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Everything posted by Hen

  1. I think your 13 year old would enjoy it, we took our 11 and 12 year olds...we left the 6 and 8 year old at home, and I was really glad, they would have been bored. I wrote about it on my blog, here's the link Dead sea scrolls exhibit I thought the exhibit was wonderful.
  2. Here's a link from the carnival of homeschooling, someone wrote about it- you have to follow the links to piece it all together. Day by Day Discoveries link here the concerning thing I got from this is that this person owns the names of many, many virtual schools- many of them with christian sounding names, a few with the words 'k-12' in them so they would be confused with a better known school- and that she is doing a media blitz in the homeschool world right now. It's really disturbing.
  3. Jacqui, it's called Chicken in Molay sauce- and I know I killed the spelling there, my dad is mexican, and he makes it- here in Ca you can buy cans of the sauce, it is more than just cocoa powder, from what I remember. I love, love, love it. I love chocolate, so there's my clue I guess. The weirdest combination I witnessed was when we were in Taiwan, we bought ice-cream cones, and inside the ice cream we started finding peas...carrots...small cherry tomatoes. My sister likes french fries dipped in mayonase, which started me on french fries with ranch dressing...which I stopped doing because you know that has to be so fattening!
  4. I would like to know, If I smile at you, make eye contact and am friendly when I am out and about, would you think I was flirting?? Can we be friendly and chatty and taken at face value, or should we just keep to ourselves to avoid giving signals?
  5. baah-haa!:lol: I would have thought the same word...I'm a geek too! Hubby and I were laughing over me seeing a sign for some kind of class, and I immediately thought it was a language class- for Dutch or something, and I thought it was neat they were offering it and I began to wonder if we could justify learning it (beyond Russian and Spanish). I figured out later that it was a culture class.
  6. I forget all the time, and this past year has been the worst. We've had "rain-out" nights when the tooth fairy was delayed a day or two by rain...and the last visit, after 2 or 3 missed nights, the tooth fairy came while they were eating breakfast. DD6 was just amazed by that and was impressed at how fast she was...oh, we all decided that the cat must have kept the toothfairy away until breakfast that time... they seem to get over it, kids bounce back. our tooth fairy gives guilt money too...a little extra if it has taken her a few nights to make it...
  7. I have two posts on it at my blog here, news on Ca homeschooling and here http://homeiswhereyoustartfrom.blogspot.com/2008/03/it-is-still-legal-to-homeschool-in.html and then there was a new update at a ca yahoo group, I'll link it here...not sure if the link will work, will post it and try it... Ca homeschool network discussion link (Rachel L)
  8. Happy WW! I am late in the game it seems... finally, the mystery of our pest problem attacking our rose bushes is solved... come see the guilty party Wordless Wednesday- Rose problem
  9. My husband went to see it Friday to preview it, our kids really want to see it. He was really disappointed, he said the first 20 minutes were not appropriate for kids. He thought the spiderman movies were better, and did a better job keeping it clean. The bedroom scene was explicit enough without technically showing alot. The kids were so worked up about seeing it, specially our ds7- that we are thinking of taking them, but going in after the first 30 minutes (counting previews).
  10. Welcome Paula, glad you are here! Naw, not preachy....the whole buying and selling from strangers is a touchy thing sometimes. I've only had good experiences. (I don't really like seeing the "need to up my posts counts" posts either)- when I decide to buy, I do check the posts count, and then I look to see what kind of posts- is the person a poster who contributes to the community in a friendly, helpful way?... I have learned much here at these boards, this is my favorite board.
  11. we switched from Abeka (used it for many years) to MUS this school year for all four of my kids. I am using it as self-teaching, I sit in on the younger 2 video lessons once a week, but basically supervise the youngers, check everyone's work and explain things once in a while to an older who is stuck. I am loving it, so much less work then when I did the abeka.
  12. I struggle on and off with this. I like how gentle it is, but I myself am not an auditory learner I think. I've used it with my second dd, and I just pulled it out to use with my 2nd and K students. It was going well, until we added a bonus student- 2nd grade, who has an auditory processing disorder. I don't know much about it (I need to do some research) but I could see after 2 minutes that he did not care for FLL and I lost him totally. I am thinking I will switch to GWG for all of them this summer. (but I am going to continue with FLL with my younger two on days when the bonus student is not here, it really is a nice, gentle introduction to grammar.)
  13. your poor dh! glad everything was o.k.! When I am pregnant, I usually get leg cramps, my last baby I had the worst one ever and sat up in bed screaming. Poor dh jumped up, thinking I was in labor. The poor man couldn't go to sleep after, either. He did rub out my leg..he's good at that.
  14. thank you everyone, your replies were very helpful. LOL, if you stare at a word long enough, it starts to look wrong... Lisa, thank you for the link! Exactly the kind of site I was looking for.
  15. Hey Hive mind, I tried to look this up online, but was not successful... a basic question, in the phrase "This was the name I was used to." -is that a proper use of "used to"? I know it is common to use it that way in speech, it just looks and sounds wrong to me when I really look at it. I would re-phrase it because it seems awkward to me- my 11 year old is using it in a story and if I ask her to change it, I would like to give her a reason or rule for why. anyone...anyone? Bueller...
  16. Happy WW! come over and see where I lost my "absolutely Organized" book... Wordless Wednesday, self-help book some days you have to laugh, or else you would cry...
  17. [[hugs]] thanks for letting us know. thinking of you and praying for you.
  18. I got a text message on my cell phone last week, telling me my federal credit union account was invalid and to call the number, something like that. I did not call, but our credit union had just changed its name, I was worried something was messed up because of the change. We got an email from the credit union a few days later warning about this and saying not to call, that they had the phone number stopped. sheesh, wondering how the spammers got my number...
  19. I've never had any problems with them. I've ordered things many times through the years. Always on sale...love their sales!
  20. I could never do the train problems either, they drove me crazy. I did well with equations though, and made good grades in the algebras. I am having trouble doing word problems with my kids now...and I thought I was so through with those stupid word problems...ugh.
  21. a stretch, maybe not what you are looking for...but I have used spinach juice, blended with carrot and orange juice to make frozen popsicles for my kids...trying to sneak some nutrition into them. they liked them.
  22. Abbey, Happy Birthday. I have to tell you that "the love song of J Alfred Prufrock" is my favorite poem of all time. I had to click over when I saw the line in your subject title.
  23. I go back and edit, mostly in the minutes right after I hit "Publish". It's usually right after, that I see many glaring mistakes. I sometimes go back and fix a recent published post, not drastically- just sometimes it didn't quited come out as good as I wanted it. I try not to do it too much, so as not to drive anyone on bloglines crazy.
  24. I have caught several parakeets out in the wild, lost- when I was young and had time to do stuff like that. I found that a simple cartoon inspired box trap, you know the kind with a stick holding it up and a string...works great. Once you have it caught, have someone help you lift it and use a towel to catch it. I always worried they wouldn't be able to find food for themselves. good luck.
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