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Everything posted by Scuff

  1. So, does anyone know how i need to classify the reason for this return so that he pays the shipping? He now says that he doesn't know how to do it so that he pays for shipping. :banghead: (and claims it's not his fault since it's in good condition. Well, yes. But "good" is not "like new")
  2. Took a break from this oer the weekend. :) So, I will say that I'm impressed with Amazon's customer service. I emailed them asking if they could change the label. The rep emailed back that they couldn't do that, the seller had to do it on their end, since they allow sellers to establish their own return policy, or I could file a claim. He then gave me a $5 credit towards my next purchase. :D Definitely will be using that. So, I have an email to the seller, telling him to reissue the label. We'll see what he does at this point. No complaints against Amazon, though.
  3. I do this all the time, especially on my phone. So, yeah, I figure it's just accidental.
  4. I agree with what others have said. If you are selling something just a few dollars less, than I am not going to buy it from you. Just yesterday, I saw a CD set that I'd like, but it was only 2.50 less than Rainbow. That's just not worth the extra risk or hassle. Generally, it's only worth it to buy or sell the big items or multiple small items at a time.
  5. Romans 1 is the first thing I think of that states it is a sin. It would also work against the theory that Paul was actively gay, since he wrote it. ETA- I don't believe people are born that way. I believe it's a combination of nature and nurture, like a lot of things. DH does. It doesn't really matter, though. We all have sins we enjoy more than others and weaknesses and strengths. As I recently told a gay, Christian friend, Christ's blood covers every sin, no matter what it is.
  6. DS has one. I put in DH's birthday. Since they share a name, technically, I guess, it's dh's. He has terrible handwriting and I wanted him to be able to use google docs for school. He doesn't use the email or anything else.
  7. Has he been having cold symptoms or is this sudden? WC presents like a cold, then the cough starts. If he's been healthy and just woke up with a cough, I'd guess that he's ok. If not, get him to the Dr so they can start antibiotics.
  8. Well, after filing for a return, for the reason "Different from website description". He put the return through, but it wants me to pay return shipping. Sigh.
  9. That's interesting. I can see how B would happen. I used Doman flashcards a little with dd9 when she was about 2-3. :) When it came time to actually teach her to read, I had the hardest time getting her to blend. (which is what I count as being able to read. Once you can blend, you're off.) She would guess at words, instead of trying to put them together. I've since heard that's common with the whole word approach. Oh my, it was such WORK to teach her to read. I have no doubt it would have gone more smoothly had she not had the flashcards. Also, she was good at them. She knew all the presidents, since we did president cards, too. (Well, the first half. With dd7 added in, we didn't keep it up) But today, she doesn't remember any of them that we haven't talked about recently.
  10. I had a cycle that was really strange like that. Fullness, pressure, what truely felt like BH contractions. I was convinced I was miscarrying, though all tests came back negative. Next month, everything was normal again.
  11. Yikes! Glad they're ok. Do you have good insurance? (Our car, that only had PLPD on it was stolen a few months ago. Oops) :grouphug:
  12. The concealed carriers I know take it very seriously and are never fully relaxed when carrying. They always sit so they can see the room and are very aware of their surroundings.
  13. Yeah, most sellers have refunded without a return with no trouble at all. Just did that last week with a "very good" ancient, ex-library book with a broken binding. (the kind I would have been happy to pay 50c at a book sale for) I've only had trouble on Az once before and that was a college book, "like new" that obviously had been tossed in a backpack with open markers and pens for a semester. She did offer a refund, with a return. But I just kept it, since dh was already a week into class. Yeah, he won't be exempt. I just wish I had remembered to check feedback before buying. Then I would have skipped his and moved on to the next seller. Usually, I remember to do that when comparing books listed similarly. Oh, well. I like Julianna's advice to email him again. Didn't see it before. :D I sent him a return request through the order page, linking Amazon's condition guidelines. We'll see what he does now. If he still refuses, I'll open a claim. And, yes, I am not paying to ship this back.
  14. Were they close to your father? DH's grandma passed and left us with a little money. DH would probably still have the check if his aunt hadn't gotten on him about cashing it. The emotions attached to it made it more than just any old check.
  15. I ordered a TM on Amazon that just arrived today. :banghead: Forgot to check the seller feedback. :banghead: He's a new seller with only 2 feedbacks and one indicates the same problem of condition (but still gave him a 5 out of 5 :confused: ) So, anyway, he listed the book Like New and says, "Flawless condition. No writing in the book." This "flawless" book has two dinged corners, a smashed edge (pb) and is actually torn and taped in one spot. It's not terrible, probably "good" condition, but it is definitely not "like new" or "flawless". So I wrote him an email. This is his response, "I am very sorry about the problem with this book. Unfortunately, I do not believe there is any sort of return policy for used books such as this. I have researched Amazon's policies and I haven't seen anything that could help you out. My sincere apologies." What would you do at this point? A) I could fill out a return request through the Amazon page, thus educating him on the fact that he can, in fact, do something. (but good grief, can't a seller figure this out before selling. Has he never bought on Az before?) B) Skip trying to work with him and file a claim. C) Some other option I haven't thought of? Obviously he's not a big seller who's going to just refund my money and not leave me with the hassle of returning it. That's fine. I'll take it to the post office. But I have 5 kids I may use this for, I do not want a book that's already worn. I'd have bought from a different seller or just gotten it new if I knew this is what I was goign to get.
  16. I would not let her keep the new one in this case. :( Sorry. It is hard.
  17. I am so done. Pregnancy is hard. I have 6+ weeks left. Trying not to wish it away. Very much thinking that I never want to do this again.
  18. Grandma only gets to see them once a year. Let her be grandma during that time and spoil them. Reign in the local friends and reletives, if they're a problem. MIL used to live with us. She had to take more of a parenting role and respect our wishes with toys and candy because she was here all the time. Now that she doesn't, she's free to spoil them a bit more.
  19. This! I've had hebrew in my siggy for a few years. It's the first thing to go when we get too busy. Sigh. I'm disappointed by what we don't do, but am learning (maybe) that I need to cut things out and do a few things well, instead of a lot of things poorly. You already know that, so congratulations!
  20. I allow them to have pop so infrequently that if they are going to have some, they can choose Mountain Dew if they want. (which mom cringes inside) We treat it like desert, because it really is.
  21. Yeah, I noticed that after I got my ice cream home. :glare: Their loss. I used to spend the extra for their chemical-free ice cream. Not anymore. You really have to read labels, and continue to read the same labels.
  22. That's interesting. I did notice that I couldn't find any normal sized plates, anymore. I usually just use a salad plate, but that can be too small.
  23. I've been married 13 yrs. Sometimes it's work. Most of the time, now, it's not. I think the most work was in the beginning, adjusting to each other and expectations. Instead of saying it's work, I'd probably say that it is a dying to oneself. In order for the partnership to work, both people need to choose to love, when they don't feel it, and die to self when they most don't want to.
  24. Since they already left each other negative feedback and the paypal dispute is settled, I think it's safe to assume that the matter is closed. If she's reading this and reconsidering, that certainly would be nice for the OP. If I were the OP, though, I wouldn't be counting on it at this point.
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