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Everything posted by Scuff

  1. :) I was thinking of Dr. Who. "Whatever you do don't blink. Don't even blink. Blink and you're dead."
  2. I'm from the midwest and think I say diluTed. However, several Mi accent guides have told me that I don't pronounce ts. So while I say that it's diluTed, you may not hear the T sound as strongly as you hoped.
  3. Really? I've seen evictions with the curb pilled high quite a few times.
  4. While I agree that it's excessive to spank the child every day for 2 weeks, (I probably would have let the punishment slide since she told the truth in the end.) I don't think it's any indication of homelife or screwed-up-ness that the child lies. Some kids can be very deceitful and it has nothing to do with their parents.
  5. Put dishsoap on the outside along the seams. If the leak is there, it should bubble.
  6. Right. 5th and under, start on grade. Everything repeats. 6+ are more intense.
  7. Ds is nmaed after dh. For the others, we had decided that we would have 1 bIblical or hebrew name and 1 family name. The names also need to mean something nice. So no Miriam because it means bitter. And they neem to not be very, very popular. (though i made an exception for Hannah, because i absolutely loved it and wanted to name a child that since I was young. Unfortunately we lost her ina miscarriage.) First two dds follow this. By #4 we had a very hard time agreeing on anything. Dh wanted to throw everything out and just pick something he liked. But I didn't like anything he came up with and disn't want to completely let go of our naming rules. Eventually we settled on a name he picked out that I mostly like and a name I picked out that he mostly liked. I won the first name. :) She does have a biblical name, but not family, so we thought. After she was born I found out that both her names belonged to distant reletives on my side. Not the same as "you're named after grandma that you love", but it works. This last baby will be named after dh's grandma who recently passed. I've suggested it in the past, but he didn't want to use it. Now he does. We're still debating a middle name. In all of this, unintentionally, but I like it, all of our girls have first names that are uncommon and middle names that are more popular. I like that they aren't the 50th Aiden among rheir friends, but can use the more popular name if it serves them better in the future.
  8. Ah, thanks. We don't want a whole grade. I'll look into the 10% off, though. That's still a chunk.
  9. I've seen the buy 6 deal a few times. But someone also mentioned there being a buy 2 sale? Does anyone know if that's true and the details on it? Thanks.
  10. Where do you get good quality cabinets without going custom? The more I read reviews, the more I'm afraid to buy anything!
  11. Chemistry wasn't overly difficult for me. Challenging in that I did need to pay attention, but not terrible. I do agree with the PP, Physics about killed me. I skipped it senior year and my middle school science teacher was hit by a car and out most or the year. So my entry level college physics class was about 95% new material. I never worked so hard in a class in my life.
  12. Some tests just produce a faint line. I had a batch of tests with #4 that were all light lines- late enough that they shouldn't be. Dh didn't believe that I was pregnant until I went out and bought a different brand.
  13. Yeah, I was having a lot of prelabor symptoms and went into the ER. They were the ones (in L&D, not the er) that told me i was dehydrated. My bp was also 53/80. I tend to run low, but not that low! I've been trying to drink more. Gotten in 60 oz the past few days. (which is an accomplishment) I guess i won't worry about it and just see how things go at the next apt. Glad you're ok! Sounds like you were much worse off than I (me?)
  14. I've had ketones twice. (once last pregnancy and then last week) both times, by different drs, I was told that it was because I was dehydrated and needed to drink more. I don't doubt that I'm debydrated. But everything on the net seems to say that ketones is caused by needing to eat more or g diabetes. Should I be worried about gd? I've had to take the extra 3 hr test a few times, but it has always come back ok.
  15. No one else can where my dress. It was made specifically for me, curvy spine and all. I don't have delusions that my grandchildren will wear it- they won't. But I do have fond memories of trying on my mom's dress and I look forward to letting my girls try on my dress. They're almost old enough.
  16. I like this. We make them think of something nice to do for each other, but a whole day of serving the other sounds much more effective.
  17. I wanted a 4th and for a long time dh didn't. So i started praying dor his change of mind or my contentment. And I grew content. Then he changed his mind. :lol: at that point he left it up to me and I did go back and forth a bit. My youngest was 5 at the time, so we very much were starting over. There are so many baby things you forget and get used to living without. But when it cMe down to it, how could I not? I had wanted it for so long that I just felt like I would regret not having another now that it was my choice. Even if it meant no long bike rides or quick shopping trips for awhile. She is a delight to us all. It is so differrnt having a baby that is #3 in a line of needy little ones and having a baby when you have olders. It's a lot of fun watching them with her and they do help a lot. She has by far been the easiest. So, i'll agree with what others have said, you likely won't regret havng another, but you may regret not.
  18. You didn't want the cabinets. It's his mistake. He should eat the cost. Pay him the $7000 more that you agreed upon.
  19. Well, we don't feed it to her! She doesn't really get to the dog food, since we measure and feed him and he eats it all. (he's fed in his crate. He's occasionally growled at the kids while eating, so we don't risk it) The cat food is a little tougher, since he (was) fed on demand. She thinks his bowl is her personal snack container. I've taken over feeding him and give him just what he'll eat right then, but things don't always go according to plan. And if he begs the kids instead of me, we'll see her carrying around the cat bowl a little later. She likes it so much that if she's nearby while he's eating she'll sit by his bowl and shoo him away. Which we, of course, don't let her do. Bu it was pretty funny watching the poor cat stand there wanting his food while she took over. Eta- I thought pet food was supposed to be safe since so many kids do eat it. ??
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