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Everything posted by Scuff

  1. I did not see non-consentual stuff going on beyond bra strap snapping. I went to a rather large public school. I don't doubt that it happened, but it wasn't rapent. And being a large school, it was easy not to see things.
  2. Thank you. Ours isn't on the list. It must be new enough that they took care of the problem. My 18 mo old loves to eat whatever cat or dog food she can find. :ack2: So it's good to know it's ok!
  3. Yeah, it makes sense that she would only have trouble breathing eith activity. Definitely get her checked out, but don't worrry yet. It could get bad, or it could stay minor. They really can't tell until she hits puberty (forgot how old she was) Most people will stop prgressing at puberty, some don't. It will also depend on how it progress, what triuble she has. I have scoliosis and didn't stop progressing. It makes pregnancy hard the second half. I go to the chiro regularly, and that keeps the pain down a lot. But it doesn't really affect my organs too much.
  4. The Natural Balance link didn't work. I just bought this last night, since Solid Gold was giving him diarrhea.
  5. One of the sad things about this, that will hopefully rectify itself with time, is that many doctors are still ignorant of the disease. I love my dr that she recognized the possibility of wc in my 8yo and prescripted the antibiotics just incase. (and she's usually conservative about such things) i credit that and breastfeeding with saving my 4 wk old dd's life. But even though we had a confirmed case, many other drs were in denial. My unvac. Nieces and vac. College-age cousin apl caught it from us. Even though they were exposed to known cases, their drs would not recognized that it could be wc. The cousin switched drs and got the care they needed. The nieces got multiple misdiagnoses and frustration even when it was obviously wc. I also had trouble with an er dr who just thought I was paranoid when I brought in my baby one weekend. (she had atypical symptoms and was not the child eho tested positive. It was Sunday night and by the time i had argued with them for hours, she had gotten better for the time being and I knew her dr would take care of it when she opened in a few hours.) (babies that young often don't have the dtrength to cough a typical whoop. They spit up instead. They still have the cold symptoms and still can have trouble breathing, but they are silent about it. This doesn't mean they are not sick and is still quite dangerous, even if they don't sound bad. Actually, it can be worse, since they don't wake you to alert you to trouble.)
  6. People are sick and need transplants and one can choose to donate organs. These are seperate issues. Kinda like adoption and infertility. Yes, they work together. But just because you're infertile, doesn't mean I should automatically give you my baby. The decision to adopt out needs to be made independent of your needs and desires. Same eith organ donation. I'm not killing you by not donating my organs. You may die from your illness, and that is tragic. But it's my body and an intrinsic part of me. donating organs is a personal decision that each person needs to make freely. No one should feel guilty that they don't want to or that they didn't donate a loved one.
  7. I was thinking that they were tangled into each other's web, but then she breaks free. I didn't think about color at all. You all have some great ideas, though! DH plays this song a lot. I don't even care about the lyrics- I like the tune of it and the way it blends together and their voices.
  8. Febreeze makes a (expensive) laundry soap that is great for getting out cat pee.
  9. I would be annoyed that this office lady can't tell the difference between a serious need and a boy who wants to get out of school. But in her defense, it's probably better for her to be safe than sorry. I would be even more annoyed at ds for his dishonesty. I'd have to come up with serious consequences to deter this behavior. (staying inside is a great start. You come home sick, you get a boring life while you are "sick". But since he keeps doing this, I'd up it. Maybe he needs to rest in bed for a day or two after he returns to school. Or maybe he can spend his obviously not sick time scrubbing the walls. But somehow this boy needs to understand that he's not to do this.
  10. I was just about to ask about this. I have gotten about 4 emails and thought maybe someone had hacked my account. But when I checked amazon the only orders were actually mine.
  11. I don't think the test is completely reliable, either. There's a small window for when they will test positive and often it just appears as a cold then. My 4 had it last winter and only 1 tested positive. She didn't even have the worst symptoms.
  12. How would she feel once she was pregnant? Would she tell him? How would he react then? Or would she claim it an accident for the rest of their married lives? If you ask her these things, will she see how this could be bad for her marriage? I understand. Really, I do. DH and I talked about 4 or 5 before we were even married. Then he wanted to stop at 3. It tore me up for many years not to have #4. Then he changed his mind. But how could I live with myself if I had tricked him into another? I suppose if a dh was being wishy-washy and you knew without a doubt he'd be happy, so you just got sloppy, that would be one thing. But this dh has clearly stated his wishes.
  13. So, assuming we actually communicate with our loved ones, what's the point of the registry?
  14. Back when you could just sign the back of your license, I did. Now that you have to register, I don't. DH knows to donate my parts when I die. Provided we don't die together, that should be enough. It may not be logical, but I get very weirded out at the thought of my name being on a list saying you can cut me up and give away what's inside. I don't really see how it's an invation of privacy, and I'm sure it makes the process faster and probably better at saving lives. But it feels like one.
  15. Lol yup! Sometimes this forum is as much a curse as it is a blessing. :) thanks for the reassurance. I think i'll work a little over the summer with outlining and notes from the 6th grade book. (bought i last year for a great deal used.) Tell me more about the dvd deal. The only one I had heard about was for buying 6 subjects. I do want to do the dvds. As you noticed, I'm going to be quite busy this fall!
  16. So would it be too difficult for a child who hasn't done much note taking or outlining? DS is a little behind in writing, but I'm afraid he'd be bored with the 6th grade text. He's in 5th this year, but he's bright and has a fall b'day. (so older) I bumped him up in math and English in January and it's a much better fit. He loves science, but we've mostly unschooled it up until this point. (For middle school+ I want something more formal) I'd also like to get him a year early so that he can take an advanced science his senior year, if he'd like.
  17. If he understands to concept, move on, Continuing toworking on facts each day.
  18. I voted for Owen because it sounds like that one holds the most meaning for you. I would not use Charli with Callie. That's a recipe for disaster when I tried to call them. For a girl, I love Charlotte. I also like Elizabeth, though dh hasn't let me use it. So I voted for that. :) but I do think Charlotte Mae is very cute. *I don't know why my phone insists on quoting someone. Won't let me just reply.
  19. 1 can cream of mush soup, 1 stick of butter. Use can to measure out equal parts milk and rice. Bake with raw chicken quarters about 1-2 hours. (takes longer with brown rice.
  20. Give the bread, because it is a kind thing to do for someone having a rough time, and let things fade. They are making it obvious that things are different, so let them be. You can find better friends. (and oh my goodness, are we in middle school?!)
  21. Interesting. Heredity isn't always cut and dry. (reminds me that my sister has one hazel eye even though dad has blue and mom has green) now I want to type my kids. (though I'm pretty sure they'll still be Os. They come from a long line of Os)
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