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Everything posted by Scuff

  1. You must've missed the first episode of Series 2. He's unconscious for awhile (days?) while aliens threaten and everything goes crazy. Rose isn't ok at all until the end of the episode.
  2. He daleks were going to kill everybody, so he sent Rose home without her consent. She ripped a piece off the Tardis so that she could return ti help, absorbing the time vortex. She then killed the daleks, brought Captain Jack back to life, and was going to die, since humans aren't supposed to absorbe the time vortex. Dr took it from her (through a kiss) and then it fried him instead and he regenerates. Do watch it, still. :)
  3. Thanks, Mariann. We cleaned her up (but not to the point of bleeding- ouch!) then used peroxide and neosporin. As long as it doesn't get worse, we'll wait and see the dr on Monday. Thanks!
  4. I think we have a winner. Chigger bites don't really fit, but impetigo does. They didn't really have the yellow crusties, like the pics, and I don't remember seeing blisters. But they are all in clothes areas. This morning she has a new one on her finger. I thought it was a wart ysterday, but today it definitely looks like a blister. Ok, thanks, everyone! Good to know what we're dealing with. Any suggestions on how to handle this from the BTdT? Google says it's contagious. I really hope she didn't pass these along before we knew what it was!
  5. They very between dime and quarter size. She says they itch a little, but not a lot. I can't take her in until Monday. Our ped. is a private practice and aren't open ont he weekend. So it's that or the ER.
  6. took me a minute to figure out how to get the pic off my phone. Refresh and it should be there now. :) Yeah, MI. The camp was in the GR area. Thanks for the imput! Everything I'd thought to look up didn't look right. (scabies, bedbugs, staph, ect) She has sensitive skin, too. And eczema. Some are where she had eczema spots, but only a few.
  7. The kids all went to camp last week. Dd came home with what looked like tiny bug bites all ove her trunk and back. They mostly went away in a few days, so I didn't worry too much. But now she has these open sores. Not everywhere, but she does have about 15 of them. If it were just one or two, I wouldn't think anything of it, but the amount of them is a bit alarming. Does this look familiar to anyone? Is it something to worry about? Why do these things always happen on Friday evening?
  8. You are being wise to seek counsel on this from others who have been there. I haven't, so I have nothing to add on that front. (My heart tells me "keep them both!" Especially after hearing about that poor girl crying. But I also realize that I know just about nothing about what that really means for you.) I'm going to get all spiritual, since you indicated that you're a christian. Either decision is a step of faith. Pray about it, seek counsel, then make your decision trusting that it will be ok. Don't be afraid of the unknown. God will give you the strength you need to get through the next year having both. Or He will go with the children to their new homes (and may work it out for their better good) and you can still pray for them.
  9. I sort differently than I was taught growing up. I wash all soft things together and all jeans together. With the way clothes are made these days, this seems more important than sorting by color. I'll wash reds and blacks seperately when they are new. Once they've been washed a few times, I just throw it all in together. No problems. I do wash towels together; easier that way. And jeans/jackets/rough things together to protect the softer things and hopefully prevent those dreaded holes.
  10. That's what I was thinking, too! We bike a lot in my non-pregnant years. I taught my kids early on proper safety on the road. My 3rd was on a trialing bike, but the others rode their own. I also don't understand how she did it with small babies or pregnant. All the bike forums warn against that. Still very impressive. I would not want to give up my car for most trips, especially the grocery store!
  11. The problem is which original documents. The OT documents were meticulously copied by scribes with great precision. The documents found are all the same and there is no variation. The NT is made up of letters and things that weren't copied at meticulously. Mostly, they are the same. But there are some variations. (there are no original originals. There's a bunch of old copies, but nothing that can be said "This is the Actual letter Paul wrote to the Corinthians.") So the KJV used certain documents and the NIV used others, which causes some differences and many opinions about those differences. My 2c, since I'm already typing :) , the differences aren't that big of a deal. The NIV may not have "blood" in some places, but they certainly include it in others. One can read the NIV and completely understand that the blood of Jesus is what washes away sin. Personally, I grew up with KJV and memorized many KJV verses. It helped tremendously when it came time to study Shakespeare. :) But actually understanding the scripture didn't really begin until I bought an NIV as a teen. So long as one is reading the Bible with understanding, and that Bible is translated from originals By people who understand language, than I don't Think it matters too much. I don't like the newer NIV because they changed a lot of the gender words. Seems like an effort to be politically correct, not a proper translation of the actual words. And that's all I'll say about that, since the op wanted KjV only people to respond. I did want to explain above about the documents, though. *Or i could've kept my mouth shut and kept reading the thread.
  12. Bath helped. Wish I could swim. Maybe we need to think about fitting a Y membership back into the budget. I do enjoy it and it's nice "easy" exercise. Tried the cat stretch. Lol! Perhaps I really need that one. I feel very inflexible. I'm not even sure I got any roundness in my back. I'll check out that website and maybe take a walk. Thanks for all the suggestions. I can't take 9 weeks of this.
  13. Yeah, I have one. It does help, usually. But not much.
  14. What exercises have you done in pregnancy that actually helped? My middle back hurt so muvh I cannot stand it. Went to the chiropractor yesterday, but that only helped a little and right now it's not making any. It hurts to sit, hurts to lay hurts to stand. I can't do anything! I've got 9 weeks of this left. I have to do something. Please someone tell me there was something you did that helped? I do pilates when not pregnant and that really helps strengthen my tummy and keep my back from hurting. But I can't do what I normally do at 31 wks pregnant.
  15. Right. But with the intensity of labor, I didn't know they could deliver one without the other coming, too.
  16. Yeah, our intex pool algeaed and before we cleaned it, I scooped out some to save. It was really neat to watch the things swimming around in it until we figured out that they were mosquito larva.
  17. Such great news! So, was he born the old fashioned way? I didn't know that you could birth a baby and then not birth the other.
  18. The kids and I were at home. I was getting them ready to spend the night at grandmas. When our power went out, I called her and that's when i found out that it wasn't just us. DH works for the power company, but there was nothing they could do. It's the only time our power went out that he didn't have to work! The kids stayed home from grandmas. ;)
  19. What a mean mom you are for sending her back into the Dark Ages. :)
  20. That's what i did- 10% (rounded up) So I guess that's ok. Still felt like a lot to give the guy $4 to carry food out. But if he's a displaced waiter, I guess he needs it. I didn't find the thread, but i did find one on what order things are served that got locked. :lol: We can argue about anything!
  21. I really didn't like any of the wine I tried until I had Governor's White from the Williamsburg Winery. It's so good I even started having a glass every night before I got pregnant.
  22. DH and I did the curbside carryout at Outback last night. We never do this, so I don't know what is appropriate. They have a place for the tip and the guy brings your bill out in the little folder. But all he did was spend a few minutes bringing out my food. Kinda a glorified drive thru worker. He certainly didn't tend to our needs/wants, refill drinks, clean up dishes, ect. (On that note, they didn't even get the order right and I had to wait awhile for food that was starting to get cold. Though the guy was fast and friendly once he got to me.) What is expected in this situation? I'm a little bitter that I paid any tip, since we paid $40 for a meal only to get it home and not have it all be there. grr. But that's beside the point; what is standard for this situation?
  23. Yes, contact them. Many sellers will give you a refund without the hassle of returning the book. I've gotten things that were "less than" from some of the big sellers, but they've always been very accommodating to fix it. The only problem I've ever had that wwasn't fixed was from a small, new seller, selling off her old college textbooks. She listed it "like new" when it should have been good or acceptable, then justified it by saying, "well, it is a used book, after all." She was only going to offer e refund if we returned the book. But class had already started so that wasn't an option for us. DH needed it! Everyone else has always bent over backwards to fix a problem, usually refunding, sometimes sending another. Just let them know.
  24. We've almost been hit twice in a parking lot. (Aldi's so it wasn't a big store.) The first woman can inches from hitting dd3- would have it I didn't move her and yell stop. i *wish* I had said something more. (thiugh perhaps not hag) I get angry after the fact. At the time I was so shaken up that I just stood there dumbfounded as she drove off.
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