, it made it patchy. Even the polar bears didn't make it worth it, it was badly put together. There were a few things about it that made my skin crawl, but my kids did not notice. My big thought on the movie was that it seemed to want to be a Narnia or LOTR...but there were no courageous or big virtues to emulate or feel good about. There was no honor, or courage or doing what is right, no honesty or truth. The only virtue I could maybe find was friendship.. I thought it fell flat and was empty. but, I have to say that Nichole Kidman was wonderful- she did a great job, not that I liked the character, but she was too beautiful to be human...and chillingly evil at times, yet fun and exciting too. just some of my thoughts on the movie...
  25. Dy, I love Lois! When I saw the episode where all the boys were in trouble for something and she had them lined up against the wall, kneeling with hands over their heads with noses touching the wall, I turned to hubby and said, "she's my hero!". I identified with her too when she fell down in the room filled with legos and they played the godzilla sounds as she fell in slow motion... I enjoyed that show back when we had t.v.
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